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Everything posted by Viridiana

  1. Sounds like you need to get better or quit pugging FP's, I haven't had a group wipe on a FP with any number of pugs in it with me since I dunno... 1.1, and 4-5... yeah... there is a reason you can vote kick people.
  2. Most people that are willing to play a tank or healer (I have 3 50 tanks and 2 50 healers and all my 50 dps classes) aren't interested in going and being one of the main roles in a PUG group, if i'm going to tank or heal i'm going to do it with my guildies as I know it's going to be a smoother run, get yourself in a guild that is looking for dps and you won't have to worry about pugging tanks or healers cause its not gonna get any better on the shortage of them.
  3. Just sounds like they were a terribad healer, I was healing HM OP's and FP's on my operative with tion/crap gear mix and guard only made it easier cause the threat was back on the tank.
  4. I only ever throw guard on a dps and that's typically when i'm running with buddies that I know can pull some threat off me because of their rotation and gear, the rest of the time I just laugh if someone says that, had a merc dps ask for it in EV sm one time becuase he couldn't use chaff flare apparently, best part is he was attacking mobs I didn't have threat on atm so it wasn't surprising they attacked him.
  5. I didn't have any issues with doing the missions, just finding amusement from the fact that the PvE servers have open world pvp going on and the PvP servers have people lining up to turn stuff in within the contested area.
  6. Just come to any of the PvE servers and all that is going on around the orb turn in is faction ganking, no one is lining up peacfully to turn them in, better take a group and hope for the best.
  7. They are asking that because everytime they do rather than getting serious responses they get people saying, 1800 main stat for TFB SM is retarded, you can do that in tion gear, the OP is thinking that maybe 1800 was too high of a requirement, not trying to validate what requirement they are asking for their pugs to have to join raids. Also keep in mind if you run with your guild all the time they could easily carry someone with 1200 main stat through anything short of EC NMM/TFB HM, but a pug is a random chance on being good or bad, asking for 1800 is bascially saying, have you played enough at lvl 50 to at least know how to get some decent gear ?
  8. This is what the original poster was getting at though, that asking people this is a quick way to determine if they have a clue as to what they are doing because when I ask something like when i'm doing raid recruitment I get things like "whats main stat ?" or "I have 1150 willpower, is that good enough for ec ?" and or just general idiocy and no one answering the question, if they would say something like you suggested then they would get invited right away.
  9. These are the same people that don't know they can get a free set of tion gear at 50 or find an entrance without the group finder taking them there, I don't hold much hope for them being able to read the extra stats on gear drops.
  10. When you are sitting around playing board games with the family and your sister who also plays ToR leans over and says "Weapons, Name Calling and Cheating are all encouraged"
  11. Yes but you see in his original post that he didn't realize it was a tank piece and he could use the power/end on it, so he was rolling on something he thought he needed, so he wasn't ninjaing it, just didn't know that the extra stat made it a tank piece.
  12. It doesn't sound like he was ninjing it, sounds like they had ffa rolls on or what not and he just rolled because he didn't know any better or the tanks didn't say anything till after he won it.
  13. I said BiS Camp/DG, didn't say it was all just BiS63, aka best I can get for the camp lvl until I get DG.
  14. Personally I find it amusing to take my BiS Camp/DG toons into the SM ops and roll need on everything, see how long it takes the nubs with 10k hp to notice that I didn't really need that tion grade belt.
  15. The fact that they are tripping out over a columi grade item would make me concerned about finishing a HM run with them lol, but yeah, it had a def or aborb clickie on it that they wanted to use, worthless to them within a day or two depending on how much they raid, so yeah you should have looked at the clickable stat but they should have just chilled out if they let everyone roll on it or wern't using ML.
  16. With some stat optimization you would be just fine on the 1800, like the 104% accuracy should be dropped down in favor of a different stat, better than pre-columi hilts, moddable belt and bracers rather than the DG pieces, also the focus on power doesn't look like it is helping your wpn dmg, but that could be because of the hilts as i'm thinking you aren't using tank hilts from pre-columi gear.
  17. I don't see how your main stat can be so low while stacking power, my DPS PT has 2450 aim and 700 power, so even if I dropped the aim augs on each of my pieces of gear and put power in to push me towards 900-1000 power I would only drop to 2200 aim or so, and i'm in mostly BH, so overgeared for the 1800 Main Stat sure, but i'm assuming with your DG/campaign pieces that you aren't in a Columi/Rakata mix anymore. My buddies Maurader is in Campaign/Rakata and he has 2150 Str and 1000 power, so either i'm missing something or your stats are off by what your gear is at.
  18. Yeah I can't log in either, the thing I want to know is why did it kick everyone from the game if the "login" server went down...
  19. I've heard that gullible is writted on the wall above the CE vendor on the VIP level as well
  20. How could you possibly only have 25 daily comms unless you aren't doing any operations ? 600 BH comms off the HM FP daily would be a *****.
  21. Another post about why you should only trade your craft mats for pre-crafted items, if they don't have one to give you at the time, then they probably aren't legit.
  22. If you are bored is what you do is go upto the VIP level on the fleet, then say in General chat that the first F2P person that finds you gets x amount of credits.
  23. I wouldn't worry about it, I mail millions and millions between my toons all the time and havn't had any issues, been doing this January of this year, as long as you aren't sending them to "random" people they don't care.
  24. Spacebar is your friend, after you have done the planet quests a few times you know where they are and how each one unfolds so you can plan accordingly to do them as you move from zone to zone, just spacebar through the convo choices and do them while you are doing your class quest in the same are, I can blow through any of the planets in 1-3 hrs doing all of the quests but the heroics, no xp boosts or legacy purchases, the thing you have to be willing to do is either hit up FP's or the GTN for gear, if you fall behind on gear it slows you down no matter what you are doing. EDIT: and if you are playing a healer or tank, go dps while leveling, your companions are ok dps but having to gear them so they put out as much dps as you could in a dps spec if pointless.
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