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Everything posted by TetraCleric

  1. You said Sorcs can do 200k and 100k healing easily as dps, and I'm telling you it's because of the way heals are counted via the bubble. If bubbles didn't count towards healing, you would see a lot more dps sorcs with a lot less healing done. And end warzone logs don't mean anything because they are aggregate of the entire warzone. If someone did 400k+ damage, they didn't do it by single target, they did it through aoe's. Just like you can't take the DPS value given at the end of warzone to heart, you shouldn't take the rest of the stats to heart either. If I want to be rude, the assassins in my guild regularly do over 300k in a warzone. Infer from that what you need to.
  2. So if you're concerned about warzone numbers, maybe have the sorc bubble not count towards healing? I can get the 75k healing medal without ever casting a heal simply by bubbling often.
  3. Even if knockback only fills half the soft cap, the other two stuns that sorcs have will immediately pop you into full resolve because both those stuns soft cap you on use. So no matter what, you get your knockback and one other stun, or both stuns. Not all 3. I still don't think the root is applied if the knockback doesn't occur to full resolve because I've experienced that done to me, and me doing it to someone else. And yes, I agree proper CC use separates the average sorc from the better ones, and that is reason I will be sticking with 31 mad come rateds. Control>DPS, especially since 31 mad is still fantastic dps.
  4. I wouldn't have said otherwise if I hadn't already tested it. If I am wrong though it's still less useful than CT because of the cooldown difference. I can do 2 CT roots before I can do two overload roots.
  5. That requires you to go 18(19)/21 which is a vastly inferior spec to 13/28 or even just 17/24. Sacrifice tons of damage, for a blind? No competent sorc will do that. The blind is in the 4th tier btw. And the root in madness has a DoT on it, which makes it even better than the aoe root. And if you read into my post, its plain to see that for control, 31 mad is always superior because you get 3 forms of control with one reusable, where as the hybrid spec really only gets two because one root is conditional, and as you pointed out, auto tied to the knockback, and can never be used without the knockback. And if the target is full resolve, the knockback won't do anything, which means you can't put the root on them anyways.
  6. Hybrid specs have the same amount of CC as a pure spec madness/balance does. You only add one root, either way you spec. Where does all this extra CC come from? You get two stuns no matter your spec. One root if you go 31 mad. One root if you go hybrid. Thats still two stuns, and one root, which if my math is correct, is three CC's. And melee do counter sorcs, particularly Mar/Sent and Sin/Shad which I've said a few times now.
  7. What? The only time I struggle is in 1v1, which the game isn't even built around, or if the team decides not to derp and go after tanks, and focuses on the player nuking them up. I never claimed anything fills resolve, other than insta WW that breaks on damage (because it adds a 2 second stun). Every single Sorc/Sage stun puts you one stun away from full resolve (the soft resolve as biowareftw put it). You get 2 stuns/knockbacks before the opponent is at full resolve. Oh and btw, we've been talking about Mar/Sent which both have Force Leap, so I've not changed my tune at all. If I've timed my shields well enough, I should have the advantage from my shields. If you don't look at my debuffs before opening on me, is that my fault? I also didn't say melee hit for 3500 every time. I said their crits, which if they've geared themselves correctly do happen enough, hit for that hard, and especially any special attack.
  8. Honestly though, this bug has been in game since release. It's just that more and more people are starting to use it, so it's more widespread. It definitely needs to be fixed, but as it stands for Bioware right now, fixing Ilum is a higher priority, and probably a lot easier to do.
  9. Knockback with the 5 second root, that breaks on damage after 2 seconds, and puts you at half resolve. So that limits you to one other stun. Let's not mention that instant WW breaks on damage, so if I have any intelligence is useless because I keep Affliction up 100% of the time. You also assume the melee won't force leap to get back into range. You assume that the melees white crits don't take my shield down in one swoop (hint: they do) But that's ok, continue to think the problem isn't you, and is only the Sorc/Sage. Every time you've posted this argument to me, and I've countered it, you've just ignored me. So I don't really know why I'm responding to it again, but I did, so maybe you will try to come up with some other unrealistic scenarios.
  10. Sorry that balance below 50 doesn't exist, and will never be balanced by the dev teams. That's just a simple fact based on ability progression per each class. And yes, I can go 2v1 with ease against the correct match up and against bad players. As soon as you add in competent players, my ability to 2v1 has diminished. Two melee? I'm going to die if they aren't retarded. 1v1 against melee, same thing. But as always, against people that aren't that good, I will dominate. But that can be said for any class.
  11. Oh you're not even at the level cap. Yea, balance doesn't really matter below the level cap.
  12. So then maybe your other healers should do more than 120k healing? My healer regularly does over 300k, and that's pretty damn hard to get even close to as a DPS sorc.
  13. Yea sure, I've casted Force Sprint, so I'm on GCD (1.5 seconds). I've been rooted, now I need to cleanse (another 1.5 seconds). Oh look, Force Speed is off because it only lasts two seconds, and I've gone a total of maybe 5-10m.
  14. I'd believe that if I it hadn't happened to me before. But I've been stunned in full resolve, I've been unable to cast abilities after getting stunned in full resolve. And I've been chained stunned through resolve. I know the difference between the two because I can cast during one, and not the other. But I've seen multiple times on not only myself, but enemies as well as friendlies, stuns go through resolve.
  15. I'm in full Battlemaster gear. Equal geared Melee eat me alive as hybrid because I lack control. Sent/Mar can crit white damage at 3k, plus specials hitting for even harder. If I blow cooldowns, bubbles, and stuns, I'll be lucky to drop the marauder/sent from 100-35-40 before they are back on me. Push back on a 3 second cast? Awful. Juke casting is a must, and even then I have to wait 3 seconds to get a decent heal off, hope it crits, and hope I'm not being attacked in the mean time. Even if the stars align, and I get perfect procs, perfect crits, it's still going to be an incredibly tough fight. The only easy fight, is against a bad player.
  16. No, the fact that resolve doesn't work consistently is the biggest mistake in the entire game.
  17. Damage charts in Warzones are easy to pad because of AoE.
  18. Resolve should just go, and DR should replace it. But, if you roots/slows did affect resolve, then you've cut pretty much any sort of control from the game for a lot of classes.
  19. So resolve not working is the Sorcs/Sage problem? Because fyi, one knockback full blue's you on resolve, just like any other single stun ability the Sorc/Sage has. Any second stun, or knockback puts you at full resolve. Resolve not working is not a class balance issue.
  20. You know that the 31 madness spec has the exact same abilties, except instead of the knockback root, it has a root with a DoT? And the madness tree is the DoT tree, while lightning is upfront damage. If you go lolightning hybrid, you sacrifice a lot more survivability that you would have normally had through 31 mad, for more output. It is a lot easier to kill a lolightning hybrid than it is to kill a 31 madness Sorc. If I'm 31 mad, I get 3 CC's to use. If I'm lolightning I get two. The AoE knockback adds to resolve, and since it has the root, it's gonna get used a lot. That opens up one other stun that I can use. As mad, I can knockback, root with DoT, and then stun you. And when you come out of stun I can kite you until the root is back up, and root you again. It's going to take me longer to kill you because I can't Chain Lightning you for 3.5k anymore, plus a Death Field for 3.5k.
  21. Actually, any melee class is a hard counter for Sorcs, and technically speaking Sorcs/Sages aren't a true hard counter to any class. Sentinels/Marauders eat through Sorcs, as do Assassins/Shadows. Ops/Scoundrel still does when played in the right hands. You keep proving "fanboy" points when you whine.
  22. I don't really agree. 31 madness is incredibly powerful. Put in the correct hands, its on par with lolightning hybrid. I average 350k damage as either spec, and with 31 mad I get more control. Now, lightning, as a 31 spec is completely useless.
  23. In WoW mages have blink, in TOR, sages/sorcs have sprint. Blink removes all slow/root effects and frees you from a stun. Sprint does none of the above, and you can be rooted/stunned during the sprint. What perma snares? Any two Sorc/Sage stun/knockbacks and you are full resolve. Knockback? half way to full resolve. Stun? Halfway to full resolve. Talented instant Incap? Full resolve if broken on damage. You act like Sorc/Sage have all these CC abilities that don't affect resolve, when in reality you can only use two in a given situation. If you drag the fight out, you can get more, but then that's really falling on the other players shoulders.
  24. Now granted the player is buff stacking, but this is done to heavy armor targets.
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