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Everything posted by Ttoilleekul

  1. Life hack (I know you know this) blow up the turret, and taadaaah... the bomber is exposed!
  2. So I promised I would bring the first actual stomp when it happens, and then I was spoiled for choice getting three on the same night. Two of them were Domination matches, which are more about the team not trying to hold nodes, so I'm going to post the TDM here. While it technically does not fit into my 20-50 or worse requirements for a stomp, it certainly felt and played out like one. So it counts for me. This is the one against the two man voiced premade. They clocked my toon name from the previous match and as you can see here they did a good job of keeping me suppressed. Constant EMP combined with a Gunships and bombers made it near impossible to get in there and do any effective damage. I probably would've gone for a Strike here, because had I played GS I would've received the same constant harassment from my friend in his T1 Scout. Strike still would've struggled against the opposing team composition., but it would've fared better than a Scout. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FpSG4DNir8&list=PLv8g9Xq37S44Kh2wUYDU1ql6A61YFFZfZ&index=50&t=5s
  3. Phlaczen has answered this one comprehensively, so I'll just give you my ship builds. https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=993310
  4. I'd like to see Screen shots because I am 99.9% certain they were not actually inside the node. Certainly you can't report it without a screenshot, but also new players get stuff like this wrong all the time. In 12k matches I have never seen someone actually inside a node. They just tick so well that there is only one angle from which you can actually see them. And yeah actual cheating is extremely uncommon, again, in 12k matches I have never actually seen anyone using a hack. I and many others have been accused of cheating more times than I can remember, but again, its always by people who are relatively speaking, very inexperienced. If memory serves, you are a hardcore ground PVPer, I think I remember your name from my PVP days? So if I may, can I urge you to remember what it's like for noob ground pvpers coming into the game claiming that XYZ is cheating and they saw this and that? And how often are they actually correct in what they think they saw?
  5. Well, this was bound to happen, I've been waiting for it, and expecting it, and it finally arrived. A night of really tough matches for being in a Scout. Games 45 - 57, 7 wins, 6 losses. Two premades, floating around, me usually ending up opposite them. Bomber spams, Gunship walls, both together, and everything that makes it a nightmare for a Scout. As someone who preaches the importance of ship adaptability > being in the right ship for the right circumstance, I found myself very locked out in a bunch of matches tonight. Even in a couple of wins. Scouts were just not working. Partly because one of those premades (well, they were a duo) is a friend of mine who has returned from SWS and I know he always uses voice in premades. So two pilots tracking you and coordinating focus on you, emp'ing you on cooldown... etc etc is painful, especially when there's a Bomber / Gunship ball and you can't get close to it in a Scout. I also had some bad teams that I just couldn't carry, and generally the worst night yet. I'm honestly amazed this didn't happen earlier. I've seen some of the very best pilots to ever play this game abandon a Scout in such matches, and that's what it felt like tonight. On a more positive note, I did set a new Personal Best for damage in a Scout. 138k. Previous best was 120k ish. Win ratio has plummeted. 57 games played, 68.42%. I wasn't expecting or aiming for a specific win ratio here, but it was starting to look like 70%+ was doable. Not so sure now.
  6. Pretty much every one has answered you, but I want to add something. Firstly, most of what you think you are seeing is not what is happening. You can't get inside asteroids or nodes. You can drop a drone inside a node, that bug exists, but no, not ships. I suspect you are seeing the Line of sight mechanic.Which to a newbie or the uneducated can make it look like a hack or like the ship is inside something. I made a video a while back to explain this. Here it is - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8EcNknDNXo. In the video I called it an exploit, but to be fair, on reflection, we do not actually know if the game was designed this way. It would make sense for Gunships, which are the ships that primarily use it. But the major thing I want to say is, there is no substitute for skill. You seem driven, and if that is the case and you really do want to level the playing field, then the best thing you can do is learn GSF thoroughly and, sorry to say it, but get good. GSF is complex, and requires something the ground game does not, aim. So it very much separates the skilled from the noobs, which is why one person can literally carry a match, which doesn't happen in ground pvp. If you are determined to get good, there are plenty of us willing to help you and train you
  7. GSF version of SWS fleet battles? Objective, destroy the enemy capital ship? I'd be all over that.
  8. So for those that are unsure what I am talking about, there is an entirely separate class of ship called the Infiltrators, that already exists. The data and coding for them already exist. They were meant to be introduced years back but it never happened. So for them to be brought in, would be a case of finalizing whatever loose ends exist and insert the coding into the live game. It is not an idea I have come up with, it was a ship the devs designed but never brought live. Also as mentioned already, Targeting Telemetry was always meant to force cloaked ships out of cloak. Hence the line in the tool tip for TT that says it "removes cloaking effects from all enemies within 3000m." TT is doing this. Right now. There are just no stealth ships to be effected by what its doing. This is another reason why I want the infiltrators introduced. It would force more people to play Scouts, since TT is the only confirmed way to dispel their cloaking effects (so far). That would be a welcome meta change from all the Proton spamming and would force people to learn some skills beyond... proton spamming. Aside from that, I am just willing to take the plunge and see what these Stealth ships are all about.
  9. I'm feeling ambitious. The slicing nerf was a success. We got the devs attention and they changed something according to popular opinion. Now that we know we can get the dev's attention, I want to try for something bigger. We know the Infiltrator class stealth ship was always meant to be introduced, but was shelved. And I doubt that anyone who likes GSF wouldn't like a new map. So, to clarify, this is not a petition thread. Lets talk about it first, discuss what to ask for, and then I'll make the petition thread. Is it a long shot? Yes. Is it too much to ask for? Possibly. But before you go nay-saying, remember people said the slicing nerf would never happen. We don't know if we don't try. So lets try. We have nothing to lose. GSF is in the best state its ever been in population wise. There is no better time to ask for this. Please discuss... Good idea, bad idea? I want to get a feel for whether the community would be behind this, like you were with the slicing nerf.
  10. Yeah that's a fair assessment. I'm using clusters in TDM because they add pressure and force mistakes, With DO they deal nice damage, and make it easier to chase down evasive targets. Still 100% a pod lover for Domination though. As far as this video was concerned - Evasion just doesn't seem to take you far when you've got 2-3 decent Gunships with Wingman keeping one eye on you. I'd probably take Piledriver into that battle before I went Quad pods, simply because of my vast experience playing T1F against Gunship walls. But, i'd still rather take a gunship. The way they were sitting back letting us come to them, giving us center control, I fancy this would've been a win with a Gunship. I recently did a 100 game try-hard effort to get an 80% win ratio. I succeeded, 81% from 100 games. My T1G on that toon, which is almost exclusively played in TDM, came away with a 97% win ratio. So the confidence is high that this was a Gunship game. But I am drawing more conclusions about how viable scouts are, compared to what I used to think. I want to wait until the 100 game mark to voice my thoughts. But for now I'll say it feels better than expected.
  11. I was still not on my best form today. Still getting over this cold which effects my concentration. Played 7, won 5, lost 2. At least one of the losses was vs a 4 man premade. Here is the other one - game 38 https://youtu.be/mQxpdr2VNRM - I finished with a rare negative KDR 3-6 scoreline in what was not a stomp at all. I am not certain whether this video was also against the same premade. One of the names certainly was in the premade I lost to a few games later. In this video they had a GS wall with bomber support, which is basically a Scout's worse nightmare. Which is why I am putting it up, because if I had a Gunship on the bar, I am confident this match would've been much closer, especially since my team had centre map control - and hence DO control - it woul've been pretty easy to do some devastating damage in a GS. But, in the scout, it was impossible (at least in my slow state) to get into engagement range without being targeted by two of the Gunships. So I really feel like this match, more than any other so far, highlights the weakness of the ship. For sure a Strike could've done a little better with the extra range and proton threat, but as I have told people many times, in matches like this, you want to be in a Gunship yourself. 44 games played - 72.72% win ratio so far.
  12. Hi, I have already done so. Here you are - https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=993310 Those ships and builds are my normal loud outs, I've only listed the five ships I use most commonly for now, so three of the builds in this experiment are not on there. But I'll add other ships to the build list in time.
  13. Was quite lucky today I think with games 29-37. I picked up a cold and it effected my concentration. I certainly wasn't feeling at my best, but somehow still managed 7 wins from 9 games. I said I would post the first stomp loss when it happens, and well, it hasn't yet. Game 35 was the closest to a stomp loss I've had so far. Ended 27-50 against. For me, a true stomp is 20-50 or worse. Particularly when it gets down as low as 15-50 or worse, you really feel the difference in the tone of the match. (As I said in another thread, an especially good pilot will experience less stomp losses - and 37 games without one is proving that) Game 35 was still a heavy loss though, and an interesting test - If and when I get a real stomp in this scout experiment, again, I will post it here.
  14. Please ignore Three Lessons, there is no need for that. For the most part, the GSF establishment are nice guys willing to help. This may not change your mind, but let me give you a bit of back-ground on why spawn camping happens. There was a time - before my time in fact - when the capital ships (the big ships you spawn next to) would one-shot enemy targets who came too close to the spawn area. I want to say this roughly happens at around 10k from the cap ship. If you want to know what this is like, try going close to the enemy capital ship in a Domination match. They still function that way in Domination. The idea was that it would stop spawn camping in Team Death Match. Which it did. But, unfortunately it presented a bigger problem. Teams would get a narrow lead of a few kills, and then fall back to their Capital ships and wait the timer out. The opposing team can do nothing about it. Spawn camping is an unwanted ugly side effect of removing the ability of the capital ships to one-shot enemy target's in range. But, its still the lesser to two evils. As already said, people don't go into a game intending to spawn camp. You in fact cannot spawn camp a team that is stronger. It happens because one team is significantly weaker. I have seen teams being spawn camped, and then one Ace joins the battle, and turns the tide. The battle completely changes and the match moves off the spawn. It is possible to deal with it and still come away looking good, and there are many veteran players who would be willing to train / help / coach you. All depends how much desire you have to get better. The better you get, the less chance this happens to you. I know this sounds like "get good," but the simple fact of the matter is, that any player with a 70%, 80% or even 90% win ratio (solo queuing) is not getting spawn camped that much, because they have that much of an impact on the game. In fact, any of those players will tell you that a TDM (Team Death Match - which is where spawn camping happens) is easier to carry than a Domination (where spawn camping doesn't happen). I hope you stick around, but if you don't , thank you for trying the game mode.
  15. Steady on man. NO need to be a jerk. Try helping newer players rather then making them feel small.
  16. That tends to be something that happens when one team is significantly weaker than the other. They get pushed back, and you can't go further back than the spawn, so that's where the battle happens. I can dig up some videos of me dealing with spawn camping stomps if you like? So you can see what I do and how I handle it.
  17. The most annoying thing about this match, is that my coach and mentor would've won it. In the same ship, in the same teams. #MustDoBetter
  18. 100% its the players. GSF is a complex game mode that you can't just come into, smash buttons, and compete with the seasoned veterans. It takes knowledge and skill to succeed, which in turn take tenacity, patience, and determination. I sucked when I started, and I certainly haven't had the fastest progress rate. But now, I sit comfortably winning 70% of the games I play. Vast majority solo. So it can be done, and then it becomes a lot more enjoyable. But... it still frustrating at times. Definitely. Btw the Manlger is good, the Dustmaker, not so much. Stick to the Mangler.
  19. Yeah solo queuing is a tough life. I've gotten to the point where I have several toons stable at 70%+ win ratios now, 90% solo queuing. But, you have to work so hard for it. I still stagger to think how Invis has better stats than that! As a high end solo queuer, you need to have tremendous map awareness, damage efficiency, and know how best to serve your team at any one moment. Glad you like the videos. If it helps in any way, I've done my job.
  20. One of the aforementioned matches from yesterday where I really didn't want to be in a Scout. As you can see from the end ranks, my team had the fire power to win this match, but there wasn't enough awareness on my team of which node they needed to be at. That left me often outnumbered trying to save a node against two bombers who were premade, and gunships sniping me from off node. Often when I would die, the map would show most of my team nowhere near the node we just lost. In the role of being one of the only people trying to hold a node long enough for your team to arrive, a tanky T2F build would have worked much better, especially since you can spam EMP at the node. To be fair, there is another Battle Scout on my team that pulls better numbers than me, but I question how much he was off node, or on the wrong node, because any time I went near the node under threat, I got squished. That or he got lucky in kills, since our damage output was equal. https://youtu.be/xfnmzIpw944
  21. Three games today where I really didn't want to be in a Scout. Two Denons, one where my team was oblivious to which node they needed to be at and instead chased kills, the other where we couldn't hold nodes against the enemy having a beacon and swarming us. The third match was a narrow Kuat TDM loss where I felt a Strike would've been better, and could maybe have won. Two of these matches were against a two man premade, good pilots I have seen around before. i'll post one of them tomorrow when they upload, probably the Denon where my team is oblivious to nodes, and trying to save / cap nodes just does not pay off. There was also one win, which although a narrow win, I think would've been a much easier win if I had been in GS. In the Scout I had to be careful attacking a wall of bombers and Gunships. Games 11-20 definitely presented much more challenge than games 1-10. That said, overall win ratio is at 77%, so exclusively playing Scouts is sill working, for now.
  22. - Highlight match 18.05.21 The current influx of Galactic Seasons players now means that close matches are less often a result of Aces stacked on both sides, and more often now about carries. Soon as I get a close match with a decent number of top pilots I will post it. For now you have this.
  23. Game 11. First loss. Remember I am recording and posting all 100 games, no matter what. This is the "worst" match I have had yet. As soon as I am stomped on, I will post it here. It just hasn't happened yet. 13 games in, I am already starting to form some new / different opinions about flying Scouts in every match. But I will not expand on that until the end.
  24. First ten games played, and ten wins. I can't imagine it will continue this way, I just didn't have much opposition. The closest and most fun match was this one coming from behind to win it.
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