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Everything posted by Isabhell

  1. a few measly credits - um 20 +million just to help one of my raiders out, also lets to about ops - they gladly GIVE augs, kits, stims and adrenals to each other like candy and now they are having to pay to help each other. how is that ok. there is no money nothing exchanging its a gift and now they are being charged through the nose. not everyone has the credits to support that. this is not ok, you are taking the community out of the MMO and turning it into essentially a solo game. There has to be a better way.
  2. What you are doing with the economy is going to break guilds. We help our guildies by giving them free augments, kits and medpacks/stims/adrenals. To send one guildie 5 blue augs 2 purple augs 7 aug kits and 25 each medpack/stim/adrenal it cost me over 20 million. These are gifts to my community members and you are punishing guilds for rewarding their community or helping their community in any number of ways. As it was with the cost of quick travel we started giving our community members that were in need funds to offset because there are so many people that are new to the game or starting out that you are just punishing. now this? Now i can't even give my guildies gifts? I have a christmas in july event that it is going to cost a fortune in mail taxes because i can't just share love to my guild and community without being punished. I am so mad right now, beyond furious
  3. I am trying to find the logic of taxing stims, medpacks, and even augment kits. Consumable items in general like this are used often and often shared between guild members and raid groups. They are necessary to playing content. I totally understand taxing cartel market items, that makes sense, dyes also make sense, the luxury items that are NOT NECESSARY to game play should be taxed. The NECESSARY items to game play should be able to be freely shared / traded / mailed. I get fixing the economy, but there comes a point where you aren't fixing the economy but breaking the player. If you feel the need to continue to over tax can some of these taxes be passed to the guilds that the members belong to instead of just disappearing. The guilds themselves often give a lot back to the community doing their own fundraising and surviving on whatever they can to make sure that their community has funds to support repairs, supplies, and now even travel costs. I know that our guilds do alot for their community members and we often will help outside the community too giving away mounts and credits to new players to help them start out because times are hard and the cost of quick travel on a brand new player hurts.
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