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Everything posted by Eshaye

  1. Give this guy a cookie for wisdom. And it's all going to be okay! As long as there are rabid whiners and fanboys you know your game is just fine. lol. *hugs*
  2. The only reason red are sith side and blue/green was jedi side in the movie was to be a visual cue as to who's evil and good. Which imo is a stupid thing to begin with. The movies are very black and white, but KOTOR is not. In Kotor as explained earlier you can have light sith and dark jedi and something in between which I really hope they get around to fixing the neutral zone soon.. But anyway, the colors here aren't totally set in stone. I think in the expanded Universe the color of a saber is more akin to a person's personality then to which side they are on.
  3. Yes thank you very much, I can't get enough of the rocks in this game, can't say that for other MMOs, usually that's what looks the most horrible. WoW has horrible, horrible terrain, it's like looking at homepage backgrounds from the late 90's, omg the tiles!!! The thing with both WoW and SWTOR is that they went for a stylized cartoon look. WoW has neat effects but to me when looking at both the designs of the games, wow's is getting old, the trees looks almost 1 dimensional. Depending on the card you have it can make both game looks great regardless, if you have an older card WoW probably looks way better because it's not as demanding as SWTOR and we don't have all the high (ultra?) options yet. There are a number of other and older MMOs with more stunning and realistic graphics then both these games but they are known to cause problems for people with older machines and tech. So it's a give and take. Here's a few of my screenies from SWTOR: http://twitpic.com/82av13/full http://twitpic.com/82avw7/full http://twitpic.com/82aw9k/full http://twitpic.com/82az28/full http://twitpic.com/82avmr/full http://twitpic.com/82azmu/full http://twitpic.com/82b1id/full
  4. Ah but here's the rub, Skyrim is an open world RPG. Bioware DOES NOT MAKE open worlds. I've never played Baldur's Gate or the original NWN but after those games I can't recall a single BW game that was open world. This is why I'm a fan of both Bethesda and Bioware, they make great RPGs that are distinctly different. It sucks that SWG closed down, it sucks there isn't a great open world MMO yet and hasn't been in years but I'm confident that one day there will be another. I know of a few in development but they are by small companies so we'll see if they succeed or not. I hope so. However, clearly these are not the droids you're looking for.
  5. I skimmed the thread sorry, but in my view I think the legacy system is actually kind of cool. What I think should be allowed and solve a lot of our problems is to be allowed a changeable surname for each character. It boggled me that there was no surname slot at character creation. The legacy name and surnames should NOT be the same thing. Legacy is just a way to identify players and their alts with benefits and that's a neat thing honestly. However to limit people's personal RP and not allowing them a true surname is really annoying to some of us. I've played LotrO and EQ2 and am used to having my own surnames, in both those games you can have: Prefix title, name, surname, suffix title. If you so choose. You could choose the legacy name as a suffix if you want in SWTOR.
  6. No, they want the devs to bend over and cater to THEM and quit with this story nonsense. And that's a problem because it's just not going to happen.
  7. Yes it is, for as long as they put it out or a new shiny comes along. Pretty much like any other game out there really. I'm looking forward to how this game will expand and change over time, that's the beauty of an MMO and why it's worth your sub or whatever money you put in. I've been looking for an MMO that tailors to someone like me for years, a casual player that enjoys a lively story more then anything else. Guild Wars used to be that game hands down, then came along LotrO, and AoC, finally FFXIV. But all those games were missing one or two things I wanted in an MMO. SWTOR to me has it all, I feel very satisfied here. It's too bad others do not and it's not like I don't understand the feeling but I know that the key isn't in trying to change what this game is supposed to be but try to figure out what it is you're really looking for.
  8. And for the millionth time nobody's trying to beat WoW. Bioware has made a classic MMO adding with what they do best: story. Seriously why is that concept so difficult to grasp and accept? Move on from this and maybe we'll get somewhere.
  9. I think we're getting lots of droids right now because we are at the beginning of the saga, stay tuned for baddass sith lords and jedi masters. XD
  10. Exactly right, a grind is only a grind if it's a chore. Heck there's people who love to chop down monsters over and over again what many people consider grinding or farming. I love being carried along by the story with some fighting in between. If you're enjoying yourself, you're not grinding no matter what you're doing. This game caters to story lovers and I for one am extremely grateful, it's about time.
  11. I listen to a fantastic podcast here: http://torwars.com/ Their site is updated every day too, you might have to do some digging but their was an interview a while ago stating that the devs already have a lot more content on the go and they will release when it's ready. Sounds like they have back log of stuff to polish while working on new content. That's really the only way this game can go forward at a good pace,
  12. No no, they have a whole bunch of things on the go already. What they need to do is give us a plan, we already have some info on the next big patch but we need some kind of road map. People really like to know what they have to look forwards to.
  13. Actually I hated the character models ha ha ha.. I liked everything else, the environments are beautiful and the story was really great, a fun place to adventure in for sure.
  14. Indeed, except now with get KOTOR 3 +++++. Hmmm... I'd say that's better no?
  15. I played LotrO for 2 years, it was not the way you describe out of the box at launch. Get some much needed perspective sweetheart. hint: you could not sit in chairs in LotrO at launch.
  16. Yes please I'd love see more flashpoints or content with the same group interactivity. I would like to see that feature expanded for other things too, though there are quests you can have many players participate too.
  17. No no LotrO was always doing fine, it's known as the first P2P game that was doing well that just went and decided to go partly F2P because of the immense success of DDO, and was the first indicator that F2P wasn't just for crappy Eastern games anymore. I'll give you Warhammer, that one tanked hard eventually. AoC also knew a huge drop in population, partly because Funcom over assessed it's community at launch and went crazy with the servers, so did WAR actually. AoC also mislead it's community quite a bit, I don't see Bioware doing this. EVE is niche, it's done very well yes but it's a game you can play alongside anything unless you are hardcore into it which a minority would be. It's not as big as you're letting on. I know what TOR is thanks. lol.
  18. You need to re-evaluate what 'fail' means then... SWG suffered for years, the games you listed are quite successful, if you're going to say they failed because they went F2P you need to head over to those discussions and understand that the market simply has changed over time. It's not an indication of failure by any means. And I won't go into that here sorry.
  19. Ahhh not a single game you listed is a sandbox MMO, they are all themepark. Sandbox MMOs: Ryzom, Wurm Online, Second Life and other simulations, Earthrise, Mortal Online, Fallen Earth (partial sandbox), Ultima. The industry is bigger when it comes to theme park type of games, that is what most players are comfortable with while the minority hungers for a sandbox. Not many big budget companies want to invest in sandbox so you have to look for the smaller guys for them. Perhaps a game like Amalur may change that, we'll see.
  20. To add what the game really needs are activities like huttball and warzones to bridge the gap between finishing a story and waiting for the next ones to come out. If anything the danger the game might run into is not being able to put out story content at a good pace. Apparently they have this covered but it remains to be seen if it actually works. I find it really pessimistic of people to run to the conclusion that the game is doomed when the majority of players have not reached the end of their story content yet. If this thread was being posted in a month when most people were at 50 and done with warzones, and what not, THEN I could see a reason for worry. At this point we are not there yet, let's give Bioware a chance to put out their stuff.
  21. Makes me an unhappy panda, I hope it's a lot sooner, I hate having to dig through this slop to get the information I want.
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