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Everything posted by Soulchilde

  1. I play a 50 balance shadow and I was using Qyzen and they Iresso and constantly getting my butt kicked. One of my guildie informed me that during beta , unconfirmed btw, that Bioware stated that even with proper gear Tank Companions will never have the same dmg mitigation as a player tank, so I immediately switched to Tharan and breezed through the rest of the content. When I fought elites or two or more Strong mobs I switched from Force to Combat technique. Only died when Tharan pulled aggro from patrols
  2. Bye... Seriously. I have my own issues with this game, but I've played several MMO's from launch and THEY HAVE ALL HAD ISSUES when they started. I remember the days when WoW started and people, such as you proclaimed it was dead on arrival, go back to WoW, Rift or whatever MMO that suits you. This game has been officially launched 10 days ago and bugs and balancing will happen. If this game isn't for you then quit. You should be banned for re-posting a thread that was closed
  3. I eventually asked a guildie to heal my tank, so I could burn him down.
  4. I'm about to leave Voss. I'll check the commendation vendor when I get off. I can't imagine it's on this vendor as I am sure someone would have posted this by now
  5. Actually, I thought she should have been a Jedi Knight instead since she has this thing for protecting the weak
  6. No.. no... no... no... Next thing you'll want null sec space 0.0
  7. Go to WoW for dual spec. I'm on board with this
  8. +1 saw someone with the 1 mil speeder ... it needed the nerf
  9. Grabbed a healer guildie to keep Lt. Iresso up and I just DPS him down.
  10. Shouldn't need additional levels when you are the same level or -1 or +1 over the quest mob. It's poor design decision
  11. This is the second story mission boss as a Balance Shadow I am having a real issue defeating. I've wasted over 20K is repair cost trying to beat this story guy. Suggestion.? I can't seem to figure out when he is going to self heal Btw, Bioware story bosses should not be this difficult
  12. Rotation is your preference. Experiment as you level up to find what works for you.
  13. Still play EVE with a huge Corp and I know economy. Btw, no game can compare with EVE economy, so bringing this up here doesn't change the fact the excess money drives up prices
  14. They are considering it.. They never stated it was a given.
  15. That's not the issue. On my server lvl 20 blues and purps are going for 10k-15k... , so for people who don't follow the forums or played during beta opening the AH and finding items WAY over-priced can be dis-heartening
  16. As a DPS Shadow I use Qyzen. Theran stays in the ship with Holiday and the droid.
  17. I've been stacking Willpower , Endurance and Crit in that order as a Balance Shadow. Always trying to stay in Orange gear Ahh...PVP.. You want to stack Endurance
  18. Grouped with a 50 Trooper last night with my 32 Shadow. He ran Red Handed daily with me Easiest XP and rewards so far How someone choose to play shouldn't concern you
  19. Wasn't nerfed hard enough. The influx of money is screwing up the economy
  20. lvl 32.. thought was sufficient. I'll take your advice
  21. How are people defeating her solo? I've tried two different companions and I cannot out dps her
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