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Everything posted by Automnal

  1. Here's what I did: once I ground my main (DPS) up to 306, I just started throwing the unused non-modifiable armor I would have normally vendored to fund my set bonus armor fund into Legacy storage so that the alts I wanted at 306 could use it temporarily. This makes for some stat mismatches (like having a crap ton of accuracy you don't need on a healer), but they are very short-lived while you get the more class-appropriate placeholder jank from running a few FPs using that toon. For some items like relics this was easy to get away with as they were going to be using the same stuff anyway. The more interesting feeling came when I was grinding gear for my tank. I was essentially "skanking" for a few FPs while I collected Duelist's gear to replace the Pummeler's stuff and actually get my defense/shield/absorb stats back to "normal." The mods that drop I pick and choose from based on their stats to throw into storage until I get set bonus pieces for them to go into. I just vendor the rest (also pays repair bills when you get a bad group or have a bad day). You can break it down for frags if you want.
  2. I have a Dell G7 with an i7-9750H (base clock 2.6GHz that goes up to 4.5; GTX 1660Ti GPU) and it runs SWTOR great. It's supposed to be a gaming rig so the cooling is better for a laptop, but the vents are, or at least seem to be, smaller compared to what is shown on what you are looking at. Images might not always reflect reality. I can't speak for how well the fans will actually work, though. The image of the heat sink rails in those images are smaller than the heat sink in mine, and that concerns me. Even with mine, I will admit the case can get a bit warm. As previous comment said, marketing is marketing. I do agree it is some of those components are overkill if running SWTOR is the primary goal, but I also have no room to talk as I upgraded to 32GB of RAM in mine once I got my hands on it. There you have some comments from this peanut gallery. XD
  3. I have to vent about this one. I should have known something would happen. Stage: Vet KDY. Cast: me (75 Sen Watchman), 3 lowbies (highest is approx. 38 Commando; one is tank but only in the 20s, so not really effective). Opening convo with Aygo, the commando posts to chat "space barrrrrr." Oh boy. I hate this already. Proceed to clear everything, no issues. Thankfully we get the shield generator and hangar boarder repulsion modules. If we had gotten the fighter assembly, I'm sure this dingbat would have ****ed it up. The most unfortunate module: we get Modo as the boss. Oh boy. We have no real tank, so I end up pulling aggro most of the time. I'm the only one that seems to be able to handle it anyway. First attempt, I get nuked because 5 red circles spawn under me. I'll take the blame for this one. Second attempt, the "tank" dies quickly, probably because he's unfamiliar with the fight. The commando see this and chastises the guy about moving in a condescending manner, then says he's stopped doing anything. Just dies and while the two of us remaining get Modo down to half health, the pissant says "that's fine just waste time [instead of wiping]." We wipe, and I can't help myself. I reply "The only one wasting time here is you by *********** quitting." Then "3 is better than 2." He retorts "4 is better than 3." Congratulations, you are completely correct, but have just proven to be an argumentative ******e! 2 more attempts, one of which I probably could have pulled off if I wasn't the last one and Modo's once-per-second stuns and chokes hadn't prevented me from clicking kolto, then the ****** quits. YAY. Pull a replacement, 74 DPS Guardian, IIRC. Finally get it done, even though this one makes a snide comment at one of the lowbies as well. WHY? WHY? I don't want to sound elitist, but you're a *********** lowbie! Just by being the level you are, you are probably only half as effective as anyone at 60+! Don't be a jerk when you are in the same boat as two of your teammates or else don't queue group content!
  4. I'm sure you can, but if you are using a standard mouse, there's not much you can do. Left-click, right-click, scroll wheel and scroll-click isn't a lot. That's assuming you even have a scroll wheel. There are gaming mice, even MMO mice that have a scary amount of buttons, so I'd go that route if you find keyboard controls clunky.
  5. Perhaps they're outdated, but I've seen some guides that say some unlettered or R-1 variants (which are identical) of mods, armorings and hilts are BiS. Between R-2 and R-5 (depending on the item) isn't too far off from optimal either, I think.
  6. I want to say "no." Skimming the GTN only has unlettered, A and B type mods for all the craftable gear, but it's always been like this. True, the R variants didn't exist before 6.0 (to my knowledge). While I am one for more meaningful crafting and having that be a viable way to gear alongside grinding content, it would introduce a lot more bloat to the crafting menus, perhaps too much so. In my journey to 306, I have seen [type} Enhancements 80R-14 and I think it goes all the way to 19. Do you really want ALL 19 versions in your menu? Cybertechs would be drowning in their menu.
  7. I have had three weirdos over the past two days: The first seemed chill. Running Cademimu, he was asking if the group knew the fights and strats for the FP; kudos for checking. Some extra mobs got aggroed at one point by mistake and he got killed, which seemed to irk him; he said he couldn't afford the repair bills. He's level 75. I don't buy it, but I decide to be nice and give 50K credits to shut him up. After we beat Ortol, suddenly asks group if they are from America and goes off about "how I hope Trump ****s you over." >.> Riiiiight. That was classy... Second on Objective: Meridian. We arrive at first bosses and wipe. Run back and have a fairly lengthy discussion on who does what. Looks like this'll work. Start fight. 20 seconds in, tank quits after raging about apparently losing aggro. ***.jpeg Two others quit in rapid succession and I'm left wondering what the hell happened. Third just today: Red Reaper MM. Get to first corridor, the tank heads to the middle of it and pulls mobs which, of course, melt him. We wipe, unfortunately, then he calls us "freaks" and quits. HE aggroed the mobs. Uhhh... right. Then we successfully get past that hallway and I admit to making a mistake that cost us nothing and people probably didn't even notice: I didn't notice some mezzed mobs and hit them, breaking soft stun. I immediately recast my own soft stun to fix it, but the healer quits after this admission. I don't know if it was because of that or they didn't want to wait for a new tank, but I thought it was petulant to do so. We (2 DPS) finish the FP with comps. (I realize Reaper probably isn't that difficult but it was harder than it needed to be.) My rhetorical question: why do people have to get so pissy when things don't go to plan? *sigh*
  8. This one's tough... At the moment, and not having given it a lot of thought... One thing (but two ways of going about it): Either let us run comps whose species is a playable race (human, Togruta, Twi'lek, etc.) through the appearance designer (giving more preset customizations for those that aren't), or just make more (and more varied) companion customizations. Reason: it has suddenly become strangely apparent to me that my longtime main JK and Kira are almost identical (pure coincidence) and it bugs me, but I still have some doubts as to whether I like customization 1 enough to stick with it. Almost reminds me too much of Jaesa, that one. I reserve the right to edit this post if I think of a better change to be made.
  9. That's up to you, really. As stated above, it would be faster to level as DPS, but I am an advocate of doing what you initially described: getting used to the abilities as you progress. This is what I do, and while levelling healers dragged a bit while running class stories I would have found it more boring or irritating to learn the vast pile of abilities doing heroics and FPs after the fact, potentially getting flak for not knowing my role. That's my take, anyway.
  10. Hello! Here's a link (http://https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/swtor-character-transfers/) to EA's explanation. It sounds like you need to create a Legacy on the new server for decos to get imported, if you have not done so. Someone with more experience may be able to help there. That said, from my skimming of the process, I'm not sure if the decos are tied to the character that unlocked them or if they are legacy-bound. Strongholds need to be reactivated if you bought them with credits (free if with CC), but it's only the one-time reactivation cost; you don't have to buy each room again. That is assuming that toon had a stronghold on the previous server. Sorry if that seems less than helpful...
  11. So does doing the edit method not force it to download again anymore?
  12. Thanks. Still though, it forces the game to download again, right? That's an extra 45GB of bloat...
  13. So, I hate to bring it up again when Google has so many links to older threads dealing with this, but I want a straight answer to two questions that have come up as I've researched this: 1. Is it still necessary/a good idea to delete the assets and movies folders to prevent bloat? 2. Do I only have to edit two lines of "code" in the launcher settings or should I edit all four that tend to pop up in the tutorials for this? Thank you for your patience and advice.
  14. Call me easily satisfied, but I'm super pumped about new races to play. Also looking forward to seeing if getting top tier gear will be less of the chore I have heard that it is on Ossus.
  15. While it is a bit wonky at times, I was under the impression that it already did that. My comps tend to be listed by descending order of rank. The drop-down list in the crew skill pop-up when assigning tasks is a little less faithful to that order, but my highest-ranked comps still tend to be near the top of it. Maybe I'm just lucky?
  16. Let me start of with a GIANT apology for asking this even though I have been playing the game for close to two years and I have made numerous Google searches to avoid asking. I'm sorry (but no other explanations seem touch on this)! My question: Which locations autocomplete story? I know starting the Ossus story missions autocompletes everything* up to that point, but are there any others? Further, does merely travelling to Ossus count as starting Jedi Under Siege? I ask because I want to go to places like Dantooine, CZ-198 and Section X, etc. for rep decos and the HK-51 quest, but I don't want to skip RotHC or SoR just by going there. I would also like to know if it's possible to get 252/258 gear without skipping the aforementioned content, even with 6.0 coming soon (although I'm willing to bet it's impossible without starting the Ossus quest(s)). Yes, I'm aware this might sound paranoid. >.> Merci d'avance! (Thanks in advance!) *90.16%, rounded to nearest hundreds place.
  17. I'll jump on the "it's overkill" bandwagon. I have a laptop with an i7-9750H and a 1660 Ti and run it at Ultra (with some tweaks just to save on some performance). Just to reiterate, those are the mobile versions of those processors. Desktop versions should have even less of a problem, or so I'd like to think, but I don't know the stats of the CPUs you listed off the top of my head. Oh, and if framerate really matters, the last time I checked it, I was hovering right around 60. Then again, my screen is only 60Hz. *shrugs*
  18. [Possible SPOILERS for any who haven't completed chapter 2 of the Trooper story] Since I can't find anything regarding this specific issue I have with my Trooper, I'll ask here. Background: I picked Elara to be my squad's XO. The game said that came with the rank of lieutenant. None of the dialogue after that choice never made mention of that promotion, outside of Jorgan throwing a fit about being passed over. A little annoying from an immersion standpoint, but fine. That is, until the mission to destroy the Gauntlet. While assigning the team to assault the bridge, M1-4X referred to my Jorgan as lieutenant. Wait, what? Then, during the mission when Yuun gets sent off to help Elara, the player character called her sergeant. What the hell, game? I know what choice I made. I can't be the only one who noticed this. Did my game bug when it came to registering that choice? I know I had that conversation with Jorgan where he manifested his displeasure at not being promoted, so the game knew at that point, why did it not keep it consistent? This irked me when I heard it. Anyone else have this happen to them?
  19. I'm never the most in-tune with the PvP meta, but I have a couple thoughts. As far as PvE goes, I feel like it doesn't matter as long as you're having fun. For PvP, I'm sure some (maybe most) would say that depends on what you like to play in terms of RPG role: tank, DPS or healer. That would be more pertinent in picking a class and specialization that fit what you want to play. EDIT: Deleted some unnecessary hearsay.
  20. Also, be aware that the Diplomacy mission skill still gives light or dark side points depending on the mission no matter what your alignment toggle is set to. I hate picking up stray dark side points so I have to be choosy about which missions I assign to my followers. Hovering over the light/dark icon in the top left corner of each mission description will tell you its light/dark point breakdown.
  21. So there's no way around it? That sucks if true. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
  22. Hello! I need the help of the community once again since even Google doesn't seem to be of much help. I have really no issue with most of my keybinds except trying to bind things with SHIFT as a modifier. Currently I have most of my combat abilities bound to some combination of CTRL or ALT and the number pad on the right side of my keyboard. However, when I try to bind those same keys to SHIFT+ (number pad key) it acts weird. A concrete example: when attempting to bind SHIFT+Num 1, the game binds that combo to END instead. What the hell? Anyone have a decent explanation? I'd like to potentially move all my ALT modified binds to SHIFT because I accidentally hit ALT+Enter while playing and it forced my game window to a smaller size. Very irritating. P.S. I'm pretty sure it's not a numlock issue since I can bind almost anything else to the numpad. Merci beaucoup!
  23. Thanks a ton! Leaving the vagaries of the loot system aside, it seems that no story arcs will trigger out of order by going to those planets early? I'd hate for the game itself to spoil me on stuff, although it would be kind of funny.
  24. I should have mentioned I've been looking at that site a lot. That's why I have an alternate option lined up, assuming I don't have to have special currency for the Special Goods vendor on Tat. And I might be too low-level for the drops I want to occur on Ilum or Corellia.
  25. Hi all, I would like some help. I have tried to dig up info on this, but it's scattered and incomplete as it pertains to my question. Is there anything weird that can happen by going to a planet too soon? I am looking for specific loot that according to the info I have dug up is only on Corellia or Ilum as world drops, likely from champion-level mobs. I am currently running a lv. 43 Jedi Knight toon on Nar Shaddaa's story arc and I know Corellia comes much later, but I don't want to miss this loot if I can help it. If it's not advisable, I can try and get a lookalike of the gear on Tatooine when I get there. Thanks a lot! P.S. If anyone's interested in giving me pointers to the gear I'm looking for, it's the Benevolent Primeval Paragon's Lightsaber. I have one off the GTN, but I might relist it if it's just easier to get a similar saber elsewhere.
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