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Everything posted by Soulfire

  1. Wait.... this is because of a SPAM filter?!!!!! A SPAM FILTER!! On /say!!!!!!!! Something they could easily, EASILY have disabled a month ago when the bug reports started flying in, until they figured out how to make it less sensitive or, like, not kill our gameplay & roleplay communities, by testing it more before re-implementing it? Half my friends are gone & our community is barely hanging on in our out of game forums because of a bug with a spam filter that they could have removed a month ago and re-tested instead of inconveniencing and KILLING RP communities for over a month. No wonder you guys haven't been saying anything to your customers.
  2. Overall, I have never seen this level of poor customer service and dev attentiveness to essential, base-gameplay issues, in my 14 years of gaming. And the game finally developed a bug that made playing how I prefer impossible. /Say has been broken for OVER A MONTH, with no ETA for fix. There has been next to no communication from Bioware regarding this broken, essential feature to any MMO. Dev & CSR teams in other current games keep players constantly abreast of such massively troubling bugs and issues via twitter & social media. Yet the best they can tell us, after OVER A MONTH of a bug that kills a core system, is that there is still no ETA. They give us no detail or explanation as to what is being done, nor straight apology for the community destroying inconvenience it is causing whole server groups that have been loyal to their game for it's duration. In one month's time, the sizable (50+ active) roleplay community I am a part of has shrunk, easily, by half. No one bothers logging in anymore because we cannot communicate with each other reliably in game. Twelve & counting weekly cross faction events, core community sustaining events we have been holding religiously for two years, have had to be cancelled or moved out of game. The game is already thin in content and social support and niceties to begin with, but when they remove the ability for players to support their own in-game social content, they shoot themselves in the foot. Or in this case, the pocketbook. I refuse to pay for a game where I cannot reliably communicate with all of my friends. I refuse to pay for a game where two short notes of 'No ETA' is considered enough attentiveness over five weeks, to entire communities who are watching their friends disappear daily, because they cannot socialize in game anymore.
  3. Official reply to this issue just posted in THIS thread:
  4. Good helpful hint. Back on topic- Today I am feeling really sad. A group of the more active community leaders for our roleplay group just had our first talk about what to do to hold the community and our private forums together, as this bug persists. This bug has already forced our RP to migrate nearly entirely out of game, and the lack of communication from the devs regarding any progress or the complexity of this issue has, at this point at one month & going, caused an irreversible loss of trust within the customer base which this bug most effects. It seems so small a thing, but the toll it is having on our core gameplay and our community of friends is draining and heartbreaking. These are people I have been gaming with for two solid years, and every day another one cancels, and many more simply don't bother logging in. I cannot help but remember what it was like in SWG at NGE, when SOE learned the hard way what pissing off a player base does to a game. This bug may not elicit the same mass-cancellations, but it is damaging multiple player communities regardless. I am sad, watching my friends struggle with what to do to keep our group of 50 some SW lovers going, outside of the game we all once loved. I am sad watching my best gaming partners research how borked the guilds they've led will get when they all go free-to-play. And mostly I am sad because at this point, any communication is almost too late to repair the damage done in community trust for this game and player experience, for the community of players I have come to know as home. One month is too long to keep your players in the dark on a core, broken, feature. No new raids or toys or bobbles can repair that trust.
  5. We on Begeren Colony have been waiting through this RP-crippling chatbug for nearly a month now, watching our attendance slowly die, and moving our two-year long-standing multiple weekly events out of game to private chatrooms. (The bug in question- /say chat does not show in the chatbox, even to the local client, when there are cross faction players nearby.) We are certainly not the only community suffering, and spinning heels for lack of a word on this bug and fix. Lets make our voices heard, respectfully, together. A month is too long to go without so core a feature for our playstyle. Or really any game- as communication is paramount in any MMORPG. In this thread- feel welcome to share how your group is circumventing this bug, and what you are doing to wait it out in the meantime. To add to the cause- here are some popular threads asking for a fix and information on what is happening with this bug: Under Bug Reports Under Customer Service Under General Discussion Some are more productive than others, but the sentiment is the same. This bug has been killing our ability to play the game the way we prefer for a month now. I personally truly miss the intrigue of our BC friday night cross-faction parties, and monday cross-faction rowdy pub crawls that have been a staple of my gaming life for nearly two years. Taking them to visual-less chatrooms is not the same, and it's harming my enthusiasm for the story I love day by day. Lets band together for a fix!!! Chat-bugs hurt more than RP, they hurt communities.
  6. Hi. I am a paying subscriber, and (another) one of several representatives for the Begeren Colony Roleplay community. We have had to cancel and move our weekly social RP events out of game for a solid month now, multiple weekly events that have been going on for nearly two years standing, because of the cross faction-chat bug. We are certainly not the only server nor roleplay community suffering. (The bug in question- /say chat does not show in the chatbox, even to the local client, when there are cross faction players nearby.) Over the last four weeks our attendance has dwindled, our members have drifted to other games, participation even in basic gameplay has diminished to a standstill as the reason we all play- to play the game as a community and create story across-factions, is nigh impossible because of this bug. RP is not the only thing affected by such a breakdown in communication either, I am certain your standard player-base is also upset they cannot talk with their cross faction friends fluidly within the game client. It would do our community as a whole, as well as the many other roleplay communities & affected players out there, a great deal of good to have some clear and direct explanation as to what is being done on this bug. One month of, what is for us, a game-breaking issue, is a fast way to lose clients. That we are even still playing shows we can be patient, but without some communication and clarity from those working to fix this issue, even our patience can only hold so long. Please let us know what is being done on this fix. Thank you for your time.
  7. This is still an ongoing issue, and is beginning to lead our roleplay community to atrophy- after 3 weeks of not being able to use basic cross faction chat!!! Nearly a month of broken basic chat systems! We on Begeren Colony have held cross-faction social roleplay events twice a week, for nearly TWO YEARS, and this single bug has brought all of our events to a standstill. Our work-around has been forum chatrooms and simply NOT PLAYING THE GAME. These are loyal paying customers who play to be social and creative and whose primary reason for logging in is now borked. PLEASE FIX THE CROSS FACTION CHAT ISSUES! When you lose the ability to communicate, you lose communities, and community builders. Then you lose trust. Then you lose paying customers.
  8. MORE COLOR CHOICES. Either by use of dyes or just MORE please please please please please please color choices in our armors. The republic is a very BROWN and drab place for a group of free peoples!!!!! Also more styles. I would love to see more choice overall. Just make all the armor and looks out there possible for purchase with coins choices and give us better control over color options and more color. I HATE that the same top will give me cool color trim on a darker skin character and then look like a potato sack on a paler one. It's infuriating, after purchasing an outfit based on how it looked on your one toon to discover that it turns into mud on another.
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