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Everything posted by Kraysk

  1. Nathema. There are 5 bosses that drop loot IIRC. If they didn't fixed that already.
  2. I pretty much agree on everything you say, maybe except this sentence Why do i think that win/loss is not the best metric? Lets look at myself as an example. I am awful very low-skilled pilot, or even worse, yet on some of my characters i do have pretty decent win/lose percentage because for a long time i was in a guild with some actual aces and great pilots and flew alot of matches in premade groups with them. K/D ratio is much closer to reality, in my humble opinion.
  3. Thats some great flying right here! Hope to see more from you.
  4. Лол только не этот тред снова, плиз. Go l2p.
  5. Because weapon is NOT a part of your outfit. /thread
  6. I'd sell my soul for small Korriban apartment SH, the size of Manaan one or even less. But instead we'll get large useless Alderaan castle.
  7. Exactly. Dear whiners please leave skank tank PT alone. Im surprised OP didn't mentioned DoT sorc bc in unranked that spec is basically god mode.
  8. Casual players are the ones who can solo vet mode Meridian and do at least a couple of HM Operations per week. Players that pretend they cant do heroic mission on DK are just trolls that want to ruin the game.
  9. The only thing that is wrong about lvl sync is that it's not enough. Current lvl sync does not affect your secondary stats AT ALL. In the end lvl 50 person facerolls through H4s on lower lvl planets without using dcd's only spamming basic attack. This is wrong. Lvl sync must affect secondary stats, primary stats must be nerfed even further. So that way people like OP will not be useless and clueless in group conent and will actually learn how to play their class.
  10. Of course, rewards have something to do with it. But GSF was in pretty decent shape well before new rewards were introduced. Now, with returned aces and alot of new players around (interested in rewards, or conquest, or whatever) its even better.
  11. That's a lie. GSF is doing better than ever actually. There are up to 3 matches going simultaneously in prime time. Uprisings - yes, after the launch of 6.0 nobody does em anymore.
  12. Yep, this set is total disappointment. Thank you for warning, now i will not spend my coins on this low effort bait. Tbh too many new stuff on CM are very low effort, really designed in like 15 minutes by someone who don't care atall how the final result will look in game.
  13. Aaaaand? Thats only your issue. If you don't want to deal with low lvls - stick to MM. If you are so bad that you think lowbie in a group in a FP designed for lowbies can ruin your gearing LMAO - you'd better stop doing group content and just stick to RP. If you are on Star Forge please be so kind to tell me your in game name so i could ignore you just like i do with all people who cant play.
  14. No, im talking about dps sorcs. Do you even have minimal reading comprehension? Or you missed that part when i was mentioning madness on purpose? Go learn to play. Seriously. Read a guide or two. Back in the day when Ossus was new my madness sorc got attacked in pvp instance by jedi sentinels or jedi guardians every day. Some of them were in 252 gear while i was still in 230-236. I lost like once. How can a person be so bad at their class they cant win a duel with merc or sniper is totally beyond me.
  15. Yep, because booting low lvl from content that is designed exactly for low lvls is so smart idea, i see.
  16. Yes, it's you and like-minded people who are the problem. Just today i was levelling my Trooper and queued for Hammer Station. I was lvl 35 or so and queued for FP that i can solo at lvl 20 easily, and got group of 3 lvl 75s after like 30 minutes in queue. And i was kicked from the group even before i loaded into instance. Know what i did? I put all of them on ignore on all my Republic characters. If people think that Hammer Station requires lvl 75 and maxed gear and god knows what else - they surely cant play the game and i dont want to be in group with such players. Ever. Then i walked into the instance and soloed that FP.
  17. No GSF pilot roles/types? Then that's useless reading.
  18. I couldn't care less tbh. The way my name is displayed in chat is the last thing i care about. BUT. Can we already have ability to capitalise first symbol after "-" in names like Sana-Rae? I don't care if it wil be the same way as it is now in chat, i care about how its displayed anywhere else (group activities, pvp).
  19. Yep. If you didn't knew all veteran FPs are designed that way so it could be soloable by experienced player in maxed gear. And all old veteran FPs like Hammer or Athiss are soloable by low lvls or max lvl player naked because of boost. Even some easier MMs are soloable by stealth toon and lvl 50 companion.
  20. Eh, no. These are soloable in 306 gear for sure even for noobs. A group of 75s facerolls through it.
  21. Just finished another SF run. Lvl 67 with lvl 5 heal comp. Easy. If u cant do this.. well, just dont go into group content ever, make us a favour.
  22. All vanilla vet FPs are soloable by lvl 15 toon. If you are lvl 75 and full-geared and you cant carry 3 lowbies you shall stop queueing for group content forever. Before 6.0 i, too, used to whine about lowbies that ruin my experience. But now at 75 you're so powerful whining bout lowbies queuing vets makes no sense anymore.
  23. I main Corruption sorc and i played madness alot too. In almost every warzone i participated there was sorc in top3. Nuff said. In every HM and NiM OP ive been sorc dps is overrepresented. If YOU cant play your class its only your issue.
  24. That actually could be fun. Devs pls add!
  25. This is ridiculous. Sorcerer have best defensive abilities in game of all dps classes. Basically if you're playing sorc you can't die unless on purpose. If anything, sorcerer needs a massive nerf especially that god mode bubble.
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