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Everything posted by BlackSilverDawn

  1. Upvoted - I like the basic concept, that if I want to turn face or heel and play with the other team I can. Game needs to be more dynamic.
  2. I'll Upvote this - gorgeous armor. don't make the female version different, with bare skinned parts:mad: would like to see Cara Dune's arnor, as well
  3. Wow - there is still a pvp link/ lol. Delusional and entertaining- those who actually think ranked matters. It could vanish tomorrow and the real community of this game wouldn't even notice, sorry (not really).
  4. So what? Says you! Rationalizing the HK Bonus chapter sub reward, that players got free with their subscription, isn't the green light to open the flood gates for content that was tied to PHYSICAL products. Common sense seems that preorder stuff, should be for those who actually preordered - still plenty of those players around. I completely disagree with everything you wrote/ misconstrued.
  5. Just put the original silver version on the CM, and reskin it to black, white, gold, whatever - so there are ample color options.
  6. I can see Kel-Dors, but Rodians are so ugly and uninteresting, I'd never want to play one. Should add Zeltrons to game (just make pink skinned humans) - see link <3 Other than that, I really want to see half human/ half Sith race choice, as many ancient Sith Lords were (like Naga Sadow). https://www.google.com/search?q=star+wars+zeltrons&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj3s9CXzsjnAhVV_qwKHbGxB-cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=star+wars+zeltrons&gs_l=img.3..0.13273.13273..13816...0.0..
  7. give us the Black skin customization of 2V-R8 (pic attached), it is way better than what's available https://imgur.com/FG7IlK8
  8. NO. The CE edition is a physical product people paid a lot of money for at preorder, and not a sub reward or digital version - HUGE DIFFERENCE. Just gross. Next you'll be wanting the preorder crystal and the founders title.
  9. If that's the best you two buds can do, I'm laughing, sweet[y]. All of you are hopeless, pvp should just be shut down once and for all, it's a bad joke, like its so callled forum.
  10. You are why I never post >>> Pvp is hopeless and its forum is trash. Look at the OP's long track record and look at what you're doing, noob, and stop being a lying hypocrite. I can vouch for Fire and that you are full of you know what. Cat got your tongue, sweety
  11. You are why I never post >>> Pvp is hopeless and its forum is trash. Look at the OP's long track record and look at what you're doing, noob, and stop being a lying hypocrite. I can vouch for Fire and that you are full of you know what. Cat got your tongue, sweety
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