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Posts posted by TetraCleric

  1. who cares, its still a LOT faster to get a mount going than in Aion.


    Using a mount as an example is the easiest way to illustrate the ability delay. Obviously it's irrelevant how fast you can mount.

  2. So you're saying that 48 expertise would do well against a level 50 with 600+ expertise?


    Maybe is the level 50 was played by a 9 year old and had utterly no clue how to use their abilities.


    Max expertise you can get atm, is 554, and that's assuming youre in full BM. After patch you'll be able to get 632.


    I didn't know about the sub-50 PvP weapons. Always seemed a waste to get them when I had orange weapons I could level as I leveled. But then again, I leveled pretty quickly.

  3. Yup, if I should move while the mount ability is being casted of course it would interrupt it. I can't heal and move at the same time, it requires me to stand still.


    No no. If the cast bar is finished, but the animation is not complete, you will cancel the cast. This game sets an ability priority based on animation, rather than cast time, and that's where the delay. You certainly should not be able to heal on the move. But once your cast bar is finished you should be able to move without fear of your ability being canceled.

  4. Also, I've yet to experience any type of ability delay. Check your prefs and see what your time is on your next ability, as you can queue them within, 1 second of using another.


    I completely agree with everything you've said, until this. If you sincerely haven't come across ability delay (it's not "lag"), then you are either A)playing on a different client, B) Not playing, or C) Just aren't sure what to look for.


    Ability delay is a serious problem. Are you level 25 yet? Do you have a mount? Did you play WoW? If you played WoW, do you remember how you could cast your mount, and as soon as the cast was done start moving at mounted speed, before the animation even fired? Try doing that in this game, and you will see that movement during the actual animation will effectively cancel the cast even though the cast bar has already fired. That is the delay, and it happening in Warzones is just so awful for you. Not to mention location discrepancies between the client and server, which only adds to the problem.

  5. No one ever mentions that the Expertise cap is 10% either, but everyone likes to QQ about Expertise.


    Weird, because with full BM, you can get over 11% exp. And when the next tier drops, you can get even higher. Of course I'd like to see the proof of this "10% cap", as I currently have 10.77%, and I'm missing two pieces of Champion gear.


    Naturally, I assume you're pulling this out of your ***, or still think the Beta caps (you know, when you get expertise gear starting at 20) apply to Live. From what I've seen, the cap is actually 20%. But, the cap really is irrelevant because you can't reach it with the current gear in the game. BM gear is only level 60, and Valor caps at level 100. So its pretty safe to say that there will be higher tiers of gear later on, particularly because this is all subsets of Tier 1.

  6. Surge gives alot more Percentage boost in damage ie 175 surge = 25% crit multiplier

    175 Power gives you +40 force damage


    Base crit multiplier 50%

    1k base damage = 1.5k

    with 350 surge

    1k base - 2k



    Base crit multiplier 50%

    now power + 350

    1k base - 1.54k


    Am I wrong? Acurracy is better than power. Surge and crit then accuracy.


    Yes I understand that, but surge caps off super quickly compared to every other stat in the game. So once you hit the surge cap, you stop stacking it, and should then stack power to increase the effectiveness of surge. And Accuracy, for Sorcs at least because this is the Sorc forum, is pointless, because you are given 100% accuracy naturally.

  7. Power is really bad, it takes so much power to see any real difference at all.


    Also, power doesn't scale, it's a flat +dmg/+healing, while crit and surge are % based which will scale exponentially.


    For example +50 dmg to your spell is great when its base damage is like 200, but when it's 1500 then it's hardly noticeable. On the other hand for crit and surge it's the exact opposite, having +10% crit and +10% surge when your spell does 200 damage is hardly noticeable, but the harder your spell hits, the more extra damage your get from a critical strike.


    Lastly, crit and surge make each other even more powerful (more chances to get a critical strike and more powerful critical strikes), while power doesn't complement any other stats.



    Surge has the most DR of any stat in the game. So continually stacking Surge, will have negative effects because you are forfeiting other stats for a stat that has stopped giving you an increase. The key is to balance out crit/surge, then stack power, because a bigger base means your crits will actually hit harder. A 1500 base with 60% surge, is something like a 2400 crit. But if you increase the base value through power, to say 1700, you're now critting for 2720.

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