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Everything posted by coachVV

  1. Maybe I am missing it, but it seems like a really good credit sink would be to expand the amount of SH decos available at vendors. I mean, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of decos and it seems like the vast majority of them are not available at vendors. Put 80-90% of them in vendors, and watch the credits disappear
  2. New player here, started 2 months ago. Can I ask why not just crack down on illegal gold sellers? Or, in this case, credit sellers. I am told that current prices are about $1.30 per billion. So a twenty smack will get you around 15B. As far as I can see, lots of people use it. Even players who are otherwise quite careful about obeying the ToS seem to feel there is no real chance of reprisal. Adding in credit sinks will have the exact opposite effect of shutting these illegal sellers down. More people will spend more money on them as they want to overcome the cost of playing. The taxes, as currently designed, will actually drive inflation up, not down, and push the illicit credit economy higher.
  3. This is so cool. First thing I said when I stepped off my ship in Mek-Sha is that I wanted a SH there. That was only a few weeks ago and here we are! I know we already have a couple sketchy SH's, Rishi and Nar Shadaa, but nothing as bad as Mek-Sha. Great for all sorts of ne'er-do-wells. And, for certain Sith Lords who prefer hanging with the real folk and not the palace crowd (that's my character). The worst part of this all is now I will have a whole 'nother SH to decorate! I only just got started on Rishi. (Only played 2 months so far.) Oh! OH! My question is, does anyone know approximately when the Mek-Sha SH is going to drop? Is it like, a month away or a year away?
  4. Hello everyone! I grew up on Star Wars, the movies and comic books. Cannot believe I never tried this game till now. It is super cool to be swinging my own lightsaber finally. Also, have found the majority of the community on here to be really friendly and helpful. I've had plenty of folks pull my n00bness through FPs or WB kills without complaint. I play on Star Forge, legacy V'v, main is Vul'cana. I know the game is old, but it is new to me, and I'm having a lot of fun. The storylines are actually pretty interesting, too, which surprised me. (One thing is, though, no, I don't ERP. Please stop asking out of the blue. Yes, I do like to dance while I am doing background stuff. And, yes, I am an extrovert, so I like to hang out with the crowd. I've always loved to dance and be on stage both IRL and in games. But, no, just because I am dancing does not mean I want to ERP with you, even for money. Especially for money. I've never played an MMORPG where ERP was so open and commonplace. It's weird.) Anyway, I am always down to meet to new folks. Long time tabletop RPer, so I enjoy roleplaying. I like being involved in other players' storylines. The galaxy is so expansive, there are tons of options for people to write their own stories. Vul'cana has her own background, and once I get to know the milieu better, I might write a continuation of her personal story. See y'all in game!
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