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Everything posted by remylion

  1. yeah, speeders should cost more. 25 credits is release prices from 11 years ago. Starter worlds should be capped at 100 credits though.
  2. Brand new players who have no money aren't using quick travel more than once every 6 minutes. New players aren't speed running every world like veteran players who have done all the class stories and missions countless times. I'm still considered a new player with about a month of SWTOR and have just exceeded 5 billion credits. A good portion of that was from materials, rank 1-9 that I sold on the GTN. Some prototype and artifact rank 1-9 materials on Star Forge sell for 200k-350k each. Quick travel prices on the starter and capital worlds could use a bit of rework, but the most expensive quick travel I found on any of the starter worlds was less than 800 credits.
  3. you do realize that trading credits between players does not increase inflation. If anything it can reduce inflation if the GTN is used; which is why the GTN limit needs to be raised or all credit transactions between different accounts should be taxed.
  4. I read people who experience this uninstalled and downloaded the new client with Steam. also found this https://swtorista.com/articles/empty-swtor-server-list-fix-unable-to-retrieve-server-list/
  5. You need to sell some of the crafting materials you find in game on the GTN. If all you do is sell items to a vendor and let your tech frag count sit at 11,000 without turning them into RPMs or OEMs to sell, that's fully on you. I started this game a month ago and have almost 5 billion because I sold things I found in game on the GTN.
  6. in less than one month I have nearly 5 billion credits from selling items on the GTN without buying a single item off the Cartel Market. This game needs credit sinks and the quick travel credit sink is a good start. It works on a feature that already exists, they have years of metrics showing how often people use quick travel, now Bioware has to test the prices and see how well they function and update prices in areas that can use changes. The quick travel fee is not a "smokescreen". According to Bioware this is the first of many credit sinks being designed and released to help lower inflation.
  7. it would also directly complete if not completely replace the sale of similar dyes on the Cartel Market. Very rarely do companies allow in game currency to directly compete with cash shop currency.
  8. I totally misread the person's post as asking for a single large credit sink. The GTN tax could work but won't as long as the GTN limit is 1 billion credits and inflation has made even gold sets and weapons over 1 billion credits. Basically a higher tax on the GTN, with the GTN limit of 1 billion, would only tax items worth less than 1 billion credits. GTN limit needs to be raised so more items can be taxed or Bioware could add a tax to any credit transfers between accounts, trade, mail, etc.
  9. the devs should have increased the GTN limit before items commonly hit the 1 billion credit limit. If they had increased the GTN limit to keep up with inflation every sale could have been taxed. Instead we have billions of credits being traded hourly that are not taxed because inflation has made the GTN obsolete for selling anything over 1 billion credits.
  10. you paid 600,00. Legacy Travel I reduces the cooldown timer 2 minutes for 100,000 Legacy Travel II reduces the cooldown timer 2 minutes for 200,000 Legacy Travel III reduces the cooldown timer 2 minutes for 300,000 What you paid for was the reduction in the quick travel timer from the starting cooldown of 6 minutes to having no cooldown at all. You still have the zero cooldown and I am sorry if 100-5,000 credits is too expensive for you. I suggest interacting with the player to player economy. I'm a pretty new player and already have close to 5 billion credits. I started a month ago? I love playing economies in MMOs more than playing the actual game, but there is no way I should have nearly 5% of my legacy banks credit cap in such a short time.
  11. oh, you might have Tutorial Mode activated. I did this and a portion of my skills vanished.
  12. are you constantly upgrading your gear? what is your current level and gear level?
  13. I sold a bunch of artifact rank 1-5 crafting mats I got from my companions. Some of those sold for 300k or more each. This is why I'm not crying for the "new players" who are too busy enjoying the game instead of speed-running every planet only doing MSQ missions like veteran players. New players can't even reduce the quick travel time until they start their legacy so they are stuck with a 6 minute timer until then and it will cost them 600k once they gain access.
  14. The quick travel prices could be capped at the starter and capital worlds or at least take legacy levels into account. New players have a cooldown of 6 minutes and they can not reduce that timer until they level up and unlock their legacy. They will also be too busy enjoying SWTOR for the first time, not speed runnig every world like veteran players do. The most expensive distance to travel on Hutta is the space port to the Evoccii Workcamp costing 734 credits. Most were around 350-400 credits. I think that may still be a bit too expensive for new players the first time playing. I would suggest capping new legacies to 100 credits on the starter worlds and capital worlds only. This kind of credit sink will remove billions from the economy each day. There should be dozens of these small credit sinks but it seems Bioware has done nothing but remove them over the last few years. As a new player I am not worried about other new players not being able to afford quick travel in this economy. In less than a month I have over 5 billion credits. I should not have that kind of money in less than a month as a new player no matter how good I am at playing the auction houses. And no, I did not buy cash shop items to resell for credits. I bought and sold items and crafting materials already on the auction house.
  15. You do want to get energy if possible even if you aren't turning them in. It stops the enemy team from grabbing any. I have seen people standing there after mid is clear doing nothing, then they get distracted, charge an enemy and an enemy stealth comes up take the energy and turns it in. If you are a stealth you can take the energy, stealth, this removes the energy buff, take another energy, stealth, repeat. I have done this when my team isn't bothering to run energy or stop enemies from taking them. Then I'll turn in the last energy and return.
  16. if the timer counted down while logged out it would be less of an issue. What you did was perfectly reasonable and very roleplay : )
  17. This requires a person to constantly update the vendor value of the CM item to keep up with inflation on each specific server. Two issues will arise if Bioware fails to keep the values constantly updated 1. The CM-to-credit item vendors for a greater value than any other CM item can be sold for to other players. Everyone starts buying the CM item which injects massive amounts of credits into the economy which increases inflation until the CM item is no longer a good value over selling other CM items. 1. The CM-to-credit item vendors for less value than any other CM item can be sold for to other players. No one buys this item because a player can buy almost any other item on the CM and sell it to players for more credits. If CM-to-credit item is constantly updated to keep up with inflation so the item retains its value, then other issues become apparent. Best case scenario would result in there being less CM items being sold to players for credits, an increase in inflation since the new CM-to-credit item instantly creates credits, and more players buy credits from third party sources to keep up with the newly increased rate of inflation and lower supply of CM items being sold to players. Basically this CM-to-credit item would destroy the economy because it would be injecting new credits into the economy where as players to player trading does not inject new credits. When players trade credits to each other, the credits are only changing hands, this does not directly increase inflation. When players sell items on the GTN they decrease inflation via the GTN tax or when they cancel their auction to undercut other sellers. A CM-to-credit item would not help the economy at all sadly. If you want to help the economy we need to remove credits, not introduce new credits.
  18. "Made adjustments to matchmaking to make it more likely that large groups are matched up against each other." I'm thinking "large groups" means a group of 6 or more. So anything smaller does not effect matchmaking at all.
  19. The unlocks for Quick Travel were to reduce the cooldown timer. Initial timer is 6 minutes, each of the 3 ranks reduced the timer 2 minutes until there is no timer to use quick travel. I think when the game first came out the initial cooldown timer for quick travel was 30 minutes? The fees for using quick travel are a credit sink to help remove credits from the credit economy; to help combat inflation. Inflation is the reason everything in the player economy costs hundreds of millions of not 10s of billions of credits. There are too many credits in the economy and
  20. not everyone is a veteran in MMOs or enjoys playing with economies. You may want to give those video's a watch. They are easy to watch and should explain the basics.
  21. It is a credit sink. Google it or watch a few video's on Youtube specifically "gold sinks in MMOs" if you want to understand the basics of MMO economies. You can read devs blog or the posts on this very thread if you want to understand what credit sinks are or how they work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W39TtF14i8I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sumZLwFXJqE
  22. you are fallaciously comparing WoWs economy to SWTORs economy on a one to one basis while WoW has more credit sinks, a healthier gold economy, and even a gold to subscription based credit sink which controls the value of gold.
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