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Everything posted by WolfesBite

  1. To be clear, and like I've said before, I really enjoy a lot of aspect about the game. There comes a time to be realistic however, and while this is not the only community experiences I have ever had, and in NO WAY is the community ALL BAD, but how much negativity should a person have to go through for a game that's meant for pleasure. Seriously it's an mmo, you pretty much HAVE to play with others sometimes to get the full content. I have never endured this level of gamer hate in such a short time and it has completely turned me away from playing with others. If I'm only going to get to play the single player content without hate, it's not worth it. It just seems sad that the only real solutions offered for harassment and bullying are "Ignore it" or "go play somewhere else". How does anyone see those as an acceptable solution? Is that how you'd handle your child being bullied?
  2. So you just run around assuming the worst of people and then treat them based off your incorrect assumptions? Interesting to say the least. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt and not treat people poorly.
  3. Pretty much that entire statement defends online bullying and harassment. Even going so far as to call me a liar and subtly take shots at me for voicing an opinion. Smh And ftr I have stopped playing. That doesn't mean I can't voice my experience in hopes things can improve.
  4. The fact is if the length of the action taken is to tell me to "Just ignore them" then this game is an unchecked zone of harassment that the devs don't seem to care about. Some of these things could just be taken with a grain of salt but to allow players to keep playing after telling someone to off themselves is sickening. If I am left just ignoring it then the problem is NEVER solved. If you guys wanna keep letting trolls and punks run your servers and watch all the players leave. I can play plenty of games without harassment, and in fact only have horror stories like this ON THIS GAME. Stop acting like it's okay and it can start to change. I'm not hanging around though. This post proves that the problem is constant and unchecked.
  5. Every ticket I submit is closed within 24 hours and I know for SURE they weren't banned. It's not worth all the torture just to hopefully someday find a decent community. Frankly I'm just waiting for the day they ban me for reporting people.
  6. After my last 2 post (My only ones) were being filled nonstop trolling and rudeness, I decided I wasn't going to post another but after a full week of trying to join the social community via in game and getting bullied the entire time, I felt I had to speak out. I was told by several people, on MANY occasions that new players were not welcome in the game. I was made fun of for seeking help, not already having a group, and not having a lvl 70. I was called a little girl for stating new players should be welcomed. A group of 4 people spent half a day whisper insults at me for trying to add them to a group. I was told multiple times to kill myself (one in detail). When trying to get help starting a guild (failed after 6 hours of constant trying) and was told "We don't want you to have a guild. There's enough guilds already". I tried very hard to enjoy this game but the community is toxic beyond measure. There seems to be no real end game for a solo player and so sadly I'll be quitting a game I really did enjoy. It is not okay to treat people this way and no action seems to ever be taken. I play games to enjoy myself, not be put through high school level bs. I have only played for 1 month and have seen it done EVERY DAY, either to me or others. Why is this okay. Is it worth losing players? I think the most disturbing thing is that neither EA or Bio seem to actually care about bullying at all.
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