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Everything posted by Thruine

  1. To be honest, back when I thought I might possibly get something great from the crates, I would have done those two exclusively too. But I actually never thought about them after doing them once per character as I was playing them through their story. Maybe people can just post this stuff so those that do want to grind things like that can take advantage of them
  2. You can never go wrong with appealing to a SW fan nostalgia apparently. I agree that Hoth and Tatooine even Allderaan to a certain extent shouldn't have come before new worlds. I do like visiting Alderaan due to well, you know. But I think when people see a desert or ice planet in the SW universe, they are going to think of those two. Or if they aren't those two then they will wonder why not since this new world might as well have been one of them. I agree that making Tatooine Skywalker homeland (how about that name... a Skywalker from Tatooine... shh, its a secret. No Kenobi's live here either) was laugh out loud eye rolling. Perhaps in the SW universe people have no memory of names. That's why everyone refers to our characters by our class. Or it was apparent poor George got lost in his own ego.
  3. Biggest want I have is Story Mode for all flashpoints. Not because I only solo but because no one seems to want to play some of them. I'd also like to see operations get whatever kind of mode needed to have more people que for them pretty regularly. Even the Story modes don't pop often enough. Oh, forgot to add, I'd like to see an operative type added to the Republic. I played my smuggler as an SIS agent but that still doesn't feel like an agent from the game perspective. And if any of my characters have to say my lord on Empire side one more time...
  4. I would disagree with the idea of going f2p completely. I consider ESO one of those type games (they call it buy to play but whatever) and if you like things beyond the gameplay like strongholds then those items we have to buy with credits would probably disappear. And reappear costing between $2-$4 of actual cash (once converted to their crowns). Oh, you can use the millions of needed ingame gold but they got you with their low drops on materials needed and individual patterns needed for it all. So, in theory its possible. Their houses cost $10-$100+ also. So a big LMAO to those leaving for it due to price. And those people behind the game really don't play it. Just a calculator for them. Especially when you consider a two year old could handle and get bored with its "complex and fast pace gameplay". I would speak about their "content" but their store is their content. Even if you look an the new 'expansion', the content added to the store overshadows what was added to the game. That expansion was it for me I was so pissed how little it expanded. But that's one game. EQ2 used to have some extremely strict restrictions on its free to play players. If you cancelled your sub, your own gear wouldn't even be wearable. And it was pretty much a you either sub or you don't have anything. They've eased up for some reason. Maybe a dying game but they churn out expansions each and every year it seems. Heck, the original is still kicking around. Maybe the OP would get what he wanted if SWTOR was unconnected to Star Wars and owned by Daybreak? I dunno. EQ is a puzzle. In any case, I'm more concerned that if SWTOR was completely f2p we'd end up something more like ESO than EQ (if I even know what that is). If their main revenue source becomes the store, then that's the only thing new we'd see that they focus on (maybe popups too to advertise their newest creation you have a limited time to buy forever till we add it to the gamble crates). I don't know what the solution is, but I know its not that.
  5. I thought it was just me. Though occasionally ugly was friendly with those old items too. One of the things I appreciate about SWTOR is how reasonably priced the market is (in my opinion). Having recently left a game where you thought that house you were purchasing was actually physical or that new suit you could wear personally from the prices in theirs. I am more apt to spend more when things cost less. I don't buy the unlock that often since most stuff I do buy is character specific. So if I consider it a cash grab, I like the way they are grabbing since there's lots and lots to choose from without too much cost (unlike some games that offer very little and is sending someone's child to college).
  6. Now codex I do agree should be legacy wide. I like to play to completion on a character. With achievements being legacy wide, I have no idea who has done what and where so why stop at the codex? About command rank, I think if you're like me, RNGesus hates you personally. Nothing ever falls your way. I've put close to 1000 chips into the slot on Nar Shaddaa without one single prize other that a handful of certificates (we're talking less that 20 here). I think I would go crazy if my crates were the only way. Thankfully, my bad luck hasn't noticed I like completing the cosmetic gear that drops from them more than anything else.
  7. But I still don't understand how you aren't "forced" to play one character no matter what path to gearing you take. Like others have said above, I don't even pay attention to GC in that matter (not that its maxxed or anywhere close). Just play and if you get gear from it, yea you, that's one piece you don't have to hunt down. I've played many many (many) other MMORPGs over the years. None are really that friendly to alt gearing. If you're able to gear alts with decent gear, the best is bind on pickup and so forth. You always have to play the character you want to gear and if needing rank 300 to gear is the only way then I think maybe those characters aren't actually being played to their fullness.
  8. If its legacy wide, wouldn't it either give all characters on the account (and what about new ones after the fact) get a free crate or would you get one crate and the gear will be anything for any of your characters? So in order to gear up a knight quickly, you better not have any smugglers on your account. I get wanting it to be legacy wide (there are things I'd like to see added such as valor and bound items myself) but I'd be afraid it would be made worse than it is. I'd really rather have bound items that you can trade around within your legacy so at least some benefit might be had of lower gear pieces (as long as they aren't a tank). But there aren't many games I can think of that make end game gearing a quick process. They could do away with the system and go back to solely drops then you'd still feel like you're being forced to play your main at least until its fully geared which could take a good bit of time.
  9. I'd like to see a non-Sith led Empire that actually gives empires a reason to exist in the Star Wars universe (or why doesn't everyone know that empire is just another word for evil). But I'd also like to see the Alliance remain a third faction that both sides curry favor with. In none of that is seeing people that are dead returning to life (again). If we need a new big bad then pull them from existing ranks of one or both sides. Start another Mandalore war. Maybe a threat from technology in some fashion. Plagues. Just anything except a dead character brought back to life. Though I'd mostly like to see a new creation specifically in the framework of a Thrawn. Or any character that makes the Empire stop looking silly (I really wish the Sith were treated much the way the Jedi are, revered but not followed). Love the force users but we have two classes on each side that supposedly are pretty tough. Its time we got a real threat from that side of the yard.
  10. Um, I dunno. I mean, I like the thought that no matter what toon you play you're still adding to your overall rank but keeping them separate means more crates in the long run. Neither sounds like a bad choice in my opinion.
  11. Pesonally, I believe the two emperors must have been different characters at some point that they fused together. Its not the best fusion but my point about what's the use of the devs being involved in the criticism of that story if its already done and in game with players having played through it. You can hate it or love it but that's what we have. That milk has hit the counter and running down into the floor. There's no use in devs being actively involved in the criticism of it. What they should do is simply read what many are critical of and make a decision of how to approach things differently or the same. I appreciated Charles insight in what the story was supposed to come across as and for the most part, it does. However, these are still feeling like two different characters. No one needs Charles or Keith or anyone to tell us what they're supposed to come across as because we have what we have. Either the writing was good enough to make the two one or is wasn't. I can live with it as is. Its a stretch but nothing unfamiliar to me. I've seen the exact same situation done before. To better or worse success. I'm not suggesting the devs shouldn't remain active in their engagement. Just there are some areas we players are just going to have to go on our own. Read what Charles wrote and accept it or not. That was their intent. Its up to us to decide if we bought it or not. That's what I mean by saying devs should just ignore the forums. If the forums are just full of criticism over something that can't be changed then their peek behind the scenes aren't going to change people's mind. If the climate of the forums wasn't the way it was, this might not have gotten all the attacks it did. Believe it or not, writers have some things they like better than others. That's okay. He shouldn't have been nitpicked so much that Keith felt the need to stick up for him. We players should grow up just a tad to allow creatives their own thoughts and feelings and just appreciate that we got to see what they were going for even if we didn't think they reached it. They've promised to do better and I'm sure they will try. But they aren't going to be 100% and we have to decide if we can live with anything less.
  12. So what's the point of more communication from the devs? In my opinion, they should stop that now because I've just read two threads going on and on about some post one made that posters took as some sort of personal attack on them. So, what is the point of them being more open and transparent. It seems it just will make individual word choice and what sentence structure used as ammunition. My advice. Ignore the forums. Work on the game. After all, a lot of what people seem to be complaining about is stuff that has already happened. They can't get that time they played through a story they didn't like back (and apologizing for it won't either). Its done. Its over. Maybe it won't be repeated but chances are things like that will happen again. I mean, did you folks know that the Consular's story is sort of dull? How could this game be out this long and that not been changed? Not really serious there (though if you compare...). But someone saying they're sorry isn't going to magically restore that time. And really, participating in a thread about criticism is just asking for trouble (as we've seen). Let people go on and on (and on and on) about how terrible something was. Let them self medicate their feelings. And remember, even the smallest mistake of any kind will demand your immediate burning at the stake. Its not going to matter all the things you did right because you can never possibly be right because there's a mistake. The devs over at ESO get that from me. There's nothing they could do to change my mind. That bridge is burnt. Not that they've ever tried. But its a waste of time trying to tell me things are better. I already know they weren't and we are done. So, just do what you devs do. Work on the game, answer questions and help out. Make announcements and learn to live with criticism by never responding to it. People don't need to see it in print just in the game. Being open and transparent doesn't mean you should make yourselves available for target practice. Just my opinion on the matter. In most other cases, I think the community is pretty decent here. But gosh, just don't bring up the last two years. I'm fairly new here and I'm already tired of hearing the constant complaints on the forums about them. There's just too much that like most games, the forums are starting to suck for me. Not that I don't like getting down with some pure hatred for something in some game. I've been pretty positive about this one and really have only posted some questions but when I saw these getting into feedback, I knew there was trouble ahead. Alright, that's enough of that. I have a galaxy to save (again).
  13. Thanks for all the suggestions. I wish when it comes to gear looks that we could unlock them in a similar way that decorations are. No need to keep physical copies but you can unlock the look for outfits. That would really go a long way of me needing to keep by bank full of stuff on the off chance I might want to use it as an outfit at some point. But I understand why that can't happen (can't imagine the coding that would take). But at least I do have options. Again thanks.
  14. This may seem odd but I was trying to put together an outfit with a jacket type look for my Knight and I remembered, the armor I first got on Tython would probably be perfect. I looked through my bank and apparently I deleted, sold, etc. it. So I created a new knight and got the name but these are bound to character not legacy. Is there any way to reacquire those early armor pieces? Or perhaps something that looks similar. Cartel market even. I have no idea what I was thinking since I have so many odds and ends armor pieces but this quest armor I get rid of. Apparently I'm one of those people that need to be protected from themselves. Thanks all.
  15. ESO was the game I was playing before and that is one huge reason to pack it in. The other being their new "expansion" which I completed in less than half a week. The devs there have little pet things they will not touch such as proc sets because they like them (they said that) and the only fix they can find is nerfs to classes (all except the only one that out preformed the others by a large margin). And the nerfs are just to nerf. They didn't release anything that required them. There was nothing in that expansion except one raid (if you can call a trial a raid). On top of it all, they developed a tagline to support the reason for the nerfs. One they've never adhered to themselves once in the past. I just said screw it and discovered SWTOR. What really prompted my leaving was communication from the devs. Not like Kieth is talking about. But telling players you're playing the game wrong so we have to nerf your characters. We're adding very little content but now all that content you've been doing (ESO has very little) is just going to be harder. That guy RIch is so smug with himself I'd like to slap him. I've never felt that way about a dev in any game I've ever played. SWTOR though, I find I do tend to agree that player feedback needs to be replied to in some fashion in some sort of specific way. Players do spend more time with these characters collectively than devs possibly could. Not a player specifically but like this thought that mercs are getting going to be as low as lightning dps wise. I don't know if its just the same person or lots saying that but if its lots of folks, that needs some comment. It might not be something that's going to be liked but its better to rip the bandage off. But I think I'm too uninformed about SWTOR past to really understand why the anger exists and it definitely seems to exist for some reason.
  16. I'm a new subscriber and player. Not even gotten my first month completed so I have very little to say on how this game has functioned in the past. I can say the game I left had little to no communication other than fluff and you are expected to play the way the devs decide for that period which may be totally different than the one before from the same devs. They literally seem to be making it up as they go with no rhyme or reason other than some passing idea they want to try. So they nerf classes (but refuse to acknowledge they are nerfs) and ignore player complaints about over performing classes. In short, the entire team seems to have no idea how they game plays or a concrete idea of how it should function. If that has been the case in the past here, I'm glad to see its in the past. And I really hope it never becomes a game like that one. Or never again as the case may be. On the whole though, I've been having a fantastic time exploring the different classes and the advanced class as well as the different disciplines. So much true variety that it would be a shame to lose in fear of communicating and exchanging thoughts with the player base. But I really hope PvE and PvP are separated. It just makes it easier on players even if it requires more work from the dev team. And I do realize I'm coming in at a point where these nerfs are really going to be a minor sticking point since many will be just as it always been for me. But never take for granted any type of communication because some games don't believe or practice it. And it really drives a wedge between players and devs when its not present.
  17. Okay, thanks. I had thought it was on my end.
  18. Its not game breaking or anything but each time I go to play, I have to accept changes to my system then agree to all the EULAs before getting to the game. is this normal? If not, is there something I should do to stop this? I'm a new player. Got a guy upt to level 18 over the last couple of days. Been really impressed with the game even given some of the restructions free players have. Decided to subscribe this morning but unfortunately the serves are having issues. That's cool. I am used to these type things but I do wish they'd believe me that I will abide by the rules.
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