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Everything posted by EwromFlyingrider

  1. I'm in the process of forming a Trooper centric guild if your interested. PM me in game Tagern or email me for more details.
  2. I'm in the process of forming a Trooper centric guild if your interested. PM me in game Tagern or email me for more details.
  3. Hello all so I've seen this done on at least one other server and thought I'd try doing it here. The basic idea would be a trooper centric guild built around a structure and code sort of like the clone troopers. The guild would be broken down into pve and pvp. Pve being flashpoints and operations and pvp being both ground assaults and space combat. Theses would be the various structures such as a dedicated squadron for space or a squad or battalion for pvp. Flashpoints and ops would be classified as strike missions. Jedi and Smugglers are welcome serving as allies or privateers. But for the most part I would want this as a trooper heavy guild. If this progresses then members can have matching trooper armor or using various types to establish rank, guild funds would be used for acquiring a flagship, stronghold and anything we may need. I would plan to use guild storage for medpacks, impants, earpieces and so fourth for members and have a few dedicated crafters for equipment. If this sounds remotely interesting please reply here, or message me in game Ewrom Flyingrider, or Tagern.
  4. I've had experience with Jump to Lightspeed from Star Wars Galaxies so GS came pretty natural to me.
  5. Luke used a blaster pistol before being trained by Yoda and only used on in episode 6 to defend himself. Obi Wan did the same thing in episode 3 based on the situation he was in with Grevious and only used one to defend himself. Which after he made a comment about blaster pistols. Far as I know those were the only two instances pistols were used and not as a permanent weapon. You wanna use a pistol roll a non Jedi class as it's stupid to even ask about using one as a jedi.
  6. I've noticed this a lot when running some of the lower level flashpoints on my low level characters. Now I was under the impression that there was a unwritten rule about not "Needing" on loot that your character could not use. So for example if I'm a shadow who uses light armor and willpower as my stat and say I roll need on a piece of gear that goes with my class and would be an upgrade. But then say a Jedi Sentinel also rolls needs and wins the roll. It just gets kind of annoying when other classes roll need when they can't use it, now I know that yes companions can but they come second and at the point you roll greed. I can't count how many times I've been stiffed out of loot for my characters because some other person rolled as well. I call them out too but never seem to get the item traded to me or get some dumb response. What are your thoughts and please no flaming.
  7. I took Artifice on my Guardian crafting my own hilts came in handy. For my Jedi Shadow I went synthweaving for the augments and some decent gear for my companions. With the exception of biochem all my characters have the major crew skills which makes crafting all my own gear and mods a bit cheaper aside from the occasional material purchase.
  8. I got HK-51 in about two days the first day I did the first two heroics and solo'd them. The next day I spent a good 2-3 hours scanning the planets for 4 of the 7 parts. Then I went to outlaw's den bought the part off the jawa vendor for 125k. Ran the two flashpoints and him by the end of the night. He is definitely worth getting and a great companion.
  9. If your not in combat and on the fleet for example need to make sure there stance isn't active. If there out and the weapon is still out, turn off there stance, dismiss and resummon. This is pretty much for all companions when you have a stance active.
  10. Oh course it is it's Nathan Drake himself Nolan North
  11. I play it because it's fun I'm not a hardcore gamer since I have a life, I come on chat, and play with my friends. The game is some ways puts SWG to shame, it's the people that kill it, the naysayers and people who really hope the game fails. The ones that claim they can produce a better game( yeah go ahead and try there slick). If the game isn't fun for me or if I'm burnt out I take a break and do something else. I don't come on the forums and complain or whine wish for the game to fail and die. People say that this is the worst game I say b.s as there were far worse MMOs than this game. It all depends how you look at it I say this is a MMO and not a single player game you can disagree with me all you want cause frankly I couldn't care what you say.
  12. I always played a tank so it just comes natural. I think I'm a pretty decent one when it comes to pvp and groups. Plus were always in demand so.
  13. I asked myself that same question, never get MVP and I always seem to out perform some of my teammates. Either dishing more damage or keeping them alive on my healer.
  14. Every class has bugs but Trooper is quite playable I love my trooper. The story so far is alright I'm only level 32 on mine atm. I love the various abilities, weapons and armor I can use. I like all the companions you get, that and I'm a pretty good medic. I rolled a bounty hunter got him to level 11 and stopped playing him, maybe one day I'll go back and finish him but not now.
  15. I fought him pretty easily I had Elara healing me and I was a combat medic commando. I had no issues beating him in one shot. Only times I died when there were to many mobs before getting to him. I used Elara when I started the quest. Then switched to Jorgan half way to help plow through the mobs, then switched back to Elara. Took Tavus down in one shot.
  16. Having a whole army of troopers is part of the whole concept I'm trying to create on my server. I saw the video of that alpha company( really ****** btw) I'm just not interested in rolling another trooper on that server right now.
  17. I know I should be posting in the guild forums but I haven't had much luck and trooper forum may help more. Any players on canderous ordo that have a trooper character and are interested. I'm looking for a fun, friendly trooper only guild, got few ideas for names. I'm not looking for negative posts please just some help to form and build this guild. Any questions reply or you can pm Tagern on canderous ordo.
  18. So I saw a few troopers at lvl 33 sport the clone war helmets, any idea where I can find them, buy or loot for level 33?
  19. I played SWG for a few years and honestly I don't miss it, yeah sure there are a few things I would like added here but I can live without them. SWG had half *** planets that served very little purpose, there was little reason to actually run quests since you could group and farm for hours. Heroics were a joke ( hoth anyone?). While SWG got a lot right it failed the rest and when soe decided to throw out the timeline and use stuff from the clone wars era it made no sense. The sad thing is people are always going to dwell on the past and complain how swtor isn't swg and if that's the case why continue to play? Also the game has been out for what almost two months now, give it time to grow and evolve. Those who are playing clearly knew that this was a story driven game and a huge focus was put on that.
  20. Make sure she has med watch on and the offensive stand off and her healing abilities are on.
  21. There is plenty of solo content in this game. I find the flashpoints and Heroic Missions fun. while I do like to solo when it comes to my class quests and quests in the worlds. I also like to group up and be a viable player when it comes to group. There is only so much solo content I can do before wanting something else. You want to play solo go play a non MMO game then.
  22. I'm right there with you, I love playing my smuggler and I have a guardian thats my main. Corso is a cool guy but I'm liking Bowdarr more. Both my gunslinger and guardian are around the same level too.
  23. It took me a few tries but I beat him and I was level 8. Also you'll see other classes once you leave your starter planet. Reason you only see jedi because that is your class starter planet. Every class has there own starter world. Also be sure your level 10 before you leave your planet. This way when you leave for the fleet you can pick your advance class.
  24. Um I don't have any lag, or crashes this game runs smooth on my end, maybe it's just you.
  25. I have to agree with you the game came out yesterday. How can you compare this to wow, all wow has is endless grinds and pandas. I love this game by far the best star wars out there. Those who don't like it because it isn't wow then go and dont let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.
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