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Everything posted by psieco

  1. I only sayng that the way that importan t part of mix dark and light isnt good to me and by i saw in others discutions alot of people isnt like too. The revamp of classes are good, at least sentinel, but the mix of d and l need a better discution
  2. This is only my point: if i like the idea of change of class to other class i choice guardian jedi that can swanp of dps to tank. Oh, now i sentinel then in legacy of sith i can choice jougernaul sith and now be a tank i dont like this ideia. i would like to continue dpsing with my sentinel and dark force give option that ad more skills to my tree of dps sentinel.
  3. we dont have awe, but i like the changes of that of beloved class receive. Now i feel that sentinel work more like he should.
  4. I tested and i have questions: Wheres owe? This is a crucial skill that improve the defense of sentinel. Sentinel is very slow he need move quick in map
  5. Sentinel is a meele dps, and he die too easy, this is the point and make this class bad to play, because you spend shame when you the only one to die in a party and you a jedi. I belive that class need enter in and out a fight with ease. Camoflage is a skiill that represent very well sentinel, but i belive if you can turn this skill while in a fight will turn the class much more unique. I belive that class, like others say, represent speed. How about double jump and a skill that improve the speed in and out the fights, he move in map very slowly. I dont know why jedi jump in this game like a dump.
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