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Posts posted by silenthc

  1. bioware!!!!!

    You f***ing co*********!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have crippled the only sane force in the galaxy!!!!!!!

    Now i know how will the merge with empire or republic will happen


    you could have had the "grey" force, that could be the start of grey jedi, instead you went on the leash of those good for nothing that cried loud about how bad alliance is

    you are worst story visioners ever

    guess what those players-they are gone now and not coming back massively


    however judging on how things are going it's just another step of 6.0 till maintenance mode


    © 2011

  2. Ouch :p. Ahhhh, thank you, I am feeling better :). I dealt with THAT and now I can laugh at it. Will deal with what is to come too and mock it mercilessly :cool:. By the way, was Crusades troubles not mostly due to executive meddling?


    I think so, yeah. But then still it lacked all the magic of the original series. Really does feel a bit like SWTOR's situation lol. If it weren't for them meddling executives..

  3. I just completed my first Consular story earlier today. Do not understand the hate except for half of chapter 1. Plenty of ways I thought it was written at least as good as the Knight story (let's be fair, its chapter 1 superweapon plot was pretty **** too), and I thought it did very good justice and was more fitting to the actual class.
  4. Yes... anything that moves you to Premium status (other than a friend referral) works.


    I only do game time codes for this game as there is no way I am giving EA my credit card info.. because of how they have Origin insidiously wired into everything.


    Ditto. And have had my Origin account compromised at one point. So lucky I had no important details on there.

  5. More likely EA has moved on to another internal team/division to do the SW "mining" going forward, leaving BW to what they're best at - custom story-driven RPGs like Anthem.


    That is what it's looking like both theoretically AND practically, but I'm still not really seeing the story appeal, which regardless of recent years' opinions is still Bioware's strongest appeal for me personally and for what I can only assume is how many others with me feel about how Anthem (which as far as I know, is the ONLY major game Bioware is actively working on at the moment?) is developing along at this point. I won't even pretend to know a whole lot of Anthem's development cycle, but there almost seems no denying the majority of SWTOR's resources over the past few years have gone into such a substandard, at this point, overdone (and in my opinion, bound to fail) genre of game that I find it hard to believe they would not be able to get the same amount of sustainability through this game. Anthem will likely hit like a bomb at first, like any majorly hyped game, then quickly fall into a place of mediocrity. Much like how Sea of Thieves has been received I think. There is nothing actually new or different being promoted from what SWTOR is capable of as far as I'm concerned even in its current state. Which makes it all the more frustrating the game is being shelved to the background the way it is.

  6. I have a confession - the first thing I do with a single player game, is hunt for cheats/trainers...but I have NEVER cheated in an online game - ever. It's a completely different beast online. I 100% agree with you...I have zero sympathy for cheaters online. In KOTOR I will freely and absolutely hack my stats to 99 (Strength, endurance etc) for all of them - not online though. NEVER online.


    I've got a lifetime CheatHappens account if you're interested, btw. Unlimited trainer options for pretty much any single player game. :D

  7. I truly believe the production team already is working in the state of what the base maintenance mode for this game would entail, in the sense that they won't do anything more than what's required of them unless they're directly being told otherwise (including keeping up appearances through Cartel Market 'updates'), and clearly the "press release" answer only supports that in typical fashion. Everything as officially stated only leads me to believe they're doing nothing but follow the market as it goes (I'm not necessarily knocking it, in this day and age it is fairly sensible actually), and put in a minimal-to-somewhat-acceptable level to effort in being able to sustain that amount of economically viable interest. 6.0 is going to be crucial in the game's continuity IMO. We, as well as EA/Bioware already know the game will be able to probably sustain it's current levels of subs thereabouts with the current amount of content and development until the end of its run regardless of whatever they bring out. I do not believe in terms of player numbers it's going to get much worse, because of the amount of hopefuls and SW lovers that will just keep on supporting the game no matter what. So yeah, future updates will probably keep churning in enough money for the game to keep running; but in terms of how much it will actually contribute to the game's continuity in terms of story and MMO viability? I'm holding quite a nihilistic view in terms of that one.


    As much as it would suck I really wouldn't care that much in the traditional sense if they just told us "guys, what we're giving you, this is it", as it would be honest, but it is hard when you realize this game could have so much more to offer. There is no doubt in my mind any Star Wars MMO game with active resources would be a lot more profitable AND forgiving/willing than some generic modern game like what Anthem strives to be. It's really mind-boggling to me.

  8. I had a Latvian grandmother who was handy with tools lol and for whatever reason liked to call some of them by their German names lol.


    Makes at least some sense lol. Being European it's interesting to me how a lot of Americans/Canadians can get so identifiable about their heritage yet really know nothing of their (mostly) European ancestors (not meaning you necessarily ofc.). In your grandmother's case I'm going to assume she's had some German or possibly Polish family since Russian language is a LOT more common in those parts.

  9. Months ago when road maps where advertised i complained how they were not actual roadmaps but the release of information that had already been given and providing nothing new to us. I would have expected by this time to see a little teaser for nathema conspiracy and if possible a reasonable explanation to how panoramix seed were brought to nathema to plant and grow forests back.


    You know this has actually got me thinking; when was the last time we got to see a substantial proper teaser/trailer for any upcoming aspect of the game? Not counting any ordinary cutscene footage. The Betrayed teaser I think? That's over one and a half year ago by now. I must admit I am personally very curious about what they have in store for us in 6.0 and where they're going with the story. But I definitely want a cinematic teaser at the least.

  10. As someone who came back to this game after many years in recent times, you've done a tremendous service in providing valuable information to new and returning older players alike. Just from the heading titles I already know there's a lot more information for me to find whenever I'm ready to move on to one of the particular parts of the game. Thanks so much for your dedication to the game, and I know you've probably heard this a thousand times before, but your voice is soothing. :o
  11. ^^ Accurate assessment in my view as well.


    My beef with the roadmaps is they really are not roadmaps in any commercially accepted context... they are quasi-quarterly progress reports (presented as "what's to come soon")... which is entirely different. But I have long since given up on the roadmap approach to communications from this studio. I have to admit though.. Keith has fooled some of the player base with this "roadmap charade... so hard to actually fault something that appears to work with some of the player base I guess.


    Lol, yeah, it's hard not to look at the roadmaps as anything other than the tiniest piece of meat strung out before us, yet it tends to be all we have going for us in terms of "what's in the reasonably nearby future". It is frustrating but at the same time I do not believe the producers themselves are all that aware as to when they are capable/allowed of moving on to a new expansion or feature in the game's development cycle; i.e. I do not think we are ever left purposefully out of the loop, so "charade" might be wording it a little strongly, we are getting as much as the team likely knows.

  12. I believe the reason why he plays mmo's is because its more a comfortable way to interact with other people and be social without having to talk to someone face to face, or over the phone. There is a sense of comfort when you are anyone you want to be behind a keyboard or via text. He probably doesn't use voice comms much either. I have social anxiety too but I deal with it, first dates with females are always a challenge, i got by on my looks more than my conversation skills until I get comfortable with someone. People with bad social anxiety usually like to be recluses too and don't go out much unless necessary, its a constant struggle. Unfortunately you miss out on a lot of good times. I challenged myself as I got older, the military helped/forced me to get more comfortable speaking to people or being around a big crowd. Now that I've been out though, I've kind of fell back into my old ways. Prescribed anxiety medicine like xanax helps, but you can get addicted to that stuff.


    Pretty much on everything you said, yes (especially first dates and getting by on looks initially, ugh), definitely the going-back-to-old-ways rut I'm finding myself into lately lol, it really comes in periods for me. But like I said it's not just social anxiety for me. You mind me asking your age as you state "as I got older"? Don't use medication in the traditional sense fortunately, though I do smoke cannabis.

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