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Everything posted by doohickeyexpress

  1. Thanks pal! People in genchat on the fleet are saying Cartel Coin grants have been slow for about 3 days now, so that's probably it. Hopefully this works!
  2. Just sent a ticket, hopefully it'll get resolved. If to no avail, I shall call!
  3. Woke up this morning - still no coins, somebody halp :,(.
  4. But they subbed 8 hours ago That's the point I haven't gotten the coins yet, but I have gotten the gift. Thanks for the reply anyways.
  5. Hey there, the past few times a friend of mine has subscribed after using my referral code I've gotten the coins, but this time, I haven't. I got the gift (droid pet), though. It's been about 8 hours, how long does it usually take? I'm trying to buy 1040 Cartel coins to have enough for the black and black dye, but since I haven't gotten the 600 cartel coins yet I won't have enough. What's the deal, BioWare? Trying to lose a potential customer? Haha, anyhow, thanks in advance.
  6. Which isn't always a bad thing The players can get what they want!
  7. Also, listen to this guy, this is a great explanation!!!
  8. I 100% feel you, I myself came back about a month ago, and I felt like I wasn't doing something right by just mashing different attacks when I wanted to. The thing I've discovered is that pretty much in this game, there aren't really any definitions of clear and specific rotations, you just have to use what you feel is right based on it's effect and how many resources you have at the moment. It's hard for me as well, because I'm used to SWG where there are very set rotations and specific things you should do.
  9. I think I've just figured it out- is it Tank spec'd with DPS gear?
  10. I'm lookin for some tanking info as well, and this really helps. Thank you! I'm gonna try out chilling scream . If it's not too much of a hassle, could you list all of your utilities please?
  11. This is just a guess, but are they DPS spec'd toons that play as tanks? Or are they just ***hole tanks? LOL. Been seeing this phrase alot lately.
  12. I think he's talking about specializations. I agree though, it is odd considering damage is the only option for Mar and Sent...
  13. I'm in central US as well, but I connect fine on The Harbinger and get anywhere from 60-115 ping (sometimes it skyrockets but that's just because I'm super far away from my router), and I play fine. Are you using a wireless connection? If so, I feel your pain.
  14. "Kyber crystals were inherently attuned to the light side of the Force, and would attempt to resist any effort by dark side practitioners to use them in lightsabers. To this end, the only way a Sith, or other darksider could make use of a kyber crystal was to use the Force to dominate the crystal, bending it to their will. This process would cause the crystal to "bleed", as if it were a living organism, resulting in the distinctive crimson-bladed lightsabers synonymous with the Sith. It was possible to "heal" a corrupted kyber crystal, the only known instance of purifying a corrupted kyber crystal was when Ahsoka Tano purified the two crystals she retrieved from the Sixth Brother's lightsaber following his defeat. In this case, the crystals turned white." - Wookieepedia Honestly, I despise the new explanation. I think it's stupid that Jedi can now color crystals themselves. It takes away the authenticity and beauty of crystals, at least for me. When I was a kid I thought Ilum was so cool, and I envied how the Jedi would meditate in the crystal caves and the crystal would essentially choose them. As far as I'm concerned, natural crystals start off in balance with the force and with the color that they grew with and red crystals are/were created synthetically by the Sith. What are your thoughts?
  15. Grats ;D If I may ask, what guild is it?
  16. Years? Do a few flashpoints and you should be level 50 in a couple of hours.
  17. I'd like to offer a few... minor... tweaks to the list. Nothing crazy: 1. Jabba the Hutt /love 2. Salacious Crumb 3. Watto 4. Max Rebo (I mean he's thicc but not jabba thicc) 5. Dexter 6. The Senate himself, Chancellor Palpatine.
  18. Haha good on you. This has been quite a draining and confusing conversation. May the force be with you.
  19. Damn, I'm on Harbinger. RIP my hopes and dreams. :,(
  20. HAHA **** you're actually a funny guy even though you've annoyed the crap out of me. We should play sometime.
  21. Heard of sarcasm? Oh yeah, forgot who I was arguing with...
  22. Oh my goshhh such dark arts! My old accounts password change code wouldn't send me the email ohhh ohhh I'm such a liar. Cut it out man, and find something to do.
  23. LOL i know it came out in 2011, I didnt mean to say "when it came out". Dude why the heck do you have to put me through this, I am not lying. Get this through your thick skull, I am going to say this clearly okay?: I joined the game in 2013. I quit playing after two weeks. Got it so far? I came back about a month ago. You have the wrong idea of me. Im not trying to seem like an old pro coming back. All Im saying is I tried the game in 2013.
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