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Posts posted by Valenthor

  1. The more interesting question is... if it is so frustrating to you, why do you read them and then take the time to post a reply?


    I can understand people wanting to vent their frustration over the game. Many waited for a very long time, with great anticipation, for release only to find a broken and poorly implemented game. People paid for this game and now no longer have an interest to play because of the issues... I can certainly understand their frustration and desire to vent a little of that frustration on the forum.


    You asked the OP why doesn't he "just go"? Well, I ask you you the same question; if these types of threads bother you, just move on and allow the people who want to talk about their frustrations do so!


    The answer is simple. "I am quitting post" serve no purpose. I do not want to see a forum, of a game I like, filled with useless venting. I want to see constructive criticism. I do not go to games, that I do not like, and post that the game was a let down, that I quit, and the game will of course die because I personally don't like it. Maybe, just maybe, I can get through to one person that everyone's time is better spent on well thought-out criticism and not keyboard smashing angst-filled "I quit" essays. This is very obvious if you actually spend time to think about it, instead of mindlessly supporting everyone who supports your opinion on why this game is a let down.

  2. Why are you still here? If you hate the game so much, what possible reason could there be for your continued presence in the TOR forums? You remain for what purpose, to continue to complain? Is that it? You have nothing else to offer?


    PLEASE answer this question or just leave. We really don't want to hear your internet campaign against a "dead game". Really, no one cares. Not a single person.

  3. Thing is.. that's how bad this game is. They stole $75 bucks from me. If it were a single-player game and not an MMO with forums and a so-called community, I'd also just chalk it up to a bad game, and better luck next time. This must be your first MMO. Welco.. or should I see, goodbye! See you in WoWx5! We'll all be there, waiting.


    They didn't steal anything from you, you bought the game and are now disatified. Return it and learn from your mistake, there was plenty of information stating how this game would be. This is my third MMO I have devoted a fair amount of time to, but have been apart of many, not so successful ones, in beta and the early months. Nice assumptions, you are clearly a great debater with all those "facts" and "logic" you bring to the table.

  4. This game doesn't need my help to fail. Trust me


    And yet you devote a massive amount of your time and effort to pull "facts" out of the internets to prove the game is dead. When I don't like a game, I stop playing and move on. I don't start an internet campaign to let everyone know how much I hate the game and how it is going to fail because I personally don't like it. It is literally one of the most amazing things I have seen on the internet. People actually think anybody cares why they are leaving and/or that their doom saying isn't based on anything but conjecture. Will you be here 6 months from now, if the game is not dead, apologizing for being completely wrong? The answer is of course no, you are free to spout off ridiculous doom saying with no consequence and act as if your one little prediction means anything in the grand scheme of things. Self-delusional people at their finest.

  5. Yes, the vast conspiracy again. Developer echoes fanboys, fanboys resonate developer, the din of white knight rationalization of issues becomes deafening, until so many people have quit the game that only the developers and die-hard fanboys remain.


    Doom saying black knights are just as wrong and just as annoying. So delusional that they believe their own personal opinions/problems with a game actually make a good indicator of the game's future success. Very easy to throw out "predictions" anonymously, where no one can call you out when they are flat out wrong. They don't go away either, WoW forums are filled with useless doom saying about every change/patch/expansion. Self-important, delusional, fledgling Nostradamus'.

  6. Here's the deal: I want SWTOR to survive and flourish. I really like the game overall. However, there are GLARING issues with this game (I'm not going to rehash them here...no point in repeating it) and yet Bioware seems to be blissfully (blindly?) boastful of their game. I get how PR works, blah, blah (so don't attempt to give me a lesson), but I have seen ZERO humility on Bioware's part that indicates that they have heard their customers. :( Look at Trion. Whether you like Rift or not (I found it to be rather bland myself) that is a company working its a*s off for your $15 a month. They have approached the community with humility and open ears, and it has paid off. Meanwhile, Bioware is too busy spinning the hype machine and patting itself on the back to approach the community's concerns humbly and comprehensively.


    Please know that I am writing this post as a fan of the game (and Bioware) and I really want the game to succeed. In my life, I have never seen an individual or entity succeed in the long term by avoiding self-reflection and constructive criticism.....ever.


    What are you talking about? They have a blog talking about feedback and they have MANY posts directly addressing issues and telling people they are working on it. I have rarely seen such actual responses to problems in any type of game. In addition, they have actively remade capped threads about key problems, so they can see the feedback. I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. Sort of feel like these forums are way overflowing with angst, uncertainty, false confidence, and doom saying.

  7. The Space component of STAR Wars (notice the 'star' part) is every bit as important as the ground component, IMO.


    If the ground component consisted of sitting strapped into a chair and left clicking on stuff flying past you wouldn't you be bored out of your head?


    A, B, Y & X-Wings, Speeders, the Millenium Falcon, the DEATH STAR... the movies were all about piloting. Taking away our ability to be pilots is like taking the ships out of naval sims.


    But I guess you tunnel lovers would prefer to ride 'shotgun' in a racing sim, too.


    Leave tunnelling an option for people who don't want to fly. Call it 'Gunner' or something but for the love of Star Wars give us the pilot's seat option.


    Again, I'm not asking for every inch of the Galaxy to be explorable like EVE. Space battles can have areas of containment/engagement. Warp to it or ride along in a capital ship to the engagement point and then take your fighter like, um... idunno... THE MOVIES!


    Surely Lucas Arts would give the code from one of it's Battlefront games (I think it was 2) to have a decent, fun, not complex Flight Sim.


    Also, all of the flight sims you tunnellers have mentioned are single player games. The only PvP MMORPG Flight Sims I have heard of are Black Prophecy (if anybody has heard of another, please let me know) and some little horrible thing that starts with V. Australia is locked out of Black Prophecy so I can't tell you if it's any good or not.


    @ the tunnellers who feel nostalgic about tunnel games, go back to them. I feel nostalgic about the X-Wing v. TIE Fighter. You would think fun flight sims would have evolved to be better in 20 the last 20 years or so.


    @ the people who mentioned STO (or EVE)... Oh, please... really? You don't know the difference between captaining a Container Ship and doing aerobatics in a Super Decathlon around a Zeppelin. Just stating a fact, not trying to start a fight.


    The staging areas they have right now could even work with little modification if they would just get rid of the freaking rails and let us (the PILOTS... remember?) take control: Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Thrust and Guns. That's all I'm asking for my subscription money.


    Unfortunately, the nay sayers are probably right and actual flight will never happen. I might play along with SURFACE WARS (note the lack of anything spacey, there) for a while but without being able to fly around Star Wars style, I can't see the difference between SWTOR and LOTRO.


    You bought the wrong game. The "nay sayers" are right. You won't see that kind of space combat for at least a year, if ever. That takes serious time and money to develop and there are many problems with the core of the game to be fixed. Its just not a focus of this game so expectations should be low.

  8. Here's my three:


    • Ability Delay - Character Responsiveness. (This is my biggest issue)
    • User Interface Customization and allow mods.
    • Better PvP, world pvp as well as more creative warzones. A large scale 40v40 would be great.


    Give your three in bullet form like I did, I'll update based on the most popular answers.

    • Implement Legacy System -4
    • Macros & Ad-Ons - 3
    • Fix crappy performance fps/lag / Ability Delay - 4


    Best off topic answers..."Make it to 40th bday" & "Get a job to pay late bills".


    Funniest Answers given: "playable loli cat alien race" & "Stephen Reid does a Livestream of him doing an Irish jig and laughing at all the haters"


    Agree with your first two and have more PvE endgame as my third.

  9. again, they haven't confirmed the ability delay


    They bothered to make a response that they are looking into it and making fixes about the problem. If that isn't a confirmation, I don't know what is. Stop arguing semantics, the game feels clunky and off in MANY cases, doesn't matter what you call the problem it needs to be fixed. The mount video is a classic sign things are off and just because it doesn't show up with every combination of abilities, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Did you ever think that the animation time matches up with the channel ability, so you don't notice it as much with certain combinations? Also STOP stating what "intended design" is, you are NOT working for Bioware and literally have zero clue what was intended and what wasn't. Nice try, trying to make yourself speak from authority.

  10. WAR and SWTOR have 2 thing in common.


    1: they both tried to 'brute force' there game. WAR working with some 300 employees not including any outsourced work etc. SWTOR rumors double that. Man power is needed to a point but better tool design and better coding can and will cut your man power needs and give you less hands in cookie jar so less people walking on each others code/scripts/etc.


    2: both companies had a horrible clash of politics inside. Its obvious with SWTOR, you have the old guard BW people and the folks from Mythic that were generally picked up as filler because WAR was firing everyone...But Bioware was in charge, not people with MMO experience and when Mythic folks tried to do things right, it clashed with BW egos which always causes lots of problems over the grand scheme of things.


    Before Mythic's massive layoffs, BioWare was openly advertising that they didn't want people with MMO experience to work on SWTOR. They wanted people with a 'fresh look'. The problem is that every company has a fresh look, and so freshly steps right into the same mistakes that everyone makes.


    As for anyones concerns with PvP systems, and saying "Mythic people should have known better!" well, the Mythic people on the PvP team wrote dungeons for WAR, not PvP, so they have no functional experience with it. Gabe has done a great job with Eternity Vault and the like but his lack of PvP design experience is obvious.


    How the hell do you know how the game is developed or how the company works? Do you have sources? Oh never mind, typical internet bull******* making stuff up based on nothing or vague source material and seeing what they want to see. You make me laugh. Pathetic.

  11. Choice is always an illusion in ALL video games. NOT just this game, it is in every SINGLE game that pretends to give you meaningful choices (RPGs). They have little effect because it is way too difficult to program multiple outcomes across multiple quests. I am sorry that video games have not advanced enough to please you. Maybe come back in 10 years?
  12. So basically what you are saying is that MMOs are not for you? Should of realized this ahead of time and saved yourself the money. I don't play an FPS and expect the whole experience to be completely different than FPS' before it. There is no "cloning", it has some of the core features that all MMOs have now a days and does other things differently. It is it's own game, so spare us the "WoW clone" ******** that is based on nothing but your own ignorance of MMOs (hint: when WoW came out it was a "EQ clone" lolol).
  13. Level 50

    Valor 61

    Legacy 7


    Nothing to do but daily quests for 2hrs a day to get battle master bags for retarded RNG pvp then log off.....


    First MMO you have played on release? Most MMOs have endgame content that is either too grindy or too easy. Takes a lot of time to tweak it. Welcome to the world of release MMOs.

  14. We aren't really complaining about small bugs and evading monsters. These are bugs that plague any game.


    What we concern ourselves with are far more important. Core features.


    You cannot build a house on a poor foundation and this is what SWTOR is doing. Before they even got the foundation right, they started creating the game.


    We aren't throwing hissy fits, we are providing reasonable ideas because we know what is in store for this game.


    I don't know what "we" you are speaking for, but the vast majority are filled with doom-saying whines that sure sound like hissy fits. They are not even suggestions because the poster has already determined that the game is dead because their "core features" are not implement on release. It's like nobody has played a fresh MMO, I guess they all joined WoW in Wrath. The sad part is I agree with many of the suggestions/complaints, but they get destroyed as keyboard heroes preach that the end days cometh. Probably the same people who post that "WoW is dying" every patch.

  15. Acquire foresight. Everyone, including the Rift/Aion/Warhammer Online players loved the game initially. You have to view the game objectively and comparatively to what else is on the market momentarily. As it stands, the game needs the aforementioned fixes, and the community needs to have the audacity to support those fixes and swallow their pride momentarily for the sake of the game.


    One key thing you are missing with those three games. They added nothing game changing to the MMO world. Pretty much "WoW clones" with a few different features. They always ended up with people saying why play this new messy MMO when I can go back to polished WoW? And just so you know WoW was a pretty big mess when it was released, so technically it should of "missed" it's chance in that 30 day window, as you describe. SWTOR adds something totally new to MMOs. Story. It has more staying power than the games you mention, so wait and see. Can we PLEASE tone down the exaggeration and doom-saying? It makes your arguments and suggestions look like absolute garbage and takes away from them.


    IF YOU DON'T FIX/IMPLEMENT ____, THIS GAME IS DEAD!!!! Can you not see how incredibly stupid and short sighted that sounds?

  16. If it was recoloured WoW, I'd play it rather than play TOR. The OP is right, the linear level design really does put you on rails like the space combat does, it just does that with a touch more subtlety, though the illusion doesn't work on many. Lemme paint you the difference, in WoW, I see a palace, I know "If I find a way to get up there, I can walk on it". In TOR, if I see a building in the distance on Coruscant or Nar Shadaa, I'm sitting there knowing fully well it's just a backdrop.


    It's the same difference you have in open world RPGs, like, say, Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim and BioWare's other games like Dragon Age. Yes, Dragon Age does have a backdrop over there, but that isn't the world, that's the backdrop. If it was a 2D game, that'd be the background, if it was an OS, it'd be your wallpaper, a completely inconsequential and useless thing that just sits in the background for the looks, not something you can interact with - and that has no place in an MMO in my opinion.


    Their lazyness went so far in fact, that they didn't even stick to the subtle approach of cornering you off with a mix of steep edges, energy shields and crap like that. No, if you go to Tanaris, you can walk across the desert, see a place 200 meters from you and not be able to get there on foot. Why? Because there's an arbitrary exhaustion zone between you and the place in question. I tried to ignore the linear design up to that point, telling myself it's just certain worlds and nothing consequential, but seeing that bollox just broke my illusion to pieces.


    There are MANY areas you see in WoW that you cannot get to. There are areas in WoW you cannot get to due to "fatigue" zones, even with flying mounts. Have you even played WoW or did you forget to take of your rose-tinted glasses? Did you honestly believe you could just explore every house in Coruscant? Or would you rather they just not show the city at all and put you in a building the whole time? Your opinion has very little in the way of solutions.

  17. I'm not at level cap as I said.....


    Uhh you missed the point. You are still WAY ahead of most players. The game JUST came out and you are expecting a flourishing community and tons of things to do. Community is not something you just program in and sorry but server forums do not suddenly spark a community. It takes a lot more than that and largely is based on how successful the game becomes, not some magical binary code. Hell I have made plenty of friends along the way doing ALL heroic quests and getting datacrons. Maybe you are doing it wrong because I have literally found zero trouble finding groups. And that is on Republic.


    To your other point, the game is linear because that is how you make good story. And no, WoW currently has the exact same linearity, there is no difference. Sandbox games have a really bad habit of turning into a big lifeless world because how do you write a great story when the player can do anything he wants? People are going to say Skyrim, but lets be honest the story is mediocre at best and fairly short. Not to mention its a single player game. Regardless, this is a Bioware game and their style is linear story telling and it has worked very well for them. If you don't like that style then you should of never bought the game because it was made very clear how it would play out.

  18. MMO Player A rushes to max level cap, way past the majority of the player population. MMO Player A then complains on forums that there isn't enough content at endgame. MMO Player B levels at a much slower pace and this makes him much more aligned with the vast majority of the player base. He/she is oblivious to this "problem" because he/she is still enjoying the leveling content.


    Do you not realize that MMO games, at the start, are not designed to appeal to the end game? The whole point is to focus on leveling content to attract people to the game and then later on add more end game content. Basically, add in more end game content right when the AVERAGE player has reached level cap. In addition, they have to see if the game will even make enough money to worry about continued development. I ask you to honestly think about this question, how much end game content did WoW have on release? The funny part about all of this, is that half of you will be back when more content is added/problems fixed. I know its new to you, since you probably started WoW in Wrath (or insert any other MMO not on launch) but this is how it works. Welcome to the world of brand new MMOs.

  19. I think you are generalizing. Just because someone doesn't like the LFG system in WoW, doesn't mean they are happy with the LFG system in The Old Republic. In fact, many of the people against the LFG tool in WoW were only oppose to it because it was cross server. The current system in The Old Republic is obviously woefully inadequate and this is coming from a tank.
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