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Everything posted by Sinku

  1. I'm just going to ignore your entire post on the basis of this whole post is insulting Americans intelligence like you are better than the rest of the world or something. Stop with the elitist stuff and speak a little more friendly and you may find yourself getting much nicer replies.
  2. The game has bugs--just like every other mmo to ever be released. I dont know why so many people are freaking about about tiny small things. Too many people with not enough RL problems to worry about.
  3. The entire thread is useless. They have covered everything you've mentioned already. You are just repeating what BioWare has essentially already said they will be working on. You aren't going to be bashed by MMO veterans for saying this--you will be bashed because you come across like you are speaking down to not only BioWare but every one of us as well. Going on a forums and telling someone "You NEED to do this." like you are some sort of credible authority on the matter will get you nowhere.
  4. Why not take it upon yourselves and vigorously report spammers early on and often.
  5. Seriously another "Lunch" thread? This was done like 6 times already dude.
  6. That stinks man! Thanks for being in Afghanistan though! Whats your name? PM me I will give you a special thanks/shoutout on my podcast next episode!
  7. Whatever OP--24 hours from now when everyone is in these threads will COMPLETELY stop. GUARANTEED. It's just impatient people on here pissig and moaning.
  8. First Sith companion looks like Nemesis! Im not slamming it--its a sweet companion, but anyone think it looks a LOT like nemesis from Resident Evil?
  9. So you're saying you hate the comminity that insults people and then decide to insult US? you realize the community is likly happier w/o you right?
  10. I'm at work ATM on my lunch break. It stinks but it's not like I haven't been waiting for 4 years already so another few hours wont hurt. Im just stoked be be in already.
  11. OH yeah, another great one came to mind. Someone claimed they know how to properly release an MMO because they have been a gamer for 25 years--despite MMO's being around for around 15......
  12. The past 24 hours have literally been some of the best times i've had on an internet forum in a long, long time. There is so much ridiculous, unmerited rage from people that it really is incredibly entertaining to people who have the ability to wait their turn in line. I've seen threats of class-action lawsuits, threatening legal action for "false advertisement." I've seen people who "work[ed] in the industry" claiming Bioware is making the most amature mistakes in the theoretical book. Its all been incredibly entertaining. What have you seen thats made you enjoy your wait to play the game?
  13. Can't people just accept the fact that they aren't in the game and the world isn't exactly fair? Wow some of you a whiners.
  14. you're the only one who is fooled at this point.
  15. Early Access began today. If it was a launch they would have said the official launch day was December 13th. Just because people are playing the games doesn't mean that the game was launched. You're just another pissed off person waiting around to get into the game and trying to justify your baseless rage on the fact that there is a technicality you can exploit to fortify your already moot point.
  16. The "Bulk" of fans aren't pissed off. You are trying to speak for the majority that you aren't a part of. The majority of people knew before hand how this would play out and accepted the fact that they preordered later than others and will have to wait. You just lack patience.
  17. Yet another person who has baseless ideas based off knowing nothing about what the developers have said today.
  18. Do you think you've caught BioWare in the middle of some conspiracy? Do you realize there are a million different things that can go wrong with a servers code that can only be tested this way? Why don't you just settle the hell down and wait to get in the game?
  19. Learn how to speak intelligently please. I really cannot stand when people talk the way you do--especially when they are trying to prove some sort of a point arguing why they are right and someone else is wrong.
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