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Everything posted by iMate

  1. you obvious have no idea what a troll is... opinions do not equal troll... your the troll for thinking i am trolling..
  2. iMate

    Hello Mythic!

    but they had the most epic world pvp ever.. south shore vs tm.. like come on.. amazing
  3. iMate

    Hello Mythic!

    lets see. they take world pvp out of the game one of the funnest things for pvp'rs ... they give us 3 warzone.. oh so fun really gonna sub for years on end for those... its also externally unresponsive when it comes to pvp combat.. pve no so bad.. and you cant have that for pvp... first patch talk....... PVE PVE PVE PVE... no pvp
  4. iMate

    Hello Mythic!

    gw2 will take all sw's pvp's so they prob arn't going to cater to pvp... if you liek pve its your game
  5. if it wasnt star wars it would have died already... the game its self is not good..... star wars is holding its hand, possibly even picking it up and carrying it on its shoulders.. how long this can last.. who knows its kinda 50 50 .... but tbh... the mmo needs constant account creations to stay alive.. if the first batch of people hit 50.. and that's it.. the game will die.. with its terrible pvp.. clunky combat.. and non existing end game.. im kinda worried.. i watched this game for over 4 years.. really upset with the product bioware gave us.. had high hopes....
  6. bioware made this game to be single player... its not hard to understand... im not even going to get into how bad they messed up the worlds... instanced zones r a game killer...
  7. second this. decent game.. not 300 million dollors good tho. not sure where all the money went.. oh wait.. not sure what bioware was thinking when they made this game.. how many single player games last longer then a few months.. not many...
  8. the game needs better combat... its to clunky atm.
  9. TOR lacks what WoW had .... smooth gameplay.... when wow released it didn't have anything but quests.. a few dungeons and a raid.... but it had flawless, smooth and just plain amazing gameplay... Yea it had server issues... but that didn't matter beacause the actual gameplay was so nicely done people really didn't care.... then you have bioware who spends upwards of 300 million and doesn't even have a perfect feel to the game.. Fanboys will be fanboys but if you run both these games side by side... its a huge difference.. bioware should have developed there game with this in mind. its 2011 for god sakes ..... blizzard developed there game over 10 years ago.. no accuse for having less then perfect gameplay.. this game has everything it needs to be perfect.. they just left that small but extremely important feature out which really baffles me... The gameplay must be perfect... then we can do the other stuff.... i have cut scenes where my guy is doing the most award stuff.. shooting people with no gun... no lips.... dramatic scenes have their music mess up... you also have this empty world of starwars.......... uh last time i checked fight scenes in star wars were massive............. i mean massive..... what does bioware give us... 8v8??? how many 8v8 fights have you scene in the movies......
  10. heard u have to go out of your way to find people... so 50
  11. game will suffer if they do not.. so they prob will take it away.
  12. have you seen anyone else?? i personally feel like everyone got their own server ( q fix )... world is empty yet full?? oh btw.. your color of text is puke yellow.. might wanna change that up bud
  13. I kno rift wasn't on the scale swtor plans to be... but for real... that game had a amazing world.. with just so much life to it.... something swtor must have it.. its freaking star wars for christ sake. i think i saw more people in the first few rifts of rift.. then i've seen leveling 2 charactres past 25 so far... empty star wars universe is kinda weird and lame..
  14. they need to fix the basics before they add stuff.... the game isnt even running smoothly as is... pvp is laggy / clunky.. people r skipping aroud.. abilities are non responsive .... just so many things they need to fix... before they ruin the game with LFG system but yea ah needs to be fixed... they need a customize feature for ui.... but for the love of god.. fix the actual gameplay
  15. game has been live for 2 days.. reroll
  16. they went full blown theme park... took almost all the life out of the star wars universe.. and to be honest i don't see how that's even possible.. sure leveling is kinda fun... but at 50 i want a world that actually seems like a world... its republic vs empire? yet we can't even officially attack each others cities? kinda confused on where bioware is going with their world... atm its dull..
  17. it feels like a single player game... bioware where is the massive part of the mmo
  18. ... best quest so far.... imperial agent starting area, the guy with the gas mask on... i suggest you go try it =p so amazing i was tearing up.
  19. I assume this happens to most people.. when you alt tab back and forth... do you get a 5-10second loading screen every time? like this is stupid
  20. how can u call troll when half the forum's are crying about non responsiveness with it comes to pvp.. have like 2 second delay on everything... some times its before and after casts...
  21. if it wasn't star wars... i could see this game being another dud... it really has bad pvp combat atm.. pve seems fine.. but w.e its star wars so gj bioware for lucking out with a ip.. but tbh its kinda fail atm..after all that money and time i really suspect a much more polished game.... we all know how long it takes mmo's to patch up problems.... most of these problems have been around beta for 5 plus months... so yea unno.. if its taking this long to fix things im kinda worried for the future of tor.
  22. blizzard has had it easy because companys like bioware.. spend so much money on a game... and forget it needs combat responsiveness. and ohter basic things to make it seem legit.. im having fun atm with tor dont get me wrong.. but thats only cause its new.. Yet, i'm already seeing so many flaws with the game... just dont see after this long... and all that money.. the basic game mec. aren't perfect.. imo.. to much money spent on movies.. not enough on making the game flawless
  23. there is a huge difference with and without one.. you must trust the people saying no.. in the end it really kills the mmo feeling.. you want a amazing community... most people dont keep playing mmo's because of how much fun they are having.. 90% of the time its beacuse they have friends and a great community supporting them.. keeping them there..
  24. there is a huge difference with and without one.. you must trust the people saying no.. in the end it really kills the mmo feeling.. you want a amazing community... most people dont keep playing mmo's because of how much fun they are having.. 90% of the time its beacuse they have friends and a great community supporting them.. keeping them there..
  25. and what is with this like 30second afk kicker.. like for real... you miss getting out once.. your locked in and get auto kicked..
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