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Everything posted by Veronica_K

  1. Or maybe i won't able to resume my romance with Vector and my Agent will stay with Arcann forever I don't really mind though, because it's unlikely that Vector or other LIs will get any screentime aside from a 2 minute reunion lol
  2. I'm curious, will there be a break up scene with Arcann if i romance him and then dump him for Vector with my Agent? I know i'm probably going to hell for this, but i have this odd urge to dump him for someone else just to see what happens (don't hit me pls, i'll dump Felix for Arcann with my Consular, i promise )
  3. Here's my Consular who is going to romance Arcann https://ibb.co/f2G6Xc
  4. They're suppose to be 16 during attack on Korriban, BUT i don't remember which year exactly the attack happened, i've seen a post about it somewhere, but it was years ago and i can't find it now:(
  5. I think this post says something about his age http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9347029#edit9347029 "Then, Vitiate abruptly stops the war, proposes a treaty claiming seemingly-random planets, and starts the Cold War. An obscure step in his plan to complete the ritual? Makes sense, though if we look at how old Valkorion's children appear to be, they'd be getting born right around this time... coincidence?" The treaty was made in 3653 BBY, Sacrifice trailer takes place in 3637 BBY (i could be wrong though), so the twins were around 16 then
  6. Well, my Outlander can spare some room in her head for Vaylin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. I'm super excited about returning to Nathema, but how our characters will be able to survive it without Valk's protection? Won't the Outlander go nuts the minute he/she lands on Nathema again?
  8. It's not a cut line, you can get it when Valk orders Vaylin to kill Arcann and the Outlander, if you chose the third response the Outlander will threaten Vaylin and she'll say that they have a lot of in common. Oh, and it seems you can get it only if you leave Arcann and Senya alive.
  9. Just made a meme with our dearest Scourge, hope you like it. https://i.imgur.com/Cc9Wuba.jpg
  10. Devs said that they want to add a male force-user romance (besides Arcann) to the game, and I really hope that it'll be Scourge! My DS Knight would choose him over Doc/Theron any day!
  11. We don't have many decent looking helmets that hide hood, and it looks kinda stupid with hooded robes, so please make it happen.
  12. Too bad that we'll be able to romance Arcann only after Valkorion is gone... I'd love to see his reaction to romancing Arcann, hehe
  13. I really hope that Senya will comment on PC romancing Arcann somehow. A letter would be nice:)
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