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Everything posted by vobra

  1. As a dps Vanguard I really struggle here on the side quest and I know the reason, my gear is pretty poor. I finally gave up doing them and thought I'd bang my head against the class quest and see how that went. I died once and that was down to my own stupidity (destroyed a terminal without killing the mobs in the room and it pulled all + 2 more) other then that it was very easy.
  2. Maybe saying what your spec are might help alittle. I personaly went for a crappy laptop for beta to a decent rig on live so I get amazing performance.
  3. They can't cap severs atm. I haven't even got into early access yet (hoping today), but being told I can't play on the same sever with my friends is a bigger **** you then this wait. Yes I'm going sith and tbh I didn't pick em. I wanna play all sides so I really don't care. But that the side my friends chose and there no way I'm playing on a different sever to em that kind of pointless in a MMO. However having a same number cap on Illum might be a fairer way to go. ie if 10 republic join then only 10 sith can etc.
  4. With what wow used to be like with mounts, especially the rare ones the demand seem to be there. While one of the above posters is right build on demand I would go a step up. Find the rare ones and the one's people want and build one of em. Stick it on the exchange and see what happens. Never have more then 1 in exchange or bags and replace em if it sells. Edit: And find the right price I personally would think 50k would be to cheap but its only launch atm and no one has that much credits.
  5. Opps sorry didn't see that you wanted a pve sever. Personal I don't see the point in em. Pve seems better on a pvp sever anyway. Guess the only choice then would be an rp-pve sever. You don't need to like rp to be on them severs just need to respect the others that do. Edit: And BW just open 2 new pve sever one east the other west.
  6. Right now? Go on the new eu sever that started. Or if you are from US try a Heavy sever there are a few on the sever status page.
  7. So what your saying is we should have a million of sever so today they are all hopeful at medium load. Then if people do drop out either by not carrying on with there pre-order or after playing there first month we end up with most severs empty and people complaining that they cant do anything. I'm guessing here but its an educated guess that BW severs are anywhere near cap. I'd say a week after 20/12 they will up the cap to max and there will be 0 queue. This is just a way to get people to spread out over many severs.
  8. vobra

    PVP server immunity

    While I disagree with the op and am not complaining about ganking in anyway form or shape, I have to say you are wrong. While guilds are nice to have no one should be forced into having to join one. Especially before the game is out.
  9. vobra

    PVP server immunity

    That seemed like a bit of sarcasm in the other guy's post. To the op if you wanted the standard edition then just call up origin they should do it for you. And if they ever did change the price of the game before 16/12 the all would get the new price. But i'm sure it would more likely be 20/12 and they would refund the value (But just as a note the price of each version will not change this year.
  10. Wave Four was sent at 11AM CST (9AM PST / 12PM EST / 5PM GMT / 6PM CET) Wave 5 is just about to come out
  11. I've never said I was entitled just pointing out your argument was wrong.
  12. Yes I can. I've already paid for the game. The money has come from my bank. How does tat not make me a paying customer?
  13. Don't worry I don't understand you, does that give me a right to call you stupid?
  14. I do understand what your trying to say the problem lies in the simply fact you can say the game Launch in 20/12/2015 but it still doesn't matter at this stage. The game HAS launched already.
  15. It launched yesterday (13/12) everyone not playing atm is going for late access to the game. After all it is fair enough to say that the number of people preordered the game is going to be more then the people that decided to play on the 20/12. That being said BW didn't keep it a secret what they were going to do with the launch phases and noone should be surprised now or crying over it. It's a bit too late you had since July to do it.
  16. Some are now in the high 20s but ya still no 30s
  17. You can demand whatever you like but it still not going to happen.
  18. The highest I've seen is a 26/27 sith Juggernaut his on twitch. But his playing normal and not playing in warzone
  19. The thing I'd change is after Order 66 was given how stupidly the Jedi died.
  20. I would disagree just because your competeing with others to get to max level doesnt mean your the only one doing it. Once the first few that hit 50 without cheating other will be hitting that point as well. Also once your 50 you can help guildies level faster and start looking at doing the gear(ish) grind together and start raiding.
  21. While I wound't personal want to see this, however just thinking about it the best way to do this would of been staggering day 1 max lvl 10, day 2 lvl 20. Remember one of the whole points of EGA is to stage it for a smooth launch. Only problem is now is too late to be thinking of thing like this, 6 months ago you could of discussed it.
  22. As long as nothing blows up in any wave then my guess is: 119,260 july 30 14/12 203,931 aug 6 14/12 264,924 aug 13 14/12 301,650 aug 20 14/12 334,330 aug 27 14/12 359,782 Sept 3 15/12 386,137 sept 10 15/12 402,915 sept 17 15/12 426,136 sept 24 15/12 463,513 oct 1 16/12 518,222 oct 8 16/12 548,505 oct 15 16/12 606,078 oct 22 16/12 654,810 oct 29 16/12 698,589 nov 5 17/12 753,132 nov 12 17/12 825,840 nov 19 17/12 900,756 nov 26 17/12 916,490 dec 3 18/12 939,358 dec 10 21/12
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