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Posts posted by Lurkz

  1. Hmm I'm still torn on the whole idea of a Russell T Davies-esque vision of the future (or a long time ago in a galaxy far far away) in which everyone is effectively bi, sure it'll be great to be able to romance all characters in either gender and would add some spice and variety for repeated playthrough, but I think it might work better if were certain characters go that way and some dont, effectively how it is normally...I dunno, like i said: torn on the issue. I agree a toggle effectively says 'homosexuality should be censored' snd ergo passes the message that it's somehow 'wrong' to be gay, however i'm still not sure if suddenly opening up every single character like that kind of makes them less believable than they were before.

    I would agree however it would work great with some of the current characters (I can see Doc being both man and womaniser working brilliantly, and Kira being open to both i feel works well too)


    Actually, they implied that they aren't going the "everyone is bi" route. At the guild summit they stated they knew which companions would be available and which ones wouldn't and that they are working on stories to make it plausible and done right.

  2. ... pretty every forum except the PvP forum is PvE oriented. Particularly the Flashpoints, Operations, and Heroic Missions forum which constitutes much of the end-game PvE content. A generic PvE forum wouldn't really be very useful, there would be too much stuff in it. That's why it's broken up into things like "FPs, Ops, and Heroics", "Classes", "Story", etc.
  3. I noticed that when I first started the Imperial agent storyline that when Keeper spoke to me, I could hear him talk, but his mouth didn't move. Is there something that I need to change in my settings to keep this from happening again? Also, does your companion only stay with you during your story? One more question, Are Imperial agents good at pvp or not so much?


    It's just a glitch when the NPC mouths don't move. You could bug report it but it happens fairly infrequently that I've seen.


    Not sure what you mean about your companion. Once you get a companion they stay with you the rest of the game though you can only have one present/at your side at a time. If your companion has disappeared and they have already officially joined your crew, hit the "N" key and you can resummon them. You could also click on the circle in the lower left corner of your screen where the companion portrait usually is and that will summon your most recent companion.


    No idea about pvp, I avoid it.

  4. Real world American and I would assume most English speaking militaries refer to ranking officer as Sir, regardless of gender. So I am pretty sure that was intentional.


    No, American military members call female officers "Ma'am".


    However, if you read the codex in game, this is a deliberate decision as higher ranking officers within both the Republic and Empire are called "Sir".

  5. The Knight can either spare Praven, and he'll join the Jedi if you do so, or kill him.



    I killed him and wasn't aware he actually stayed alive even if you didn't. For some reason I thought he killed himself even if you spare him. Learn something new every day. :)


  6. Thanks, so which class do you think is better the consular or the Jedi knight?


    It's really a playstyle thing. If you prefer ranged type DPS or Healing and like the mana-type mechanic, then go Consular. If you enjoy melee DPS or tanking and don't mind a rage-style mechanic, then go Knight. Personally, I love my Sentinel, it's a lot of fun and forces me to pay attention to what I'm doing due to the "build focus/use focus" resource style. But I know a lot of people who really enjoy their Sages/Shadows also. You could always try them both, it doesn't take much to level through Tython and that should give you a basic feel for how the resources work and whether you prefer the playstyle.

  7. What do you mean by ‘Consuler/Inquisitor use “their for pool differently” from Warrior/Knights”


    Consular/Inquisitors are more of a "caster" type. They use the force to throw things and attack from a distance. Knights/Warriors are a melee class. They use the force to amplify their lightsaber attacks (though the resource is actually called focus in game).


    Technically all the classes are using the force as they are all Jedi/Sith; they just use it differently because they have different mentalities and focuses.

  8. If a poll was made I`m sure ppl would sacrifice the name for server wide Legacy.


    What do you guys think?


    I wouldn't. I like the Legacy name; it's kind of the whole point. This is your Legacy and names are the focal point of any legacy. Think of Julius Caesar, or Da Vinci, or William the Conqueror... sure, the meat of the legacy is their actions but the name is what people recognize and associate with it.

  9. oh and balancing for balance sake is stupid balancing everythign to c**p destroys the game (look at WoW now compared to how it started) balancing should only be done on a mechanic that makes a massive boon to a class that makes it over powered in relation to the rest of the game (like giving sith warrior ship a X10 nuke and then changing it to anti armour shell) i think the talents need overhauled to the specialisations of the calsses their for rather than balancing to the other classes in relation


    In a multi-player game things have to be balanced. If the classes are not balanced in terms of how well they tank or damage or heal then everyone will just play the class that's "best" instead of what they actually want to play. Small edges are one thing but overall, they have to balanced. In a single person game it's not as big of a deal (though, even there, the classes you can pick from tend to balance out overall in order to make every class appealing).

  10. Then just get rid of the name, problem solved.....


    The name isn`t realy the most important part of the legacy and it`s not realy worth it to server block ppl that like to experience other servers and other server communities.


    Fair enough, though they'd probably have to fairly extensively revamp things to do that. But still, as the system is now, there's a perfectly logical reason to keep it server locked and that's the name.

  11. Because making it game wide now locks every other person that plays the game out of that Legacy name and that would be a very bad idea. Imagine if your character name prevented EVERYONE else that plays from using that name no matter what server... now imagine you're the person on a completely DIFFERENT server than that first person who wants to use that name. Nope, now you're screwed and have to come up with more and more elaborate names to use in order to get one that's not locked by someone.
  12. As has been stated many many times on these forums: Empire does not automatically equal "OMG EVIL!" and Republic does not automatically equal "Fluffy bunnies and we're all GOOD and WONDERFUL!" You can be a "light" Sith who just doesn't believe in killing helpless people or pointless slaughter but who still embraces all of the ideals of the Sith and the Empire. You can be a "dark" Jedi who does not believe in the Sith tenets at all but still believes in doing what is necessary to protect the Republic as a whole.


    Alignment and faction are totally separate things and as you play you'll see that being "light side" as a Sith doesn't prevent you from embracing the abilities and force-user mentality of a Sith; nor does being a "dark side" Jedi prevent you from embracing the abilities and mentality of a Jedi.

  13. I know it seems like something not worth mentioning, but if you are a female gamer you know why she brought it up. Strangely enough (and sadly enough) it is still an issue after all these years. There are some games I don't even bother letting it be known I'm female just to avoid the distraction that comes with it. "Hey, you're pretty good for a girl", "Well, look at her go!", so many silly things that would never be said to a guy. If it were a guy it would just be "nice shot, man" and move on. Like it's so surprising and such an accomplishment that a girl would be able to do it. It's stupid, but it still happens in just about every game I've ever played.


    Yeah, this. My current WoW guild leader is a woman and my TOR guild is IRL friends so it doesn't happen as much in these games but anything else? Or if I mention to people at work or whatever "Yeah, I was playing X" this weekend... man, you get the weirdest looks and/or comments.


    I'm also still boggled when I see gaming clothes for women (N7 hoodie FTW!).

  14. Cerulean pretty much covered it all but I'd like to point out that security keys are a) really cheap for the physical ones and b) free if you have a smartphone as you can just get the app.
  15. Companion conversations are tied into both your affection level and your class story. You need to progress the class story and he'll eventually talk to you again. He'll likely have several conversations at once given how high his affection already is.
  16. When it says 'Requires Generator' it means you must have the ability 'Armor Proficiency: Power Generator'. Just like heavy/medium/light armor, you need the appropiate proficiency to wear it. If you're a smuggler like your avatar suggest, you won't be able to equip generators or shields (ever). Smugglers get scatterguns in that slot instead.


    You only get scatterguns if you're a Scoundrel. Gunslingers have a second blaster.

  17. It does reset but the pop-up will still tell you it has a cost based on the last respec cost. As long as you have that amount in your bank, when you click OK it will tell you "It's been a week since your last respec! Your cost is 0!" and won't actually charge you.
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