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Everything posted by ConfusedPORO

  1. Quick Question as a somewhat new player looking to build some wealth: Is it more profitable to craft things like lvl 11 attachments and selling those, or selling the materials outright? I have no interest in crafting super high-end stuff, so i'm wondering what is more efficient...
  2. You already posted this nonsense. Troll somewhere else.
  3. I hope my SW can tell him to stuff it and finally turn him into scrap. Honestly i find him utterly insufferable, he's a 70 year old fart who killed his lover for no reason, and ever since then has a messiah complex. He's a warrior, NOTHING more. He only thinks about brute strength, and has no mind for strategy or politics. The guy belongs in a nursery, not on the throne.
  4. I'd like to report a weird bug that i encountered on 2 of my characters recently: After leaving Korriban as the Sith Warrior, we get to choose between 3 sets of gear for Vette. When selecting "Vette's Civilian Outfit", sometimes instead of "Vette's civilian pants" i got "Vette's reinforced pants". It's only a cosmetic issue, but since i really like the look of that outfit on Vette it annoyed me quite a bit. Not sure what causes this bug, also it seems to not be occuring every single time as i got the right piece of gear at least once.
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