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Posts posted by Eortotai

  1. Not done Gargath yet but I'd be surprised if you needed more than 8.


    For the Belsavis one all you need is 2 tanks and 2 healers and however many dps you feel like bringing (4 decently geared dps will bring him down very fast, you can probably beat the enrage with as little as one or two).


    From my experience (Primal Destroyer 3 times and Gargath twice, with no drop any of the times to boot) the Primal Destroyer is easier than Gargath. As stated, you need one tank to pick up the adds and one tank to tank PD. Then assign one healer to each. It's also good to have 2+ DPS. I don't have information on if he has an enrage timer, but he DOES enrage if you kill one of his adds... so don't do that. Other than that, he's only got 400k something health so he gets smoked pretty fast.


    Gargath doesn't have any adds, but he hits pretty decently. The hard part about him is that he "turns his attention" to the other people of the group and does some nasty AOEs to them. If you see the red marker on the ground, RUN. You'll only need one tank but I'd recommend at least 2+ healers, and don't bring anyone level 45 or under as they will only take 1-3 hits from the AOE before they're dead. Bring as much DPS as you can because his enrage will wipe you.

  2. With me around, I doubt it will stay that way. ;)


    Yeah, there is Gargath the Snow Giant. He drops Magenta Schematics. When we killed him, he only dropped a level 45 earpiece and I think a level 45 Juggernaut chest. He's only level 49. :)


    Edit: Gargath actually has around 1.4 million HP. The lower-level world boss has less. Is that the one with 900k HP that was mentioned?

  3. You can obtain them from Crew Skill Trade Vendors. You can generally find one wherever there are crew skill trainers (including on your faction's fleet). You can also get them from Archaeology missions, but they don't pop up nearly as much as the other missions do.


    EDIT: You'll find that at each new tier of crafting materials there will be a new material you need. I believe next for you is Brocart Filaments. You get each one in the same manner, the Crew Skill Trade vendor has them.

  4. Yeah Iv been feeling like that too, The Empire numbers on my server are fine but the republic is dwindling. They need to consolidate servers, fix the bugs, and bring people back.

    Honestly, I love this game. I was not a WoW fan, and I was never much for MMO's. But iv spent countless hours playing this and I havent wanted to unsubscribe yet. I do get angry about Hutt-ball, Collectors edition vendors, and how overpowered the sith are in PvP, but I know bioware will fix it.


    Collector's Edition Vendors have a couple customizations for your first companion, other random garbage, and 1 exclusive set of empty orange armor. You can take that one off your list. :p

  5. Can I get the coordinates for both the chest and the vendor that sells the keys? I'm going to need that when I make my 40-50 matrix cube after I get the yellow one from the sith planet, probably this weekend.

    I'm not sure what the coordinates are, but when you land at Bugtown (bonus series area) just open your map and turn on the vendor filter. There's an oddly placed vendor almost directly east of the taxi. You'll want to buy the key that opens the Tatooine Import Crate, as the other key opens a crate that actually has a datacron in it that is located elsewhere.

  6. I think they are all pretty ugly, I would like to put heavy emphasis on that. I dont know who the concept artists were, but man...wow.


    I was hoping they would have at least got the KOTOR Mandalorian armor style into the game...but nope...the iconic Mando look of the era and one of the coolest suits in KOTOR didnt even make it in. Why do MMO art teams suck so freaking bad.


    This, this, this, and THIS! How the hell was this an oversight? It was THE iconic sign of a Mandalorian in. I LOVED that armor in KoTOR I & II. I mean, this is supposedly the sequel to KoTOR, right? Hell, even Galaxies tried putting it in (but messed up the helmet). Come on Bioware.

  7. If they give us all the best/good looking gear at the start of the game (= current end-game), then what they could possibly give us later on with higher tier end-game? :rolleyes:


    More/different/just as awesome looking gear? ;)


    I like my lv 40 PvP SW Armor.... the rest is trash or color swaps of trash.


    I don't understand how they messed this up so bad.


    TOTALLY agreed. The amount of different gear (read: color swaps) is horrendous. And the end-game gear for all but maybe the Bounty Hunter (except the mohawk-helmet) and the Sith Warrior armors look utterly stupid and/or boring.


    I'd love to get inside the head of the person that thought to themselves "Man, what should we make end-game Ops gear look like? OH we'll just reskin stuff you can get at earlier levels and add huge spikes sticking out the shoulders."


    100% Agree. The columni, rakata and tionese all look exactly the same too, which is ........................


    AND this too! It's like when you get a better piece of gear, they go "Oh here let me paint that helmet red. Now you REALLY look awesome!"

  8. /signed.


    I play a Sorcerer healer. I was in awe when I previewed the Ops gear for Inquisitors. One set makes you look like you're wearing a dunce cap, the other makes you look like a child dressing up as a buffalo. I will not be spending tokens until they come out with different designs or revamp current ones.


    As a matter of fact, most armor from level 30 on is recycled; simply different colors or a different accessory on the same chest and helmet over and over. Hell, the Rakata helmet for Sorcerers has nearly the same skin as a level 49 green helmet!


    On the other hand, I think the PvP Sorcerer gear looks spectacular, and the Sith Warrior PvP and Ops gears look awesome too. They may be recycled, but they still look awesome.

  9. This


    Lastnight on my server had over 300 people on the republic fleet. 120 on tatoonie in the phase i was in.


    My server is growing in numbers which is good.


    A few more wouldnt go a miss, But we are only a month in and MMOs take time to grow.


    That's awesome and I wish my server was like that. At prime time on a weeknight, Vaiken Station has maybe 150 people. Higher-level planets have maybe 30 people on them. I'm an Imperial, and I just started Voss. The last time I saw a Republic player in open-world was on Alderaan, and that was about halfway through when I was about level 34. I'm almost level 49 now, so I haven't seen any Republic players for 3 planets, including the bonus series on Alderaan; aka for 15 levels. The open-world PvP, overall population deficiency, and faction imbalance have me VERY down about my server.


    Also, I think a huge problem with this thread is that people aren't stating which server, server type, and faction they are playing on; just saying "my server is empty."



    For reference, my server is Davik's Estate, East Coast PvP.

    In total I believe I've seen 8-10 Republic players in open world my entire time playing.

  10. I like this thought. Another thought to go along with it is that it's white. And while diamonds would work better for a rainbow type lightsaber (I lol at the thought, but who knows, maybe someday) it may instead be for white. I can see the line of thinking on that at least. And diamonds are made from crushed coal. So find some coal and crush it. Unfortunately, I"m not sure where we'd find coal in the game. I'll see what I can find.


    Also, another thought just struck me. It's entirely possible that we have to use the depleted white crystal node for the white crystal as well, and it might summon a different boss to fight if we use a different item. Worth a try at least. I mean, it is a white depleted node after all.


    You know, I was thinking that same thing this morning while still in sleepy stupor. Maybe there's a different buff/debuff that gives you a different item to use on the depleted crystals?


    On Balmorra at bug town there was a guy you could buy 2 keys from, one is used to obtain the datacron in bug town, the other (more expensive) is used to open the chest next to him.


    Did anyone open that chest, what's inside?


    That actually contains a piece that allows you to disassemble a matrix cube to get your shards back.

  11. That's because those come pre-cut in the HM FP gear. White crystals won't come pre cut. They'll be like the magenta ones I'm sure. Uncut and needing a schematic to get them cut. I could be wrong of course, but I don't see why they'd do it differently.


    Could be, no one is sure. In beta it was a drop, so who knows if from last build to this build they kept it a drop, made it schematic item, or removed it entirely.



    Stupid question about the pre-order crystal:


    Black Yellow - Pre-order Bonus


    It only has +4 endurance on it. how do you get a higher version of that?





    Much to my dismay, you can't! I wholeheartedly agree they should sell level 50 black-yellows at the Pre-Order Crystal Vendor and make them +30 endurance, so they're still semi-viable but not nearly ideal.

  12. in the corner of said room you have to click on an object, your character will then become worthy.


    So what happens when you use the item that you had to be worthy for?


    I remember a station like that on Tatooine. It was a Rakata charging station. As a trooper it charged my weapon with some ancient alien power, and increased by tech crit chance by something like 40% for 2 minutes. It was in the last stage of the Czerka quest line, where you face off against the Czerka "superweapon".


    I wonder if the one on Alderaan and the one on Tatooine are the same thing? If so, why would the one on Alderaan not allow itself to be used? Perhaps you have to be a higher level?

  13. I would love to hear from a dev on this issue, even if it is a simple yes or no as to the white crystal's in-game status. Preferably a yes with a hint ;)


    Ahh me too. As stated, you can't really take the CSR's confirmations with 100% certainty. And also, they've only ever stated it exists, not that it is obtainable to players right now.


    A hint would be awesome, BUT just a simple yes will appease me. :)



    I found that station on Alderaan. I'm pretty sure it said it was a weapon recharging station. I was sad that my weapons could not be charged :-(


    Can't remember exact location; it was inside, at the bottom of a lift on the right.


    This could be a lead, but we should get an exact location and figure out what it's called and make sure it's not a quest object.

  14. I don't get the impression that they intended for crafting to be so obligating. Generally I just take a few seconds to send 3 companions on what i want them to do and go back to playing the game. Hardly requires any thinking at all.


    One of things I like is that you can craft the recipe as much as you want and that makes it really handy for outfitting your new characters. If people could craft legendary (50+) gear easily then it would be flooding the market all over the place by people that like staring at the crafting options 10 hours a day instead of playing a game.


    I would rather see it be a crafted item that requires mats which you can only get from FPs/ops or that are loot items from a nightmare mode or something. Having the best gear at an open vendor just doesn't feel 'legendary', especially when everybody else has it. I think that would create more incentive to do those modes and keep that armor very rare.


    That is true, but the fundamental problem with crafting in this game is that the gear you're most likel going to be running the FPs/Ops in is most likely already better than anything you can make with the materials you are going to get from those FPs/Ops.


    As you said, it's great for outfitting companions with greens or maybe blues if you feel like it, but that's about where the usefulness ends.

  15. Ok, I'll probably get flamed for this... Star Wars Galaxies...need I say more? The crafting system was unreal! you could play the game just to craft, build your own shop and completely run your virtual store right down to hiring shopkeepers/vendors. Almost no gear dropped in the game all loot was trash loot or junk. I wish someone would have the whoo-ha's to do something like that again. I remember traveling from Tatooine to Corellia just to buy a new carbine...then I had to trek way out into the woods to find the guy's shop. SWG was by far the most immersive mmo when it came to depth of crafting. It seems like that aspect of the game is an after thought now. I pray Bioware does something innovative


    I don't flame you sir, I commend you.


    This would be absolutely amazing. If ever they come out with more classes, it should be a crafter for each faction. Then within that class, there would be Crafting Trees so that you'd have to specialize in one type of crafting of your choosing.


    The next part is player housing/cities. :p

  16. SWTOR crafting is basically a result of conflicting requirements. It will never be compelling or enjoyable to the masses until such time as they fix the conflicts, and even then it will only appease one of two camps.


    There's two ways to look at crafting in an MMO:


    1.) As a profession to make money

    2.) As a method of advancement for a character's ability/power/status.


    I'll call them camp1 and camp2.


    Camp1 is easily defined and demonstrated by Eve Online. It's a system that hinges around a forced consumption of goods (Players primarily produce the best and most items) and a forced restrictions/limitations on production (Blueprints are resources which are limited and tradeable). It's a rational system, and it works. Unfortunately, for it to work you have to keep in mind that not everyone wins. The market is only interested in certain items, and only those people who can provide those items are in a position to make any decent money. That said, if you're into crafting as a profession, it's a compelling system as it's modeled after a system we're all comfortable with - reality. To some extent, the early MMOs were actually in this vein. For Camp1 to work, you also need market tools to make it more viable.


    Camp2 is more loosely defined and ,for the sake of identifiably, I'll just call it WoW-post vanilla. Your crafting skill is basically a secondary (or tertiary) XP bar. As you level your crafting up instead of unlocking new powers you buy at a class trainer, you unlock new items to buy/learn from your crafting trainer. Since this is on a personal level, these items need to be BoP. (You can't trade your powers to someone else, nor can you trade your items). It's on par with the FPS XP system (like Modern Warfare) where you get new guns as you level up.


    In a completely pure world, camp1 is all BoE and camp2 is all BoP.


    It's safe to say that camp1 can't work in SWTOR. Gear is given out all over, and without restriction or limitation. The only way to make professions would be a WAR system of consumables combined with Eve's BP restriction; which has proven to not be enjoyable for crafter or consumer. So, ruling out camp1, leads to a focus on camp2.


    Again, the problem is, someone at Bioware made (and extremely poorly thought out) requirement that "crafting shouldn't be required".


    Crafting is basically viewed as one of three "options", in regards to PvP, PvE, and Crafting. So, in some Bioware designer's mind, it made sense that doing PvP results in you excelling an PvP (Better PvP focused gear), doing PvE results in you excelling at PvE (PvE focused gear), and doing crafting results in... Nobody got that far. They just hacked the current system up and called it a day. You can't have "Crafting focused gear". It serves no purpose. There's no competition in a Camp2 system, so what would you be doing with it?


    The only purpose on crafting is to produce items to excel at combat, or to provide vanity (excel at social if you will). Right now the social aspects of crafting (customs) are terrible. They're BoE, and they're just recolors (at best) or the exact same as items you can get in-game.


    Making gear for alts is great. It's a nice way to have non-combat experiences in the game and in some cases to build social webs. It's just not a good foundation to base a part of your game that's generally important to many MMO players. To some extent, you can blame DAoC and especially the later incarnations of WoW for making Camp2-style crafting, where people feel it's now a secondary XP bar. One way or another though, I think the general consensus at this point is "I should craft to level to fulfill my character" and for that to happen, there needs to be a personally-compelling reason to craft, which their currently isn't, because Bioware has stated in writing that there should be no in-game bonus for crafting that you can't just get through some other method. People will rarely choose the irrational option (which in this case is to spend a huge amount of time and resources/credits to level a skill that results in no gain).


    As an aside, Reverse Engineering is basically a really poorly thought out Camp1 feature, stuck in a Camp2 system; which is why it's so terrible. The idea is to create false limitations by using serendipity to limit production options. Unfortunately, it's as poorly implemented as it was conceived. If there was a fixed limitation (you're allowed to randomly get one item per level) it would work marginally, due to being enforced. As it is though, there's no limitation on production except for time and resource input. There is no skill or ability involved in the development or production capability. Just luck and sometimes patience. Since the system is OTHERWISE a Camp2 system, people just assume they have to crank through the crafting to "succeed" which means they're spending an inordinate amount of time and resources to produce.. nothing. Gear for alts basically, given the fact that the system was designed to deter people from trying to make everything to try to implement production limitations. So people get into the crafting skills and come to the realization "this system sucks".


    TLDR (and no real news): Crafting in SWTOR is poorly thought out, and a direct result of conflicting designs and requirements. It will continue to be an eyesore until the requirements are made consistent.


    My guess is they know this, knew it when they slapped this system together, and didn't really care to worry about it till an expansion.


    I couldn't have said it better if I took 3 hours to think it out. Great job, and I agree.


    /sign for revamped crafting! I think either:


    1. Remove mods from commendation vendors and Daily missions, and make PvP gear not modifiable at all, and make it take more commendations (which would all combined make a lot of people very angry).

    2. Make crafted gear have just as good, if not better, stats than PvP gear, and make it similar to low level ops gear, so it is actually viable for keeping up with and your items will sell.

    3. Completely revamp the entire gear/crafting system. Either make almost all objects modifiable or all objects not modifiable, similar to some earlier builds of beta I played in.

  17. If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


    I would make sure there is a GTN in every major city, or at least the first place you land on a planet (starport or the first outpost). While questing on Alderaan, I was disappointed I had to go back to the fleet to list something.


    Also as already stated, I absolutely believe that you should be able to access your mail on the fly wherever you are but not be able to receive attachments. That way you can still get the info of what you're selling/receiving and you can still send offline guildies mail, just without attachments. To complement this, I think there should be a mail terminal on your ship to deal with attachments.

  18. And what is on german customer support forum?

    Sorry but not everyone speak this language :)


    Original Quote:


    Hallo dsubenni,


    bitte entschuldige die verzögerte Antwort.


    Um direkt zum Punkt zu kommen: Ja, es gibt weiße Lichtschwerkristalle in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Wir würden dir empfehlen deine Mitspieler zu fragen, wo du diese Kristalle erhälst, beziehungsweise mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit du sie von Gegnern erbeuten kannst.


    Viel Erfolg auf deiner Kristalljagd!




    From Google Translate:


    Hello dsubenni, Please excuse the delayed response. To go directly to the point: Yes, there are white lightsaber crystals in Star Wars: The Old Republic. We would recommend you ask your teammates to where you get these crystals, or the probability with which you can capture them by opponents. Good luck on your crystal hunting!


    Also, a few pages back, someone posted a few links to screenshots of a ticket he submitted in-game where the CSR clearly stated that they do exist in game right now.

  19. I don't think it is in the game. Someone else mentioned the legacy system, and I'm started to agree that some of these rare crystals may come from some kind of legacy vendor or legacy quest line at some point in the future.


    The total lack of any kind of response or hint lends weight to these crystals not being in the game at present.


    To OP: do you plan on updating the original post to reflect the confirmations in the German CS forum and the in-game CS ticket or are you taking both of those with a grain of salt? :p

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