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Everything posted by BlackSilverFire

  1. I like the whole Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul line. I can see it as a title.
  2. I couldn't agree more. Guilds should get more strongholds. I would like to decorate more and it is really hard choosing between some of them.
  3. This is one to upvote. I love the show and would definitely rock this on my BH - the version at the end of season one.
  4. That is pret-ty common sense. Logical conclusion of how pvp ranked has conducted itself throughout the years - let's face it - ranked had it coming for a long time now.
  5. It was a bad idea in the first place, it was inevitable that it would be abused.
  6. Get rid of vote kicking. Ops leaders are tyrants and will kick players at the end of a match because they don't like them, they don't want them playing an honest game, or they are scapegoating them, or throw the match early [and say the kicked player threw so they don't get in trouble] seen it over a hundred times - IT'S DISGUSTING! GJ PVP RANKED TEAM, YOU THREW A WHOLE SEASON TO TYRANICAL KIDDIES
  7. 100% agree, get rid of vote kicking. Ops leaders are tyrants and will kick players at the end of a match because they don't like them or they or scapegoating them, or throw the match early [and say the kicked player threw so they don't get in trouble] seen it over a hundred times - it's disgusting. GJ PVP RANKED TEAM, YOU THREW A SEASON TO TYRANICAL KIDDIES.
  8. +1, Signed, I actually think this is a good idea. It would solve some things, heaven forbid
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