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Everything posted by Drysdale

  1. I'm looking at putting together a suit with the highest amount of aim/endurance/crit/surge. Two questions: 1. Are the best mods/enhancements/armoring purples from cybertechs or are there better ones out there? As near I can tell they're on par with the Belsavis/Illum dailies. 2. Would I get higher stats from buying orange gear and putting 3mods in them or from buying purples and putting 2 mods in them? Are the innate stats higher on purples? Thanks in advance for all the help!
  2. So I have this Sorc guildly that is replacing enhancements in his Champion gear with crit/surge and just completing raking in pvp(dps or heals). So I'm looking at my champion gear and would end up replacing accuracy and power with crit surge. Would this be a good way to go? Anyone tested this? I know there's no combat log/math on it, but just from testing in mutliple WZ's. Would this be worth it.
  3. Yeah BW should shoot this to the top of the list. Forget the thousands of bugged content and unbalanced pvp/classes.
  4. Yeah, I love how the double AOE heal proc bug for consulars isn't worthy of slapping on a one of these "critical" updates. It's just a "when we get around to it" thing.
  5. +100 Thank you. The Sith on our server are DUMB
  6. Look at this exciting recap of all the fun we have pvping! Although there are two screen caps, it's just the scoreboard from one WZ. It took two screen caps to show all the people that abandoned the WZ. http://i467.photobucket.com/albums/rr33/swggalleries/Untitled1.png
  7. That's what Wound in the Force is and that's pretty bad. What's happening on Ilum isn't pvp, it's ride around hope you get a default shot off on a guy to get some valor.
  8. About how many people does Firkrann Crystall have running around in Ilum on a nightly basis? Anyone know anything about Shadowtown? I have a couple co-workers on that server, would love to play on that one.
  9. I'm looking for a new server. Is there any server that is even remotely close to being balanced? I don't care what faction I play, I just want to be on a balanced PVP server. Wound in the Force is about 3 to 1 Imperial to Republic and just not fun.
  10. Like the sage bug that allows you double heal on a proc from the AOE heal? Whoops! What Imperial favored bugs are you talking about?
  11. Anyone crash as soon as the WZ scoreboard pops up? I did about 10-15 WZ's today and I crashed 3 times as soon as the scoreboard popped up. Anyone else getting this? 2 other guildies have gotten the same thing.
  12. Is there one for Flashpoint, like there is a sticky for the Operations?
  13. I'm looking at making a PvP tank toon and I'm wondering which is better. Basically I'm wondering the following for PvP... 1. Which takes more damage better? 2. Which has more damage output? 3. Which has more taunts/debuffs? Thanks in advance for the help!
  14. I'm trying to get the Green Matrix shard on Belsavis(The Murr Talisman). Does anyone have any tips for the Rakata Energy Cubes? I've been to all the spawn points and can't find 1. Is it on a timer at one spot, spawns at all spots on a timer, based on server reset? This just seems extremely hard compared to all the color matrix shards. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. Is there a list of broken/hi-tuned HM/Raid instances? At the moment the only stuff we can regularly do, without bugs or high-tuned bosses, is BT and False Emporer. Boarding Party and Foundry have too high tuned of bosses. The big 16-man raids are bugged. Gharghl sometimes doesn't spawn platforms, when we try to get back in it says we must reset the instance and the trash respawns when we do. We're getting really frustrated with the bugs in end-game content.
  16. well no matter which terminal we hit or however many times, it would never reset the ship's targeting lock. At about 400% it wiped us, 3 times. We finally got it, but definitely a lot more buggy since the patch.
  17. Yeah man, we know how to do the instance, we've done it multiple times. Just wondering if it bugged for anyone else.
  18. Anyone else having trouble with the ship/1st boss on Hard Mode False Emperor? We've done this a few times, no problem, and now when we hit the terminals the ship just stays and continues to 400% without resetting. We know the correct way to do it, as we've done it multiple times flawlessly, but it's not working since the critical patch.
  19. Anyone else as frustrated by these bugs?
  20. Just tried to run Eternity Vault last night. It was wonderful. The Gharl boss bugged out 3 times. Wouldn't spawn a platform, wouldn't move, wiped and instantly died when we clicked the speeders to ride back. We left the instance and couldn't get back in because it said someone was in combat even though we were all outside. We had to reset the whole and clear another hour of trash that is the most OP trash our guild has ever seen. Good job Biowar. Way to allow beta testers to test in game content. You're going to start losing players if there is, essentially, no in game content.
  21. Just opened my 20th bag, more tokens. I think I've purchased maybe 2 bags. The rest have been from dailies/weeklies
  22. Am I clicking these bags wrong, do I need to stand on one leg and a finger on my nose when I open these? I've opened 19 bags and only gotten bracers, rest are tokens. While guildies are getting a piece like 1 out of 4 times.
  23. So regular beta testers were given a 40 toon for a few weeks, but never a 50 and never again after that. Now all of sudden BW is playing dumb and innocent on the mass amount of buggy end game content. They didn't let beta testers test in game content and now they're seeing the results of that decision. People can't finish class quests(THE big selling point of this game), HM bosses are tuned way to high, zone quests don't work.
  24. Crit has diminishing returns, that's why they say focus accuracy to 100% then work on crit. If you go full crit you'll hit diminishing returns and sub-100% accuracy. So you'll be hurting yourself on two fronts. Whereas cap out accuracy, then go into crit and you'll have a well balanced spec.
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