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Posts posted by TetraCleric

  1. Many classes have a hard time winning 1on1 verse sorcs,im just trying to figure out any class after the nerf that i can beat if i get the jump on,yah know what my class was kinda designed to do.

    Most classes with a semi good player and equal geared toon should win or have a good fight if you get the first hit,sadly my first hit was grounded up and fed to the dogs.


    Marauder/Sentinel/Assassin/Shadow destroy Sorcs/Sage in 1v1. Of course that depends on skill level. But your class wasn't designed to take people from 100-0. It was designed to pick people off, then vanish away.

  2. Yeah that's true, but what I was trying to get at was that sorcs can consistently do 350k+ damage and still put out heals over 100k.


    Most of that healing comes from bubbles. Very rarely will a dps sorc waste Force on healing, cast time on DI is too long to use a lot, and its not very cost effective IC. But, the bubbles count towards healing, and traditionally you will see sorcs that bubble themselves often at or around 100k healing.

  3. Hit bubble,opener gone,then there is all that is left on my bar against what a Sorc has,,,yahh yup thatl work lol.


    Oh youre the only melee class? Shouldn't you look for advantageous opportunities rather than thinking you can just win any 1v1?

  4. You play one? i do,please tell me what knowledge you know aside from looking at the tree's and in Wz's?

    Someone said earlier in this thread "Every class can counter a Sorc" sure about that?


    No, I don't play one. But I know people that regularly killed people in 2 GCD's. And they are who I get my information from.


    And no not every class counters sorc, I'm not delisional. But if you think a good melee can't counter a sorc, youre terrible at this game.

  5. I call bs, you don't read the Scrapper class forums. You guys qq so much and we said l2 play and we got nerfed. Sure the good players do well but we should be doing better according to your l2 play arguments.


    Except the good players are still doing better.

  6. Because you're not 50 in at least champion gear, you don't have any 50 pvp experience as a sorc, and you are most likely full madness or lightning instead of a hybrid.


    lolightning is a joke spec man. I play it because its hilarious seeing CL crit for 3.5k on 5 people. But it won't be viable in ranked warzones/arena(if arena happens). Control is the name of the game, and 31 mad is control.

  7. Lol ohh so your calling me "Not good" because i believe that the nerf was too much?

    Bravo to you sir,here,here is a lollipop:p


    If that is what you want to infer sure. But all the ops/scoundrels who were ripping people apart in 2 GCD's agreed there needed to be a nerf. It was only the people that didn't really know how to maximize their class that think they didn't need a nerf. You can place yourself into whichever group you think you fall into.

  8. Why is that?


    Aside from the fact that you seriously think 1k is the biggest crit you can obtain, it's impossible to discuss or balance classes below 50, and it should never be a point of contention if one is below the intended playing cap for PvP.

  9. Hey where have we heard that before? Oh yeah with Operative/Scoundrels but look what happened,,,and wasnt it Sorc's/Inquizys complaining the most? Oh yeah it was ,maybe those classes need to learn how to counter and "L2P" but alittle late now huh?


    Any good scoundrel/operative agreed there needed to be a nerf. And those same players still dominate with their class.


    There's no warzone they don't excel in, and there's no 1v1 fight they can't win.


    You sir, are clueless. Sorc/Sage has literally no hard counter to any class in this game. If you can't beat a Sorc/Sage it's a skill issue, not a class issue.

  11. I disagree with that. This leave open the possibility to be immobile for more than 10 seconds. Which happens constantly and is to much imo.


    But you have the opportunity to cast still, and if there is a healing class present, they can purge the root off of you. If you put roots on resolve, you lose a lot of utility that classes rely on.

  12. I do not know the names off all the classes abilities yet as I have been slacking sorry. But they can leap at you with a full resolve bar and you still become immobile.


    Yea losing mobility but still being able to cast is a root, and shouldn't be affected by resolve.

  13. Ah, hadn't heard of that, did not play these games. What I remember reading here was someone reported this kill trades in a post a week or two ago, posted screen shots of what was going on and also posted a dev response in game saying the mods couldn't do anything about it.


    You're right, I was just pointing out that other games have done it before.

  14. Well roots still give you control of your character, you are just movement impaired.


    And the force leap stun should affect resolve, or be affected by it, because you lost control of your character for stun duration.

  15. You don't understand the mentality that people who put in the time to do something right get a little bit upset when people who cheat get the same benefits with only a fraction of the time? Cool. Just let me know when you design a game, so I can stay far, far away from it.


    It's not cheating. It may not be in the spirit of the game (whatever that is to you), but it's not cheating. It's not like people have found a way to exploit valor by breaking game mechanics. It's a part of the game, and as lame as it is, you need to actually recognize it for what it is, and also for what it isn't.

  16. It's disgusting behavior but really doesn't mean it's against any Terms of Use. (I know you didn't say it was, but for conversation purposes)


    In fact, there's no single one way Bioware could put stop this, neither can any other game creator. You can't stop players from being diplomatic and arranging/playing by their own rules.


    These players can only be ostracized by you and yours.


    GM's will suspend people for trading in both Aion and WoW.

  17. Your friend is quitting because somebody got his CoD rank faster than he did? Who the **** cares about time based achievements anyways? What sort of skill did he use to grind out Valor in warzones? He took the slow route, others took the fast route. But at the end of the day, if they suck, they suck. He should be happy more people are on an equal gear level so that his skill can actually show, rather than him roflstomping players in 400 less expertise than him.
  18. Ok I'm going to clarify the real big problem about dps sorcs/sages:




    I play a lvl50 sage and I can cast anything out of cooldown without thinking about resource. Thats the real issue and make the class ez mode. Give 600 energy to my gunslinger and I'll show you the OP.


    Yea, it doesn't work that way though. Resource costs across all classes are for the most part pretty proportional. Keep a sorc in a fight with his bubble up for more than 20 seconds, watch him be at 0 Force, or damn well near it.


    Of course, if they are lolightning hybrid, they pretty much will never run out of Force unless they try to heal, but they are even more squishy and lack any sort of good control. So you take the bad with the good.


    oh and notice it's all yellow damage not white


    also add the numbers together, they don't do big one hits like operatives used to before they were nerfed (which is why they were nerfed), they do streams of burst over a few seconds.


    3:30 is a perfect example of this.


    I'm not saying sorcs should be nerfed at all either, i think they are balanced well, but don't delude yourself about them having no burst just because it's streamed instead of a single 5k number popping up.


    What a terrible showcase of a Sorcerer.


    I don't even want to claim that this is a "good" video, but I at least can show actual burst with my Sorc.



    ^Above video I'm spec'd 31 mad

  20. So you're stuck with the lowest level gear (Centurion) but don't want Champion gear, and thus complain that you've had bad RNG?
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