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Everything posted by Ttoilleekul

  1. Without a doubt the worst beacon placement in the history of ever Unfortunately it was Levi so I couldn't offer a little help as I don't speak french. Funny though:D
  2. Coms range of a node is basically nothing. I always tells people its 500m. I raised this topic with Drakolich once and he said they never measured the actual distance, but a good rule of thumb is if you are outside the fins, but still extremely close to them, you are right on that line where the node will no longer see you. This is why its quite possible to lose a node by Retro-thrusting off it, even though you will feel like you were on it all the time. This is also why fighting "on-node" is probably the hardest skill to learn in the game. Actually being within the fins and still being able to make kills proficiently. Suffice to say, its a lot less than 3000m, and the vast majority of players, even many who consciously try to play on-node, do not realize just how close to it you need to be for the node to see you. This is also unaffected by coms sensor range extension, since the basic range is already well within the range a node will see you anyway. This probably has something to do with why people tick in Domination. They have maybe realized how hard it is to stay in communication range of the node while moving and engaging in combat, and so they opt for not moving instead. I dunno, just a theory, seems probable.
  3. In hope that we can put our differences aside, genuine serous offer, I am willing to help you learn to cope with these situations.
  4. I tried to explain that my comments about focus are not an indication of quality. Hence the "no reflection on skill or talent" bit. Its more a mentality difference between the two continents, than it is an average skill or quality thing. And focusing the best player is not always a good idea. Hence why my win ratio on DM was still 81%. If people collectively try to focus you down in a Domination, you can exploit that to your team's advantage. I've won many DOMs this way. Even in TDM, it can pay to serve your team. If 3 people are constantly on you, but you can cope with it, that gives your team a numbers advantage. So yeah I definitely want to make clear that focus has very little to do with server quality, in my experience and based on this experiment. Also, without completely spoiling my closing conclusions on this - which I will put up after Leviation is complete - While the are differences between the servers, I don't think there's a lot to choose in average skill or quality of any of the servers. And the stats show this. The stats differ very little across the board. They are certainly close enough that luck can decide the differences. The biggest differentiating factor between the servers in my view is the aforementioned mentality, and how many strong players / premades reside on that server. I started in 5.10, so I can't comment on how the Strike meta (prevalence of Protorp spammers) is more of a threat to a good pilot than the old meta was, since I never played in the old meta. But I can certainly see how that would be the case and would tend to agree with you. Sometimes I wish Protorps were not able to one-shot an evasion scout. or had the DOTs removed or Efficient Targeting removed. Because having 5 or 6 people trying to lock your Scout sure does make it tricky at times. But that's a different topic. Flying with non-meta builds is something I have never really done. Well, I guess Battle Scouts aren't really meta anymore, but they are still devastating in the right hands, so it doesn't count for me as "non-meta." I do have a toon that is exclusively support (two bombers, T3F repairs and Tensor) and that toon has stats far lower than my try-hard damage toons, and its win ratio currently sits at 65%. Compare that to a number of toons on Malgus with 70-81% win ratios. What would you consider to be "mediocre"/ sub-par or non-meta builds that would limit the effectiveness of an Ace? Putting Feedback on T1G would be one of them I think. The really nerfs what you can do in a Gunship. You can fly T3F repairs, but honestly I've pulled some huge numbers in that ship. I don't think it limits an Ace very much. Erm... Most T1F builds are good. Battle Scouts work in a variety of builds. Did you have anything in mind? Tulak Horde Stats and Conclusions added to Original Post
  5. Hi Thelsi. Copying and pasting my answer from another thread, where all this was recently discussed. In short, I think we can effect some changes, we've done it twice already.
  6. That's the easy bit. The hard bit is staying alive and still dealing out effective damage.
  7. I lean to ward the slower rate of change, if only because no one suddenly steps up their level of play in 20 matches. That's very quick. Someone doesn't go from strong vet to Ace, or from Ace to Elite Ace in 20 matches. So by having a slower rate we do at least cover off other factors that effect their damage. I have kind of done this. I don't think there's any scenario where you are a "no kills" player with that skill level. Because an Ace in a support role can still make kills, and should. But I have a toon that is exclusively support. T3F repairs, beacon and repairs bombers, Tensor. Win ratio currently stands at 65%.
  8. And Sriia agreed with me when I said using those one way textures isn't cheating, but that doesn't mean its not an exploit. The reason being, those one way textures are not like other exploits in other modes of Swtor. Its not like some of the exploits in ground PVP. A one-way texture in GSF allows someone to sit inside it and literally do nothing. Not contributing to the game in any objective way whatsoever. You need to think beyond black and white pigeon hole categories of what constitutes a cheat and what doesn't. Yes, an exploit is a cheat by definition according to Bioware. But that one particular exploit is so ridiculously useless to anyone that it amounts to nothing more than bad form. You can't turn the tide of a game by using it. The only reason people go in there is because they suck and they can't stay alive any other way, so they resort to a one way texture to avoid dying. It doesn't help their team, in fact it hurts their team because its one man taken completely out of the action. This is most likely the reason Bioware have never bothered to fix it when they shut the game down at a moment's notice to fix other exploits elsewhere in the game. I made all that very clear. When I see a tick in a spot like that, I think its a good thing for my team. I destroy his nest, and now he is useless bomber stuck in hole. But you get so enraged about "cheaters!" that you have to come on here ranting about it, how Bioware won't fix it, and targeting me because I disagree with you. If you haven't noticed from the comments, other vets couldn't care less about tick bombers either, because they are easy to deal with and do not in anyway whatsoever turn the game into a win. Yes I would like to see it fixed, I just don't believe it requires the level of scream and shout you are putting into it. Its not on the same level as win trading. This is why I don't bother reporting it. Where as I report suiciders every time, because that effects the game out come.Yes, on paper its cheating. But in reality, its not, because its useless to any objective other than avoiding dying because you suck. So big deal, who cares. But you've taken one sentence out of context, ignoring the wealth of other things I said, to try and shame me because of your one man vendetta against me. And here we are debating it again, for literally no reason other than you want to keep smearing me. Now you're even admitting you're going to keep bringing it up every chance you get, even though the debate ended ages ago. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.
  9. I like what you say suggest in principle, but I feel like 20 matches isn't enough to take an average damage figure from. What if someone plays Tensor or Bomber for a bunch of matches and so tanks their average damage. Maybe 50 games? or 100? I think kills needs to go in there somewhere too. I appreciate what you say about kills and damage, and I think your suggestions for other stats / factors are good, but the fact remains matches are so often (vast majority of the time?) determined by the players getting the most kills? Even in Domination, and especially when someone is doing those kills while on-node. In order to provide balance, you need to offset players who can rack up large kills counts (be it in TDM or DOM) against a higher average skill level on the other side ( in the event there is no 2nd Ace available to match them against). SO for example, a match where Ace X gets 25 kills but the match ends 50-49, was a balanced match and matchmaker did a good job. The best you can hope for in terms of match balance when the pool has limited options for matchmaker to work with. But if it put the Ace on the other side, then that's a match that would've ended up 50-15. I can't see how it would ever balance this scenario correctly if it didn't factor in kills?
  10. Stop twisting my words. I never denied the existence of those one way textures and I never called them anything but exploits. What I said is that exploits are not cheating in the same way using a hack is, which others agreed with. Particularly in GSF where it doesn't aid the win. So you can stop your one man campaign against me please, bringing this up every damned time someone mentions anything remotely related. Every comment you make, all you can ever do in this game is moan and whine like a little child. You could have left it, you could have just answered the guy's question and left it at that, but you just had to drag it back up again didn't you. Well sir, I am just putting your "signature slogan" into practice, and I will keep doing so. So you can keep making these snide little remarks, do not think for one second I am going to ignore it.
  11. No performance tab screenshot would normally disqualify this entry. Luckily for you I was in that match, and I have a video of it, so I can verify that you flew Battle Scout for the whole match. You also have a private message.
  12. Of course by all means submit another one. Please reply to my private mail, or contact me on discord. Still need to speak to you.
  13. Reply to my private message anyway, but this submission is not valid based on the team scores. So as to exclude one-sided matches, scorelines in excess of 1000-750 for a Domination are not allowed.
  14. Alright, so I am putting this here, but it is in direct reply to DarkTergon's comments about spawn camping being rife in GSF and wanting something done about it. Well, there is something you can do about it. This is a match from Tulak last night. Tulak is a rough place at peak times because lots of premades come online. In the start of this match the premade shut me down hard. They then proceed to spawn camp my team, and start getting a sizable lead very quickly. And the complaint here, in these matches, is that its useless and there's nothing you can do, right? Wrong. Watch it, and watch what I do. The match ends 33-50. Which you might say is "not a stomp Luc." But consider what the scoreline would've been if I wasn't there. It wouldn't just be my score subtracted from the overall. It would be worse than that. The reason being my very presence is keeping my team mates alive more than if I wasn't there. This is evidenced by the number of them chasing me. If I wasn't there, they would be chasing my team maters, who are far less capable of dealing with pressure. Without me, this match would've easily been 15-50 or worse. I remember some time back I asked Drakolich to post a video of him being stomped on while solo-queuing. So I could see what he does in such matches. His response was that he would try, but stomps don't happen for him that often. I found that very hard to believe at the time. I knew I was good, but I still got stomped on regularly. This lead to Drakolich offering me training. Now, I fully get it. I rarely get stomped on, because my match effectiveness is high enough to prevent it from happening. A match like this, that would've been a spawn camping stomp without my presence, becomes a high pressure game, but no longer a stomp. In my 100 Scout games, I never had a scoreline worse than 26-50. In these 100 games per server, its the same. Only better, because I have Gunships and Strikes at my disposal. So how bad and prevalent are spawn camping stomps and how impossible are they to deal with? Well, they haven't stopped me from netting 75-80% win ratios on all servers. And you can't throw premade accusations at me, because I am a solo player. So, if I can do it......
  15. I really don't know how matchmaker could be fixed. I mean granted there are glaring issues with it, like when it puts four solo Aces on one side, or two premades on the same side. But, even if it didn't do those things, I am not convinced we would see significantly more balanced matches. I don't know how you would get matchmaker to figure out people's skill. And in GSF, skill makes the biggest difference. I understand at the moment its based on flying time. So two people with 1000 hours would be considered equal in matchmaker's eyes. But that is simply not true. It would have to base it on average damage and average kills. Legacy wide I guess. I think that would work. Then you could balance the good ,mediocre and bad players. But even then you wouldn't be factoring in ability to get those kills while staying within 5m of a node. Which can turn a match heavily one way or the other. So, I dunno, seems like an impossible task to balance matchmaker if I am honest. But, speaking candidly, you don't need to rely on matchmaker to get wins.
  16. In connection with my 100 try-hard games per server thread, here is a game from Tulak. I was given fair warning by Invis before I went to Tulak that of all the servers it has the highest prevalence of regular premades. (For those that don't know, Tulak is Invis' home server- so he does speak with great experience). As part of the try-hard effort I have been actively trying to find these premades. After all, I can't give a fair report about the server by trying to avoid them. At game 33 I was on a 91`% win ratio, and as far as I could tell, had not encountered these premades yet. So last night, Saturday night, I decided had to be my best chance to find them. And I did. Games 34-39 were all against premades (I checked the screen shots with Invis), and all losses. Win ratio plummeted from 91% to 76%. I won't try to avoid flying on Tulak during "premade hour" because I need to be able to report accurately what the server is like, so I expect this server will have the lowest win ratio because of this. More detail to follow in the try-hard thread when I have completed the 100 games. It was actually a really fun game. You can't afford to make mistakes or over reach in games like this, so it provides a nice challenge from the easy wins that made up 91% of the previous 33 games.
  17. Bump. Seven days to go. Submissions need to be posted on the 30th of June. Please don't forget that a screen shot of both the end score and Performance tab for that game, are required.
  18. We have established guys that we can get the devs to change things in GSF. Two very recent examples would be the CQ rewards for GSF, and nerfing of Remote Slicing. Both of which happened due to campaigns / petitions by people on this forum. I am happy to start a petition to have some of these aspects changed, but we need to be very specific and relatively simple with what we ask for. If we ask for a multitude of complex things, it lessons the chances that we get anything. Also the more people put their name to the petition, the more chance it works. For now I am thinking: More GSF related Decos (let the devs iron out the particulars of this) Fleet coms conversions (Fleet coms being able to buy cosmetics?) Legacy unlock for Cartel ships. Should I add a Zoom feature? One thing I have always wanted to see is Co-pilot actor's voices not bound to certain abilities. So we can have the audio companion of our choice with the ability of our choice. Less likely but perhaps the most wanted A new map. This would be the biggest change to GSF since 5.5, if we ask for all of this. So it really would need your collective support. For now, this discussion thread has enough input to get the ball rolling in a more official manner, I think.
  19. Oh yeah for sure I can see what you mean there.
  20. Yeah its not a great map. I use it only for locating DO spawns and looking to see if there is a red-arrow pointed at me. And the latter only when I am flying Gunship.
  21. Can't help you with zooming, but you can look in different directions. Go to the starfighter keybindings under Prefs, and then to targeting, and you will see there is a series of "Quick Look" keys. These keybinds let you look in any direction. I have re-assigned them to keys that are more natural for me to use, and a 12 button mouse certainly helps a lot in this respect. Also "C" is super helpful. I think its called "Target Camera"? I've kept that one bound to C. What it does is flick the camera view around to look at your target, wherever they happen to be. You can see in my videos I use that one a lot. It really helps for evading and counter flying. You can also adjust the mini-map for size in UI settings, if that would help you with wanting to zoom in and out on the map. A quick comment on zooming out though - I don't think I would really want that, as it would make target's look further away. Once you progress to the point that you are looking at actual ships on your screen, not just red circles - something you develop with Scout flying - you use the ship as a gauge for when to start shooting. Ie, if you can't see the ship in its shape and form, don't shoot. Zooming out would make the ship seem smaller again, and thereby would effect my judgement of my distance to them.
  22. As I said in your analysis video, I think Improved Kill Zone is essential for the Pursuit Scout flying style. That is what I use it for, not for increased chances of missile locks. Yes, you're adding 4 degrees to your arc and therefore you're increasing the total of your tracking penalty even further. But when you use the tracking penalty reduction option on tier 4 of BLC/RFL/ LLC it really helps with hitting things at the extremity of your arc. Wingman and TT also do a tremendous amount at the extremity of your arc. You can basically remove your entire tracking penalty. If we do the math on BLC, you have a 38 degree arc with both Improved Kill Zone selected and Tier 4 left on BLC. 38 is the diameter so divide that by 2 gives us a 19 degree radius. You lose 0.5% accuracy per each of those 19 degrees. Meaning at the full extremity of your arc you have lost -9.5% off your accuracy. But with tier 4 left option on BLC we subtract 5% from that which means that at the full extremity of our arc we have now only lost -4.5% off our accuracy. Pinpointing adds 6% accuracy so we subtract 6 from 4.5 giving +1.5, meaning that at the full extremity of the arc we now have +1.5% accuracy = No tracking penalty? Targeting Telemetry alone buffs your accuracy by 10%, which brings us to 11.5% at the full extremity of the arc. Add in Wingman, and that figure goes to +31.5% accuracy at the full extremity of the 38 degrees, with all buffs and subtractions taken into account. Though I am not certain on whether Wingman and TT buff your accuracy by 20% and 10% respectively at the full extremity of the arc, or whether its +20% at the center and then you subtract your tracking penalty again from those buffs. Either way, you will end up with a positive accuracy figure at the full extremity of the arc, not a negative one. Perhaps I could try and summon Drakolich to verify / correct my math and understanding here. This is why I reliably hit stuff at the full extremity of the arc, and why sacrificing the 4 degrees from the arc is not wise for Scouts. Because there is actually no penalty for shooting at the extremity if you have buffs up, and that extra 4 degrees lets you hit really difficult targets around nodes, and if you do end up in a dog-fight with someone good, it gives you a massive advantage. It's why Battle Scouts can hit the back shields of someone as they pass you, and hit targets that are actually off screen as far as the animation is concerned, and for me personally, I would never give that up. Twitch shooting I think that's termed. A quick flick and burst as they come past you and your target is left perplexed how you even hit them and why they have no shields. Do it with DO in TDM and it's devastating. Time stamp 6:08 for a Twitch shooting exmaple - when you play to look for and make these kind of shots, I think wider arc and all the accuracy you can is a must. Time served in Strikes with heavy lasers and narrow arcs doesn't really apply here when it comes to being able to fly a Scout with a narrow arc, because the Strike is designed to engage from 5k away, where as the Scout needs to engage at <2000k, and ideally <1000k, where the wider the arc is the easier it is to hit your target. Extra ammo serves no purpose in TDM because you can re-fill on your own using yellow power ups, and in Domination you need that arc to compliment your turning, so you just lose too much without it. As I was told so many times, 80% of your damage should be coming from lasers anyway, so its always best to maximize the capabilities of your lasers rather than your ammo. Unless you are flying a missile boat like the T2F. But even then, in Node tank configuration, I still put it all into effectiveness of LLC. On pub side as Phalczen says if you want to run spanner you will need to sacrifice something, and for me it usually is the improved kill zone. So when I fly my TDM Battle Scout build on pub side I can really feel that lack of firing arc with my BLC. But its less important in TDM than it is in DOM. So I can live with it. But it is the reason why when I did my 100 Game Scout challenge that I used an Imperial character, so that I could get that Improved Kill Zone and spanner for TDM. However I would never sacrifice that wider arc (or the accuracy from Pinpointing) in Domination. Edit - Drakolich has checked my math and understanding, and you can have 131.5% accuracy at the extremity of 38 degrees. Ignoring any evasion on your target. This is why I run wider arc.
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