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Everything posted by YTTHYTTH

  1. Would be great to get keybinds for the loadouts
  2. You can get one from the life day event or do you mean a different one?
  3. Something amiss happens in your alliance, she blames Theron and goes after him, again. He runs, because, he knows it’s the end. Find Theron on a small corner of Hoth hiding out in a cave. New intel back in command center proves it wasn't Theron, but its too late if Lana finds him he’s dead. (back on hoth) She approaches in a fury, he doesn’t put up a fight. In her rage she growls for a defense. No he replies. His weakness no longer matters and she grabs his jacket to whisper “trader” before making the final blow. She locks eyes and everything changes, she knows, she can feel it, it wasn’t Theron. She has made up her mind, blood will be spilled today, she lifts her arm, but cant bring it down. The conflict inside is too much. Her eyes flash red to green to blue to red as the conflict inside erupts to the surface. 1) Let Theron live 2) Kill Theron 1) Lana cowers on the floor before her past, her choices. Therons hand is on her shoulder, embracing her, though not a jedi giving any strength he can. Her eyes color changes slow down and stop, on blue. It is over and she falls into her loves arms. Legend says the events of that day were so intense a hot spring formed in that cave that day, They make their way back to the alliance where the truth is revealed and Theron is cleared. And we can finally close the Theron love thread, he’s taken.
  4. Thought the dev post had said no transfers and all characters wiped. Don't think they gave a date to plan an open them up, instead they said they wanted the experience rated from level 1.
  5. As noted already, some of the changes on the public test server indicate this is a direction they are heading.
  6. I will admit I laughed at this
  7. This looks like your best answer to me. I'm getting worried that people still post things that make it seem as if you will get abilities that are not tied to whatever advanced class you are logged in as. A vanguard will not get stealth, a gunslinger will not get stealth. What they will get, if they are a subscriber, is the option to change their advanced class without logging out. I log in as a commando, I then change my loadout to a scoundrel. I'm then playing fully as a scoundrel, not as a commando with scoundrel abilities.
  8. I'm laughing because 99% of the time I get hammer station and 99% of the time I don't, people whine and complain about the FP we got. As others have said if I filter out hammer station, I still get credit for the weekly.
  9. What crew skill are these made on? Information found, thanks.
  10. My understanding is that there will be no difference to logging out and back in on a new character. My understanding from what I've read is that when you change advanced class, your abilities change to that advanced class, your gear changes etc based on your loadout. My understanding is that a Jedi Guardian does not get heal abilities if their second advanced spec is a sage. I get that some people are still really into this, to be honest though, I do not understand what the hype is about at all. That's just me though and I'm happy for everyone that is hyped about it.
  11. Orgin still works and gets your friend an extra 1k cartel coins.
  12. On the splash screen. didn’t think to look there, thank you.
  13. Started a new shadow and I read about my class story being in chapters, but in game I don’t recall reading anything about chapters. Is there a way to tell what chapter I’m on?
  14. Hello all, is there any place that I can find good and current information and discussion on builds?
  15. Im a solo player so Im talking about doing this on dailies. I wonder if I will be able to do it in heroic +2 missions? I will have to test it.
  16. I’ve thought about this far more than I would have thought. I am not a big RP player but I will admit that I created my characters to have a certain look.. Tank one way, healer another etc. I dont really want my healer to look like my tank. My current thought and this could change is to give everyone that is not a stealth class, stealth. Im hoping loadouts will work out of combat which would let my main change loadout, stealth to where he needs to go, change loadout and do the objective, change loadout and stealth out. It is kinda lame there is no tech combo that gives you tank, heal, melee dps, ranged dps and stealth like there is on force side.
  17. Howdy yall, Came back after a couple years gone. Did the main mission, and then everything stopped. Did a couple instances but the gear is different, is there a guide somewhere? I could go back to the planets and do dailies but would like to make sure they are working towards something. Also getting renown boxes? Anyone know of a welcome back guide or an updated wiki or something? Thanks
  18. Can you map two things to the same key? Such as call random pet and move forward button? YTTH
  19. Thank you very much for your quick and kind reply.
  20. Hello, Does anyone know if there is a list of acronyms somewhere that people use on the forums? I've been able to figure out most of the class one but there are some like DCD that they use in the pvp forums all the time that I cannot figure out. Thanks
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