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  • Location
    United States, California, Los Angeles
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    BMX, Starwars, Videogames.
  • Occupation
    U.S Navy
  1. So, I have looked around and read a bunch of threads similar to the one. I am about to post. Why isn't faction switching a thing? I been following you guys since day 1. I was hoping that down the road, you guys would put an update to swap factions. When I saw the expansions allowing you to choose, it gives me hope. Being a major Star Wars nerd, you should see my room. Not only my room, my MT-07 motorcycle is painted like an Xwing, and my Durango looks like a trooper. My work Glock 19 is painted in a custom Mandalorian variant. Anyways, back to my question. Why isn't this a thing yet. The new expansions, let you choose which side to follow. Why cant you permanently stay there? It makes no sense to be a traitor, choose the other faction than come back to yours. Yeah, I get it. It will involve a lot work. But, so many players are asking for it. I would love to have my light side Warrior, join the Jedi's. Not only would this be awesome. It would solve the issue a lot of players like myself have. Choosing to play a faction, because your friends want to be a Jedi or a Sith. Even so, the classes are mirrors of each other. So, I don't see how hard that could be. I would even pay 200$ for a transfer coin. I did pay 1000$ for a new unsealed collectors version of the game. . I want to hear, what everyone else has to say on this. I know for a fact, that everyone in my family that plays, including my wife would love that feature.
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