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Everything posted by Eoinol

  1. part 4 --- Second Planet --- You now have “Resources”, that you can collect and sell to any Vendor for extra credits. You can find them by seeing them In Game or, once it is selected, you can see the approximate location of resources on your map and mini map. Pick up everything you can. You will find that the NPCs are more now difficult to kill, so take your time to get used to them, or you will find that you get killed a lot. You can still solo the heroics with a companion, but wait for your first weapon upgrade, that you will eventually get in a drop, before doing them. Keep following the “Story”. Learn The Game SWTORista https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpJlq8u0mOBSAKv1KmTTfQ This should be your first stop, it explains the game in a simple format. SWTOR Central https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRte2QViSKBN5tM5YL7tTcg Lots of good info on what characters can do, including comparisons with the Imperial characters. Vulkk https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbItQ0PBi-GkhULB7Z8NR4w This is a more technical site, helpful for rotations & stats.
  2. part 3 --- First planet --- Do not buy any gear for your toon on this planet, use what you pick up. (BTW, I have gotten to level 70 on one toon without using anything other than collected gear.) To get this gear, kill lots, especially groups/mobs. And Do every Exploration Missions you can but wait until you get a companion before doing Heroics. ( Yes, you can do them solo, but you get them done faster with a companion. You will eventually get a companion by doing the main story. Look for Purple text or Purple Icon over NPSc. Make sure you get in the habit of looking at your mini map a lot, especially after each level up and after any main story conversations. New missions will appear. I would Highly recommend getting “rocket boost” at level 1. You get rocket boost using real money, converted to Cartel Coins. You can buy it in the Cartel Market, (ctrl+M in game), as part of the “going places basic bundle" pack. Aim: get your Speeder. Having a speeder when you reach your second planet will save you a lot of time. You need to get to level 10, have 8,000 credits and go to your trainer at level 10 to train for Speeder Training. Use your emergency fleet pass to go to the fleet and visit the speeder vendor. While on the fleet, pick your skills. Go to the crewskils area and select “slicing" and “archaeology” to be ready to make more credits on planet 2, you can change them later.
  3. part 2 Heroics These are harder missions, that give good rewards in both credits & gear. I recommend waiting until the “Story” tell you to go to the Shuttle & leave before doing them. Most you can solo.
  4. This is a quick Newbie guide to help you get a good start on your First (opening) and second Planet, written by Eoinol, I play on Darth Malgus IMPORTANT NOTE: This will probably NOT be the only Character/Toon you make in the game, so don't be too worried, take this as a learning experience. (I have created 50+Toons) Once you get used to it, you can get to level 10 in less than four hours of gameplay, so you can check out a character fairly quickly. ++++ Must Dos ++++ Looting You need “Credits”, the InGame currency to upgrade gear. The first way a Newbie has to make credits is Looting from kills. To make Looting faster, log into your Character and look for the Menu on the top, center. Look for “Preferences”, Enable “auto loot”, Enable “Area Loot” Select “Request Companion to Gather”, I use Right click. Get your Map ready Go to your map, (click M), and select …. Show Trainers Show Vendors Show quick travel points Show taxi Show Resources … and most important select “Show Exploration Missions” Exploration Missions give lots of credits & gear.
  5. I feel your frustration, I help newbies a lot, but I won't part with credits unless they are a sub of mine or I chat with them for a few days ... same as you, once bitten. I used to keep speeders in my inventory when starting a new alt, so I could send them to a newbie I'd met, speed up getting off planet ... stopped doing that fairly quickly
  6. I'm not hassling newbies, if you read my post I said, "I see far too many newbies that are far too low to be on a planet & they get wiped out, cry and say the game is crap" This is all I'm saying ... ranting in chat that the game is crap, too hard, unplayable ... all because they didn't level up correctly by just doing the missions offered to you. I've leveled alts to 70 using nothing but gear drops, no extra mods, but I did all the missions and it made the difference. For example, I just started a new Merc, when I finished Hutta Story, I had armour that was a max of 93 from drops, I did the Heroics, most of my gear jumped to 200+. This makes a huge difference when I travel to Dromund Kaas.
  7. LOL I've done that too, drowned in mobs
  8. Patience you must have Sometimes there is a delay and it's the weekend, so it might not have been spotted yet. if you have had no change by Monday afternoon, contact support.
  9. interesting :-) I've done everything on every planet, plus heroics & the 3 daily areas for my latest alt, I'll be level 70 before leaving chapter 1
  10. Maybe you are overlevel if you do it right, I've met a few crying newbies in the last few days, getting swamped on the higher planets, hence the post. I think that because they are not doing the missions, they are not getting the gear drops, so under geared.
  11. So I'm leveling up my last two characters. No matter what faction I am on, I always do every mission, main purple, side & Heroic missions on my first and second planets. I pick the side missions I want after that, but this way I have leveled up enough to survive on planet 3 and I have credits to upgrade my gear if I want. I see far too many newbies that are far too low to be on a planet & they get wiped out, cry and say the game is crap. I was on Balmorra where a level 29 was getting wiped out, just trying to get to the first mission. Yes, he could survive, but life was A LOT harder for him. Newbies PLEASE Level Up on the correct planet, do every mission, main purple, side & Heroic missions on my first and second planets and upgrade your gear a little until you start getting gear drops.
  12. Welcome to the game My best advice is to spend some time watching videos on SWTOR, here is one of the best resources SWTORISTA, (not my channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkpJlq8u0mOBSAKv1KmTTfQ Then take your time , you'll enjoy the game more
  13. Yes, you will have a far better day on Darth Malgus, close your chat when you arrive on Dromund Kaas. It's full of the worst type of trolls, some with psychiatric issues, you will be far better off just turning off your chat
  14. I would agree, mature Guilds are very rare Plenty of Mature Guild members ... but most of the Guild Leaders seem to have stopped maturing at age 7
  15. If they are not deleted .... and he can't access them .... where are they?
  16. why take me so literally? In the context of the discussion, if he was Subed, his account would still be there.
  17. Unless you pay for them, they are not yours, check the T&Cs, If I stay inactive for 3 years, but I keep my Sub, they will keep my characters, if I was free to play, there's no obligation. It could simply be that after 3 years of inactivity on your part ... your characters were deleted. 3 years is a long time to expect anyone to "keep your dinner warm" while they wait for you to turn up Start from scratch, it won't take long ... well ... in most cases ... you need to play to level
  18. Start doing section x, Black hole and Cz 198, they have a big one time weekly bonus, if you do them from Activities, it resets on tuesday afternoon GMT.
  19. Why not tell them that you didn't get them via customer support? That way they can fix it.
  20. There are both options, free to play and pay to play.
  21. I'm glad you figured it out, I tried thinking of what could be causing it and then realized that you may not be a high enough level.
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