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Everything posted by DarkLordVorkalth

  1. You make an excellent point. They could change a bunch of the abilities to make it more even, or have abilities interact differently with others you might have. The best way they could implement this would probably be with a total revamp of disciplines, making it so each one was less distinct and making many abilities interchangeable with one-another, although I highly doubt they would do that anytime soon.
  2. I think having a Terminus and Hammerhead stronghold/ship would be a great idea. They could essentially be strongholds about half the size of a guild flagship (in terms of explorable area inside). The ability to travel to different planets for a change of scenery would be cool. /signed
  3. This is something I've been wanting in SWTOR for a while. It'd be great if we could have more than one spec at a time. I think it could work like this: I'm level 75, and I can put in any amount of levels into however many disciplines I want as long as I don't go over 75. I'd I'm only level 40, I can only put 40 levels into the disciplines, and so on. Say I put 10 levels into Carnage to get Gore, and a few into Annihilation to get bleeds, and the rest into Fury. This would open up a lot more customization for players who want more varied abilities, without making entirely new disciplines. It also allows players to combine aspects of disciplines without making them too overpowered.
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