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Everything posted by Saeten

  1. lmao. Had to start up a new Inquisitor one time for a cheevo, But, the time involved was tiny compared to what I fear would be to get into Date Night unless some mechanic enabled a relatively quick fix. Yep, I'll probably work up the ones with None Yet. Also hope for a mechanic to experience the others. Are there any guides out there yet?
  2. Wasn’t the start of transfers on Mar 12th? The cut off for free was 30 days correct? So, April 10th would be the last day for free transfers.
  3. My armormech can make RD-31A Master Striker Gauntlets, Greaves and Helmet TH-31A Elite War Medic Helmet and Legplates TT-31A Elite Vanguard Helmet and Legplates (I believe the other pieces are world drops now) There are some "similar" listed here: https://swtorista.com/torfashion/torfashion-armor.php?id=3376
  4. Although I enjoyed the single companion I could use the new Date Night content, I have some serious issues with this content. I have 75 level 80s. I am a pre-order founder having played since Dec 2011. 1. I cannot access this content for three of the four initial offerings of companions. 2. None of the original class companions are in the initial offering. 3. There are titles and decorations that I cannot ever access because I don't enjoy romancing many of the romanceable companions. Also, I have and will not be able to change the current romanced companions to access others that I've returned to my original "loves". 4. There are achievement points connected to this content that I will never gain because of the points in #3. 5. There is no way to change romances to enjoy this new content. The counter to this is so spend hours/days leveling up a new character and purposely select a romance to be able to enjoy the new content. 6. There is no way to enjoy the different combinations of romances without leveling up a new character. Female to Female, Male to Male, different classes. There seems to be some subtle differences in classes to companion as well considering tech vs force, etc. First and foremost, remove the achievement points and set them to 0. Second, please consider some mechanic for existing "fixed selection" romances to be changed to enable enjoyment of the content. Third, don't provide titles and decorations for content that cannot be accessed. I may or may not be atypical in how I romanced companions, but I can tell I've trended to the original class companions. I've flirted with all in most combinations. Here's my distribution. Note that "none yet" are ones that haven't completed ch3 class. Also note that "None?" are typically those that either leveled to 70 and jumped to Inflection Point or were "boosted toons".
  5. What's also bad is the noticeable monopoly of the starter guilds that swallowed up everyone. I agree that the server is wholly inactive and the management of establishing it for the region seems to have killed interest in actively playing on it.
  6. correct. go into Interface Editor and select Conversation. left click on the one you want to Scale up and scroll for colors and background color, etc.
  7. Currently, the starter planets Korriban, Ord Mantel, Tython and Hutta heroics are all weekly reset. I'm hoping that with the changes per @EricMusco for 7.4.1.c will change these to Daily instead of weekly. I know there are some others like the one on Tatooine, (that is only granted on planet) "Search and Rescue" that is a weekly reset, not daily. Please make this happen for 7.4.1.c
  8. @EricMusco This thread has gone off the rails now. @JackieKo We need this thread to be constructive and the latest posts have become a derailment into pvp vs pve players and is not anywhere near what the topic or constructive discussion of conquest system changes are needed.
  9. I guess that they are rotating offerings weekly? Maybe try after Tuesday reset.
  10. Steam stinks? what is your normal ping/latency in game? 8 man or 16 man? Is your computer a potato or is your isp or wifi lagging? It's not directly related to 7.x but I believe it is related to AWS moving to the cloud. I've had in-game lag on many levels. 1000's of things can affect your play experience latency and lag. You can track some things with: 1. Ping/latency is shown with "Signal" on interface editor. Mini map has the bars for signal, but the tooltip will show below the window and appears non-existent. Solution: add "Signal" to Utility Bar 1 or 2 in interface editor. 2. Use SpeedTest by ookla to measure your internet speed https://www.speedtest.net/ 3. Try Speed test by Cloudflare: https://speed.cloudflare.com/ 4. Try packetstats to monitor ping/latency while playing https://packetstats.com/
  11. Excellent points. Also, GF does not even come close to quality matchmaking. Especially in GSF.
  12. Absolutely not true. This post is related to solo and solo+ story mode FPs. permitting guilds to chose this as a perk each week is unbalanced and not even remotely related to the Adv Reputation conquest points. Valid for large guilds, maybe... But not even close for the issues at hand.
  13. Yeah. it can be really bad when they aren't visible at all in some areas.
  14. Finally found 1 of my 75 lvl 80s that had a romance with one of the four date nights. Female cathar commando romanced Arcann. It was cute. and way too short. like 2min. Tiny diversion from the grind that is conquest. thx. Just saw that there are achievements, titles and decos that I can not ever obtain because I don't have any Koth, Theron or Lana romanced. I will never romance some of these and I cannot and will not reroll and level a toon just for this. This is some b.s. 😠
  15. Ooops. they did post some communication, but no follow up in quite a bit of time. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934244-removal-of-timer-achievements/#comment-9805584
  16. Wow, not a single developer or community support response in here? Kudos for posting detailed information for restoration. Good luck and I hope we see some progress here for y'all. Please post if you are contacted privately and have some resolution!
  17. The subject of this thread should now be called, "Why are they not planning on restoring any "Advance Reputation" conquest points." There is no communication and no mention of any plans to restore any points to this objective. I'd edit the title, but I'm afraid of this thread being purged like others. I'd truly appreciate it if Broadsword would address the 100's of players with valid complaints and suggested improvements and options for this issue.
  18. These types of players do heavy PvP, not solo content. They are a minority of what I believe are the majority of subscribers and active preferred and FtP players. The main pull of this mmorpg has been and should continue to be story content which is a high percentage of players doing solo PvE content. The endgame after story has been encouraged and incentivized into achievements and group content. But, with the staleness of endgame, many people do not enjoy repeatable grind objectives for the small entertainment of a battle pass (Galactic Seasons & PvP Seasosn).
  19. Wow. this has no basis in reality. You're perspective is so off it's disheartening. You're "stats" are all wrong. The number of players posting the correct responses to this above are all on point as stated above and below your post. Yes, some of the changes are good, but they in no way offset the enjoyment of playing multiple alts and working the gear currency grind for them by working conquest on multiple toons. This nerf among others with the intent of making us "play" more time on a toon has limited and demeaned us and reduced our game enjoyment.
  20. There are some great points here. Although it's a bit rough on Mr. Musco, whom I assume did not post this without others reviewing and approving, it's points are true to Broadsword and the entire management. To not come out and specifically state they are not reversing their decision in any way, nor stating that they are changing things to "get" players to play more for less is disappointing and leading to extreme frustration.
  21. Well said. I also play less now. PvP conquest is by far the most points in the track. GSF also got nerved a while back, so they didn't try to herd people into that and it backfired. Less play GSF now. There are far few PvP players than PVE. To hurt the PvE base is detrimental to play time. For those of us who have leaned in to endgame and have done most content, there is no point to the repetitive and boring nature of grinding daily areas or heroics for conquest. Galactic Seasons provides some entertainment for goodies given during the track, but once I hit level 100, I'm pretty much done. This occurs within about 5 weeks.
  22. This is simply not true. Just look at PvP conquest points. Or just giving a companion a gift. There was absolutely no reason to nerf Rep cq points. It was not OP. They just did some statistics (there are lies, damn lies and statistics) to justify making it harder to get conquest and thus rationalizing their ploy to "get" people to play more for less. For those of us who have maxed out rep, strongholds, legacy and other objectives we can no longer get conquest points, this was an overkill and atrocious change. Now they want us to "Go Do Heroics".... Lame change. i will just play less now.
  23. Exactly. No increase whatsoever mentioned. Their answer is "Go Do Heroics". They are not going to increase rep cq point objective as far as I can read into the latest post. https://forums.swtor.com/topic/934346-conquest-changes-following-741/#comment-9808609
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