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  1. Sounds like you don't have biochem and they do.
  2. Might as well level an alt now so you can get your legacy xp up and actually unlock these new race/class combos for your next alt.
  3. They're all tech attacks. I have a 50 operative.
  4. The armor pen is a buff that goes on the operative. Also, operatives don't do melee damage, all of their melee attacks are tech damage. Deflection is worthless against an operative.
  5. Yeah we do have some decent CC, but all we have over the operative is further range on flashbang and a knockback. I'm guessing most of you guys haven't gone toe-to-toe with a geared tank. I just think it would be nice to be required in group pvp as much as a tanks, healers, and marauders are.
  6. Yes, it's an interrupt with a cooldown twice the length as the marauders. That has nothing to do with the point of this thread though. I'm saying since the other pure dps class gets extra tools to kill healers, snipers, in my opinion, should get extra tools to take down tanks. Which is the point of this thread. Since there are only 2 classes in the game that can't respec into different roles, I am simply asking what other snipers think. Should the pure dps classes in this game get extra tools to take down healers (marauders) and tanks? Or are you fine with just being dps.
  7. Have you fought a geared out vanguard? That whole combo would take 10-15% of their hp down at the most.
  8. Sniper and Marauder. The only 2 pure dps classes. But, one of the main differences in pvp is that marauder excels at killing healers with there 6 second (talented) interrupt, and there 20% healing reduction, while we get shatter shot..... Does anyone else think if marauders get extra tools to take down healers, we should get some extra tools to take down tanks? -20% shield absorption? Hell, healers already have -30% healing in combat with the trauma debuff. So -50% shield absorption? What do you guys think? Should we be the tank destroying class? What are some balanced ways to get us there?
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