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Posts posted by Lurkz

  1. So yesterday I got swtor. After numerous problems getting it to run, it has been incredible. But a problem has risen. Yesterday I got my light saber on my Jedi knight at lvl 7. I managed to kill the bad jedi with stims and med packs, but the troll type thing that comes after you when you finish makin your light saber keeps killing me, am I like, stuck now? Do I have to re roll? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    No, you're not stuck and don't need to reroll. The troll type dude that appears is a bonus. Even if you don't kill him you will be able to progress with your quests. Just return and turn it in and continue on (though as the other poster said, you must have skipped stuff because you should be higher than lvl 7 when you get your lightsaber thus making the bonus guy a lot easier).

  2. Power is a secondary stat that increases damage and healing. Focus on your primary stat of aim. However, for dps power or crit are probably useful secondary stats but don't prioritize a secondary stat over your primary one.


    Check out the trooper forums for advice on which secondary stat to focus on after aim and also how much you want to shoot for.

  3. Are you talking about the preference button that appears on the left side of the screen at the character select screen? Because I've tried that one..and I didn't see any options for what your talking about listed there. Is there another prefernces that you can get into while actually in the game?


    Yeah, hit escape and the game menu pops up. Select Preferences from there.

  4. Also..while I have all of you great people helping and giving me advice..is there a way to make it possible to have more than just two rows of abilities shown on screen in the game? So that I don't have to cycle throw the pages to use them...I read some where that some one said you could enable it by going into your preferences...but when I did that I didn't see any options for it listed.


    Preferences -> User Interface. You can enable a second bottom bar and one on both the left and right side. Every slot can be keybound by clicking on the Keybindings tab at the bottom of the Preferences window and going to the "quickslot" section.


    In the UI section of Preferences you can also set it so your companion bar appears on the right or left side instead of the bottom.

  5. Ahh thank you very much. I always wondered what that blue bar was that randomly appeared above the target's portrait. His attacks that are the most annoying and damanging are his force throw ability and the force power where he lifts me up and slams me back down. I'm still getting used to MMOs this is only the second one that I've ever really played.


    I'm not sure if those specific ones can be interrupted (been a while since I did the fight) but if they can't be, still interrupt the others because even if those other abilities don't do as much damage as the instant ones, it equals out to less overall damage and will help you survive.


    If you have more questions please keep asking! There's several of us that loiter in this forum and can help. :)

  6. Wow I have to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for responding. It's a major compliment to this games community to have so many willing to jump in and help. Thanks to everyone, I feel like I have a better understanding of what Orange gear is and it's purpose along with a better idea of the mod system.


    I suppose, because I just hit level 10 and am still on the starter planet, it will make more sense to me once I see the gear and mods offered from specialty vendors (commendations.)


    One of my concerns is, with the constant need to keep your Orange gear upgraded, wouldn't that become pretty costly, especially for your first character where I'll be broke most of the time from upgrading skills and repairing armor?


    Since I'm planning on continuing my journey at a Sith Inquisitor, which crafting skills would be the better benefit? I saw someone post that the orange gear being modded or reward gear will most likely be better than what I'd end up creating for myself. I don't want to waste time or credits on something that won't turn out to be useful or profitable.


    Another question. Now that I have my companion, what's the best way to gear him up? Is it better to buy heavy armor from vendors or use loot/reward gear?


    Sorry for the continuing saga of questions but you all have been extremely generous and helpful with your knowledge. I'm really learning alot!! :D


    Actually, it's not that expensive to maintain orange gear because on later planets there will be modification commendation vendors where you can buy the components for your moddable gear with commendations rather than credits. And you'll get plenty of commendations from questing.


    For your companion, use loot and quest reward gear.


    Basically, never spend credits on gear unless you absolutely have to. You can buy orange gear for both you and your companion with commendations also.


    Additionally, as another option, instead of synthweaving you could get cybertech as your crafting skill. Cybertech crafts armorings and mods for armor so you would just need to buy the enhancement and hilt pieces for gear.

  7. What do you mean by interrupting? Sorry I don't know all the MMO lingo. And I'm several levels higher than he is...my Knight is level 26..Kira's brother is like level 23.


    That is likely your problem then. You have an ability as a Jedi Knight called "Force Kick". Using this ability while the enemy is casting a longer ability will interrupt the enemy and stop their cast. You can tell when the enemy is casting one of these because a little cast bar will appear over their portrait. As long as you kick before that ability bar fills up you should interrupt him, causing the ability to not be cast.


    Bind Force Kick to somewhere easy to use (I have it bound to a mouse button) and then figure out what the worst abilities are that the guys uses. Some cast time abilities aren't that bad so you can ignore them but some really really hurt. Figure out which ones are giving you the most fits and then interrupt his cast every time you can. This will make the fights a lot easier.


    And as the previous poster said, you can do some other quests and space missions and the like to get some quick credits so you can repair before going back to fight this guy.

  8. Are you interrupting whenever possible? I seem to remember needing to interrupt his big things on my Sentinel or getting demolished.


    Also, what level are you compared to him?

  9. Could you provide a source for this, as it contradicts a lot of things I've heard about their intention to not just record a lot of the same dialog but with pronouns swapped, etc -- that they wanted SGRs to feel as organic and natural as the current relationships, rather than being a cheap add-on.


    Not saying you're wrong, but this is the first I've heard indicating this. I'd like to see the actual words so I can judge for myself.


    It was in that same discussion. They said they'd been working on SGRAs since before launch but time and budget constraints kept them from finishing in time for launch. They also went on to say that they already knew which companions would be allowed for SGRA since they'd been working on them.


    Not sure if there's a transcript or the videos of the Summit up anywhere yet unfortunately.

  10. OR the companions that would be available for SGR's were not released at the start or are still being worked on. If it was for the current companions it likely would have been available already IMO.


    Not necessarily; not if they're rewriting the companion stories for SGRAs like they said they were at the summit. We won't know until they come out later this year but honestly, adding to the current ones would be less work and cost less than creating a whole slew of new companions. I'm expecting a combination of the two personally since there are several companions, as has been pointed out several times throughout this thread, that seem to be pretty obviously already partially written for SGRAs.

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