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Posts posted by IPaq

  1. I prefer to wait a bit to get into a lively bar than to get instant access to a tavern populated with a few burn out drunks.


    3 days and not re-subbing. Xfer without my alt guild, which cost me some creds to get and time to find ppl to get access to guild bank tabs.


    Well in my case, no xfer, since my realm is not a source or destination :(

  2. Not really. We sometimes will read, but only see what we want to see. WoW does not have 12 million subs. They are at 10.2 million and have held steady at that number the last two reporting cycles. What I remember reading was when they had 12 million subs was...5.4 million of those was in North America alone. The rest was scattered across the rest of the world which also counted Europe. Not sure what the figures are now...but I would venture to guess the percentages of the spread is close to the same it was then. But lets say all the 1.8 million they lost was from North America alone.....they still would have over 3 million , which beats any other MMO in total subs by a very large margin.


    Its quite easy to miss the "height of the hype" comment in there... so i felt the need to repeat it.

  3. I smell a whole lot of speculation here. :p Or is it the WoW hatred exaggerating the facts again? It does not matter where the subs are and of course those in Asia will pay a different and lower sub fee than those in the US. You ever heard of a exchange rate? And also the amount of money the majority of those in the US make is unheard of by the masses in Asia. If TOR accesses the market in Asia, they too would count those subs as paying ones. :cool:


    Its all documented in their quarterly reports. You just have to bother reading them =D


    And yes. But people should stop making blanket statement like 12M WoW Subs compared to 1.2M SWTOR =D

  4. You definitely couldn't aoe through them when they first came out like people were doing in Wrath. But if you were smart, used your CC's, etc. then yes they were by no means impossible as some claimed. It was long before the nerfs came though. And kudos to you for being in that small percentage who cleared nax 40.


    Well its normal with the gear inflation.


    Trust me... Naxx/40 was a group effort =D

  5. Cata WAS harder when it first came out, but not near as impossible as some say. After the QQ's and people unsubbing THEN they nerfed it beyond what was necessary.


    Harder for whom? The new players maybe... not the old one I knew.


    I personally stop wasting my time with raids with Ulduar/25. I finally wised up and figure out that I wasn't playing against a game and that the real level of difficulty was created by the stupidity of the other players in the group.


    I now only go in GDKP runs where I'm sure everyone is there a 100% to get their gear and not to be carried.


    PS: Coming from someone that actually bothered being part of the 3% that cleared Naxx/40 pre TBC.

  6. An accusative insult is always an instant win when you're attempting to debate someone isn't it?




    If you were saying we need an adequate game for there to be a point in a lfg too to begin with, I'd be right behind you.




    The punchline to this joke is that this guy like soo many others cannot get a handle on the difference between community of players in an online game VS community of people in their real life world.




    I'm all for that as long there is a server provided that is essentially cut off from x-server LFG so that I'm not paying for it in the form of a degraded game environment even though I'm not using it.




    Likewise, only part of it working well includes them not dumbing down the game and being subject to a degraded game environment so that a single feature can work that I never needed to begin with.


    Cutting a whole argument into piece and out of context is best experienced on Fox News.


    Spamming the same "LFG will kill communities" is just a way for the wrong side to win an argument for the sake of finally winning one.


    A simple fact that MMOs dont have the same communities as it has around 2005.


    if EA/BW want our money they have to provide us with a working sandboxes.


    And if you dislike LFG just don't use it... but don't MAKE EVERYONE not use it because it is against your own preference.


    I think it has to do with something called freedom.

  7. Imagine that. WOW makes the game easier in WotLK, takes all the work out of finding groups, getting to the dungeons, getting back to town, hands out free epics and the subscriber base skyrockets. WOW moves back to a more difficult game with cata, and the player base drops drastically. Anyone else see a correlation?


    Wait, what?


    Cata is harder?


    Oh man you're missing so much context.


    If you had the experience than most long term MMO players have you would know that Cata is the apotheosis of babysitting. And will only be surpass by MoP.


    People are bailing from WoW because they are tired of the bad population and are looking for fun.

  8. Name one person in swtor that is playing with a 100,000 other people. I can name lot's of people that play with closer to 10 on dead servers various times throughout the day.


    The 12 millions subs is out of context.


    The Asia market represent 8 to 10 millions of those accounts because of their pay-2-play up to a maximum of 6 (or 8) hours per week... people are maintaining many accounts.


    At the top of the hype, there was about 4 millions US+EU players... and it is now down to about 2M playing.


    Issue with SWTOR is too many realms for the # of active players. Shrink it, make ppl happy, I don't give a crap about my toon/legacy names, I just want an active realm.

  9. People asked for a LFG tool, and still are gonna be mad that they have a LFG tool? You know folks, people need to blame themselves too you can't put everything on the devs when they are giving you a LFG tool. The players need to use it themselves to make it work, its not like it can just be put there and magically it all works.


    Come on. Drop the schoolyard logic.


    Their LFG tool is like giving us a car with no road.


    If you're doing LFG, you already stepped beyond those crying about loss of community (which is a oxymoron now-a-days in MMO's anyway).


    And to those guys... don't like it, then don't use it, feel free to spam LFG on fleet.


    But if BW/EA want my business... it better work well.

  10. on the PTS forums, AllisonBerryman stated that if you filled out the form before Monday, your character should already be copied over to the PTS. They are still transferring characters in batches so if you fill out the form now, it will be transfered at some point just not immediately since it's a manual process they are using


    Might only works if you're still sub.


    Which isn't my case... I have ~5 days left and was hoping that 1.3 would be enuf to make me re-sub.


    But since THEY forgot about that and decided to ditch ppl like me... we'll never know if it was worth it to re-sub.

  11. Yep, one of the biggest negatives that come with it. Heaven forbid they play to have fun.


    Reminds me of the release of another games expansion. I was in part of the front pack that was running the heroic instances in our greens and blues, because we had nothing better at the time. We didn't have guides, tutorials, or gear requirements. We wiped, but had fun figuring it out. That was then. Now you see silly gear "requirements" to run those same things, by "expert" players who insist it can't be done without them.


    Funny thing is, if the advanced gear is required, how did they get it?


    So explain the fun the rest of the group will have to do an instance 1 person short because you refuse to wear gear and keep dying to every sneeze the boss do?

  12. PVP gear doesn't mitigate stuns. lol, it's not jus aboutt being stunned to death it's about the fact that there are way too many stuns.


    If they don't have a class that is FOTM or StunLock ppl to death they would have no PvPing customers.

  13. After the last night's server maintenance warzones and the game overall does not lag at all everything is nice and smooth, before that i would lag on low settings now i go pvp on maxed out settings with 0 lag. Good job and tnx :D


    No players = no possibility of lag.

  14. So funny story, I ran the Athiss Flashpoint with a Jedi Sentinel that rolled need on "Athiss Scout's Long Range Rifle". Being a soldier and finding this to be a HUGE upgrade compared to what I was using, I rolled need. (drum roll) and the rifle went to..... The Jedi Sentinel!


    Ok so why the fudge is a class that can't use that particular item able to roll NEED BioWare? Are you guys serious? You weren't able to have a five minute sit down and come to a conclusion that this might...oh...gee....be a bad idea?

    See it's not the fact that it's a hard flashpoint to run, but it's the TIME spent running these things with these rocket scientists.


    Long and sort of it, if you NEED because you CAN use it. Then by all means roll NEED. But if you can't use it, please just roll greed or pass.


    I put in a ticket about this and nothing was done to correct this....issue.


    Oh well, I guess better luck next time :rak_01:


    Here it starts again.


    Stop crying over loot lost -or- stop grouping with random "bad" people.


    Unlike real life the game isn't a nanny state. It won't protect you against your errors.

  15. I like how they shove you off to a 3rd party link, asking for your account information. That was something VERY poorly thought out. Condition the players to fall for scam type of things.


    Well they're trying but it shows how much they care for the "look" of things and the whole experience :(

  16. Lorto has a lot of what id love to see in Swtor. the graphics are amazing on Lotro from the water to the snow. Come if Lotro can do it then BW should be able to it just as good. The housing would be simple on swtor if they did it like lortro. I did see that Lortro has done better going F2P and I dont mind microshops at all. An the next Lotro exp coming out you can fight while mounted 'sweet'


    ok, in before it gets closed


    Yeah LotRO is the opposite of SWTOR.


    Award winning software developer, meh graphic (loved their last xpac pre going F2P).


    When SWTOR is all voice/graphic/environment with meh software platform.

  17. I read sopposdly they are already looking to replace Reid, not cut his position completely. Now I liked Reid but maybe their just looking for people to blame and again are replacing some figures as well as firing. I also read there were 800 freaking people total working on things at least somewhat related to swtor so even 200 firings isnt that huge depending on who it was.


    Is there no way this good be good news? I want to make sure before I open my vodka :(


    Rofl... 800 peeps on SWTOR and that's all they have to show for? (Not the content, that's great, but the freakn platform is 3rd rate)



  18. I am frustrated just as much as the other guy, however, having managed software projects for over 10 years, I can tell you, the stuff they are releasing is stuff they had in the pipeline long time ago. Probably stuff that was on the roadmap before release.


    They can do small things like class balances, and believe it or not, the classes are for the most part balanced. Still needs a few more tweaks but I am sure they are coming.


    Any PVP content is going to be 1.5 or later. Content takes time to design, develop, test, beta, test again, release and through into this the stake holder influencing and politics and you got a hell of a long development cycle.


    The game is great, it has a good foundation which is why I keep complaining but keep playing. Hoping they will make it better.


    What often happens thoug is that at some point someone high up just throws in the towel even though the developers think and probably can make it better.


    Just my humble opinion.. but keep the complaints coming. That is how things are noticed.




    Keep defending sub-standard developers (and I'm talking about the software part of it, not the actual content witch its great).


    Look at Skyrim, Rift and how fast they're putting out new features.


    That is because the software is someone focus in those outfit... Unlike EA/BW where they sub-contracted some 3rd rate company to do it for them... and they delivered only that the EA/BW management wanted.


    As of right now... SWTOR is pretty meh until someone with guts take the lead, kick the lazy software devs and make a platform that is worth the money they put in it.


    PS: Heck look at the quality of the platform used for ME3, even that was slow to load, messed eye coordination, crappy cover system, etc.


    Note: I'm not going to boast on the interwebz because it is not relevant since you can't verify it.

  19. Excellent question. The only solid info is that they will be coming in early summer and will be limited (from limited to limited) but there will also be a paid x-fer option.


    So, what does "limited" mean to the developers/EA? That has no definition yet.


    I un-subbed mid free month... If they want to see any money from me again they better allow us free xfer.


    Else why bother.


    PS: Like being stuck "in that other MMO" with a crew of 10 85 with the only prospect is to pay $250 in xfer fee to get them out of a dead realm.

  20. Reasons for unsubscribing..


    I'm pretty sure what happened tonight sums up about the general status of the entire game for most people. I log in prime time around 7 cst, 20 people in fleet, my one friend still playing trying to put together a denova raid. After 2 hours he somehow manages to fill it out. The other healer is saved so we start on boss 2, first attempt, I noticed mortars aren't showing up on the ground, then mysteriously die to an also invisible lightning spike. Next attempt, I go up on the tank thinking something is screwy, entire other side dies to an invisible yellow bomb debuff thing. Third attempt, random deaths to invisible lightning spikes and another wipe for no real faults of our own. At total random all the particle effects were just mysteriously gone and only for some people sometimes, completely baffling. Raid called off as there's nothing we can do, go back to playing Diablo 3 which is currently more of an MMO than SWTOR manages to be.


    Pretty sums it up for me.


    I feel there is a total lack of ownership, responsibility, etc. Its like the software part of the game is no one baby or focus.


    The content is above average but the platform, the way its implemented, the quality, the lack of precision, the total "who cares" if it works... Pretty much annoy the hell out of me.


    If they want my money back:


    . Get more tools into the game, LFFP, LFOP, make them xcross realm or give us free xfer, etc.

    . Get more dynamic event, raghoul was ok, a bit easy, but ok, bigger planet, dynamic weather, etc.

    . Fix bugs within a decent amount of time. Having reported Ivory on my ship since pre-beta to finally getting rid of him with 1.2 is not acceptable.

    . Get software developer that care... not some outside outfit doing it for you.

    . Deal with in-game "bad" people (yeah I can't use the real word without receiving some smurf from the smurfs on this smurf... yup even that make them angry)


    It maybe a joke to the end-game crowd but any "random" in-game surprise make it a fun experience. Don't put stuff on a schedule, don't let ppl know, just make stuff happen at random, it can be rain, it can be day/night change, some wildlife migration, some daily anywhere in the universe, some ME inspired planet mining/daily mission, etc.


    PS: My hourly rate as an idea man is only $125/hour =D

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