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Everything posted by weapon_x

  1. Exactly. Reminds you of the OLD games. Let's get something a little more current here.
  2. I've got the same issue on Fatman, one of the more crowded servers. Last night, for the first time, I ran into opposing faction players. A total of three over a period of a couple hours, on Alderaan. I think I also ran into three members of my own faction. Pretty bad. World felt dead.
  3. Outside of warzones, I've yet to see a member of the opposing faction. It's sad really. I'm not that far into the game, only level 31. I should be running into people regularly, but I'm not.
  4. Agreed. I've been on Tatooine for the last couple of days and haven't seen a single member of the Alliance.
  5. I'm a speed reader. I turned subtitles on and I'm usually done reading before the NPC says the third word, so I just hit the space bar.
  6. At least you only hate the announcer. I hate the entire thing.
  7. What I typicall see is..."LF Heals" for pretty much everything. Healer shortages really screw up a game.
  8. Don't get me started. I HATE the space combat. Where is space exploration? How do you think any of the planets in Star Wars are populated? Exploration. How were all of the hyperspace routes found? Exploration. Where are all the resources found to make ships, etc? Exploration. Everything in Star Wars revolves around exploration. The probes sent out by the Empire during Episode V were exploring, trying to find the Rebel base. The movie would have been a little different if the Empire only had to fire off one probe, because everything is on rails, which would have went right to the rebel base. I'll stop there, but I can keep going.
  9. Outside the hangars on Balmorra is a woman behind a desk that sells components. I believe the parts can also be made by other players so check the GTN.
  10. Do the heroics scale and offer level appropriate gear? Otherwise, what's the purpose of daily heroics on Korriban when you're done there so fast.
  11. Honestly, it's not that complicated. There are only a few components that can be put in and replacing them is simply a matter of finding a higher number to replace it.
  12. It also looks like we got from 0 to 100 in about a half second. I'd like a slower acceleration as well, though honestly I just skip it now because it looks so glitchy with clipping.
  13. I hate it. I grew up on X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Freespace and Wing Commander. This minigame is a joke. I can't wait for something more expansive. Try enjoying it after the 100th time flying the same, predictable mission.
  14. Star Trek online is like this too, though I don't play that steaming pile of crap. Their reason for huge buildings and ships was camera movement. If everything was the proper size, there would be clipping or the camera would zoom in too much automatically to avoid going through the ceiling.
  15. I felt like Ron Burgundy when I read that with the question mark at the end.
  16. This has been asked about 1,000 times. When you pick your AC in game, you're told that you CAN'T change it.
  17. I have no idea how anyone could fail that mission. It's a joke. I did it with NO gear upgrades at all, not even shields and finished it with the freighter at 50% health. Now with level 1/2 gear, that freighter has about 75% at the end. That said, I HATE the space minigame. Now that I've run each one several times, I memorized them all. Rail shooters suck. The only reason I run them is to get the commendations, XP and cash. Thank god each one is only a couple minutes. They make me want to eat my face off.
  18. NOOOO!! Keep going to chuundar and stay of off fatman!!
  19. This. I'm almost level 25 and have about 80K credits and I haven't done anything crazy or used the GTN. I don't even use slicing. In fact, I've been sending my companions out on diplomacy and bio missions and those COST money.
  20. Nothing apparently. When the timer hits zero is when you did the calculation, so just surviving until the end completes it.
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