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Everything posted by AlacrityFitzhugh

  1. It'd be nice if there were some other way of getting the companion-specific gear normally awarded through missions. I'd like to be able to outfit my seldom-used companions without breaking the bank. (I'm assuming a piece of companion-specific gear would be less expensive than a general item with the same stats.)
  2. ^^^ This. Bodypull, your grammar and spelling mistakes reveal you, like Toto pulling open the curtain.
  3. So, if Bioware has acknowledged that they are looking into it, why continue blathering? Bored at school/work?
  4. Datacrons are perfectly fine the way they are. The concept and placement was thoroughly tested in Beta, and found to be acceptable. If you don't like it, then ignore them. They don't affect your character significantly, and are just little perks for those of us who like to explore.
  5. It's launch day for probably the most eagerly anticipated game of the decade... have patience, maybe?
  6. It's already been nerfed. Used to be much more lucrative. With the nerf, and the boost in money overall, slicing is not that interesting any more.
  7. Pick a spec and stick with it. The system as designed today is not set up for you to switch willy-nilly. Wait until the dual-spec option is in the game (if ever).
  8. Since the game and the forum use the same account & password, I'd think you'd want both to have the same level of security. Of course, other companies/games separate the two functions... and I think EA should too.
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