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Everything posted by Athrulas

  1. This is awesome! We normally have to all reroll weeklies to have the same, and even then it doesn't work out half the time which really sucks. Our guild is pretty close-knit and we like doing everything together so we are going to love this change!
  2. I think a lot of us agree that there are too many buttons. Most of us are just kind of upset over the choices they're having us make because a lot of them conflict with each other in terms of importance. Like choose between A and B, but both abilities are core Jedi Guardian abilities and you should get both of them. I don't speak for everyone, but that's my consensus. I want less buttons, but I think they went a little too far.
  3. I do not like the ability pruning. This does not feel like a "greater customization experience." It feels like I am being shoe-horned into a meta because of the ability choices.
  4. Soon™ Eventually™ This Week™
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