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Everything posted by Kazyon

  1. Can someone post the new health amount for the Lurkerlings in 8m SM ToS? Trying to plan a raid for tonight... Thanks!
  2. Yeah... The devs are going to make whatever changes they're going to make, and generally we either suck it up and deal with it or play something else. But to get that volume of negative feedback on this change and not even attempt to justify it is beyond me. I can (probably) deal with the change if they'll just explain WHY. There are other classes/specs putting out more DPS so it just seems random and unnecessary. Edit: To clarify, it's the single-target DPS change I'm talking about. I understand why Force Storm got the nerf... I don't really agree with their choice on how they fixed it, but it definitely needed some adjustment.
  3. Yep, it's the PvE issue... I have 2 DPS sorcs on my raid team and right now we can reliably clear SM ToS with usually only one or two deaths during the Underlurker burn phase. If the full set of sorc changes goes live, I don't think we'll have the DPS to beat that encounter anymore. Heck, I doubt we'll even be able to stay ahead of the adds. At least we had a double-xp weekend recently so they could both work on leveling new characters to raid with...
  4. They don't want to hear the complaints about the Sorc nerfs for the next 4 days.
  5. If you rack up conquest points on a guilded character, but leave the guild before the end of the conquest event, does that guild keep the points you earned? To clarify, I know your personal guild progress resets when you become unguilded, that's not what I'm asking. I want to know if the guild you were part of keeps the points you earned, or if they're removed from the guild total with you /gquit. Thanks!
  6. My sniper and my wife's operative both got the "no companion" intro, and we finished Chapter 3 on those characters a long time ago, probably even before RotHC. My Jugg's intro was fine, though.
  7. You posted what Mercs are getting for their new raid-wide utility buff... Where's the one for Powertechs? Thanks!
  8. In general, I've had good interactions with CS as well, and they've definitely helped with item loss and getting other issues like that resolved. If anything, that makes it MORE frustrating when you get the "tough luck" response, though.
  9. Got a response, basically "sorry you wasted your time on those flashpoints, we'll fix it eventually, nothing we can do for you" from the CSR. Blah.
  10. Thanks all... I wouldn't be so concerned if it wasn't also for Conquest points. I submitted a ticket, will update the thread when I get a response.
  11. I was at 4/5 Tactical Flashpoints for the weekly yesterday, but when I logged in this morning they were reset to 0/5. Intentional or bug, and is there any way to get the counter changed back?
  12. Right, and now PvE-ers are getting locked out after one FP. So let's tone down the rewards on the PvE stuff to be in line with the PvP rewards and let them both be repeatable so people can play how they want and still contribute. Agreed.
  13. Yes, it is. We were on Makeb last week and came in a solid second place with about 5 million conquest. The winning guild had more than 10 million conquest points, and they did it by running WZs almost nonstop with full premades. So yes, for an organized and dedicated guild, it is outrageous. And to clarify, I'm not saying the PvE repeatable wasn't outrageous either... but to nerf one and leave the other is wrong.
  14. Then they should figure out legitimate ways to make PvP better so people queue because they want to, not so they can get slaughtered for 10 minutes and magically get rewarded for it over and over and over... I find it hard to believe that the PvP community really thinks that filling the queue with bads who only want the reward is somehow going to improve the state of PvP in this game.
  15. Tait, are these Flashpoint Conquest Objectives going to be doable once per character, or only once per Legacy like some of the current one-time objectives (TC, etc.)?
  16. I would rather run BoL or BT over and and over than run WZs over and over... That doesn't mean limiting one and not the other is an appropriate solution. Yep. Once per day vs. unlimited is pretty imbalanced. I'd rather see something like a 3 or 5 per day cap on both to encourage some variety if that's really the way they want to go.
  17. Exactly this. Let's let the PvP guilds steamroll the queue with their premades and get infinite rewards, but the PvE guilds are screwed since the flashpoints are one-time only and the Operations rewards are laughable for the effort involved.
  18. Switching instances will usually allow you to progress the mission, but it is a pretty annoying bug.
  19. Same, still stuck. One thing I noticed, if I go to the Saleucami Fleet Action Mastery achievement, it shows the date and timestamp being right now. If I wait a few seconds and click it again, the time updates to the current time again. So, it's like it's constantly marking itself complete every second, but without the achievement actually going away. I'm going to try running the mission and seeing if that triggers an update. Edit: Just ran the mission and completed every main and bonus objective, including destroying the command ship with a torpedo. Achievement tracker still shows Saleucami Fleet Action Mastery 0/1 Eliminate Fighters
  20. With all the toys in the Cartel Packs (Ball Toss, Holoprojector Disguise, Remote Control Starship, Reusable Jawagrams, etc.), it would awesome to have another inventory tab to store that stuff, similar to the Mission Items tab. I like carrying a lot of the toys around for downtime during raids or when I'm on the fleet waiting for the queue, but between those items and an offspec set of gear and crafting components and rep tokens and all that, I have all of my inventory slots unlocked but only 2 rows that aren't full of stuff. I could easily free up an extra row or two just by moving all the items with the Cartel logo to another tab. Thanks!
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