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Posts posted by Fordel

  1. 3. Cooldowns 2 agree, 2 disagree


    Problem: Cooldowns for our key threat producing abilities; Sundering Strike, Guardian Strike, and Force Sweep present an awkward rotation for tanking.


    Solution: Modify a deep Defense skill (e.g. Cyclonic Sweeps) to passively reduce the cooldown of Force Sweep. Reduce the cooldown on Guardian Strike. Remove the cooldown from Sundering Strike and reduce it's damage to be equivalent with normal Strike.



    The Whole Sundering Strike vs. Strike Strike, that's the core issues that is really breaking the flow of things in my mind. Tanking Guardians essentially have two competing 'one' buttons. Sundering Strike just needs to out right replace the default Strike Strike for Tanking Guardians (maybe all Guardians).


    I don't think any of the other too-many-button issues can REALLY be addressed or even evaluated as long as Sundering Strike and Strike Strike exist as they do currently. The current setup is something that works on a target dummy, but becomes awkward and tedious in actual game-play. Guardians have more then enough situational attacks and cooldowns to keep things interesting, without the need for a 3 GCD rhythm tax.


    I think I understand the INTENT of the current Strike Strike vs. Sundering Strike model. Where they didn't want Focus generation to be entirely one dimensional at the base level. Where if you didn't or couldn't access all the Guardians other Focus Initiators (leap, throw etc) you weren't just hitting 1111 till you built yourself back up.


    It's just the current solution feels much worse. Where you have a constant nag to keep that <sunder><anythingelse><anythingelse><sunder> rhythm going, where each missed or delayed Sundering Strike window means your just a little bit worse off. I just don't find it at all desirable gameplay, not combined with everything else the Tanking Guardian throws at you.



    TLDR: Remove Sundering Strikes cooldown and rebalance it's damage if required THEN work on everything else from that new point.

  2. Can someone explain to me, why at 10k affection points and then some, I am unable to marry her? I have tried everything and nothing seems to be working. Am I missing something?


    Thanks for the enlightenment.



    Elara's story arcs are tied to your class story arcs. You'll hit roadblocks until you progress the class story along too.

  3. That's true haha gotta love that accent, but is her romance arc worth it? Or is it just a major flop.



    Her Romance is one of the best if you enjoy actual women, instead of say SPUNKY GIRL SIDEKICK YARR!!!

  4. Yea, I know what you mean.



    They keep going on and on in Jorgans quests about how he was this awesome sniper... and he runs around with a AC :p



    Theme wise, it probably should've been like:


    Jorgan uses Sniper rifles and Blaster rifles.


    Tanno Vik uses Assault Cannons and Rifles and is changed into the 'Ranged Tank' type.


    M1-4X then uses flamethrowers and his enormous robot arms to be the 'Melee Tank' type companion.




    The DPS loss by using a normal rifle instead of the AC shouldn't be TOO huge, but it will be a loss.



    -edit- word filter change.

  5. People like being the big fish in the small pond, be it the experienced player goofing off in the 1-49 bracket, or the team of pre-made's rolling PuGs in the 50 bracket.


    People like farming, but hate being farmed.




    I'm not sure why this is news to anyone whose ever PvP'ed in any game before.

  6. It's supposed to be quick and impersonal. It's not supposed to be anything other then a short acknowledgement that your team and/or opponents weren't enormous jerks.


    The actual result or quality of play isn't important at all.

  7. Can you honestly say your glad to see a juggernaut tank or a assassin tank in your voidstar or alderaan?


    Voidstar And Alderaan Best Classes-


    Mercenary/powertech- lots of ranged AOE for door/node defense

    Operative/DPS assassins- stealth door/node caps



    Sorcs do have an advantage in all warzones.



    Tank assassins can stealth cap just fine.


    "Support classes"

    Powertech- can also leap, hard to kill, pulls non-friendlys (strangely you don't see many of these as runners



    Only the Tank Spec (or some hybrid specs) have the charge/leap, so it's just a low population thing.


    I do enjoy the surprise the other team has when I just hop into the pit and Storm back out on my Vanguard. :p

  9. One thing you can do with Elara while leveling, is turn off her CC ability and her cast-time heal spell, then put her into DPS stance.


    For like 90% of the leveling/solo content, you don't need her cast time heal and that bonus time combined with her DPS stance reducing the cooldowns on her two offensive abilities, really boosts her damage output.


    Instead of her spending two-seconds casting a heal to take you from 99% health to 100% health, she'll pop off a few extra attacks. It's a noticeable difference in kill speed, with little difference in survivability.

  10. I'm a recent PvP\Player. I'm only level 14, but started doing PvP after the level 10 quest in the fleet poped up. I'm really enjoying myself, but I am worried other players find getting into PvP areas a drag with players in their teens.


    I focus on the objectives, and am usually in the top 3 score-wise on my team. Do my lack of abilities\talents hurt the group overly much? Are the lower level rewards worthwhile?


    I'm playing a sith assassin if that helps. Thanks for the input. :jawa_confused:


    I'll take a level 14 who understands how to defend objectives and call out incoming over a level 49 twink who is only in it for BOOM HEAD SHOT.


    Every time.

  11. Snipers/Gunslingers are the only people who can defend the top/deep ramps on your own side without being a liability/charge anchor.


    I can't count how many times a Merc or Sorc stood on the endzone edge trying to DPS our BC in the pit, only to have our BC just leap up to the enemy and score. Not with Snipers though.

  12. Energy Blast being off the GCD is a large DPS and Burst INCREASE, even with the damage reduction on the ability itself. There will be absolutely no reason to not mash it on cool down every time, all the time now. It's literally free in every way now. Free resources, free damage, free cooldowns.



    In fact, it's so free, you have to start to ask why it's an activated ability at all. If SWTOR had a working macro system, you could attach it to your main attacks and forget it even existed at all with little to no decrease in effectiveness.



    /cast energy blast

    /cast stockstrike




    The Absorb changes, I need to see concrete numbers to really make and calls on that.

  13. How about you stealth to the endzone and get passes from your teammates? Instant and easy scores galore!


    There isn't a single class that is useless in Huttball. And to the poster who says BH/Troopers have no mobility, my Powertech RULES huttball all around. Mercs have knockbacks + heals instead of mobility.



    People forget or are unaware that PT/Vanguards can spec for charge, shhhh ;)

  14. People who lack PVP skill or who are a bit undergeared can be borderline acceptable.


    People who cannot be arsed to even type "inc west" in chat are not acceptable.


    If you are so lazy that you cannot even type a few letters into chat to help the team, you should not queue warzones and should likely not be playing a MMO.



    Yea, this I agree with.


    I'll take the dude in Greens who understands how to call out incoming and numbers over the geared dude who only wants to simulate BOOM HEADSHOTS any day.



    No, calling out INC when they are already 5 seconds into capping the node doesn't count. :p





    I don't leave Warzones though, I'm stubborn and stick with them till they end.

  15. I'd take Huttball over Voidstar any day of the week. Voidstar sucks my will to live.




    If two teams are equally matched in Voidstar, no one gets past the first set of doors.


    If one team is clearly superior to the other, then one round of the match will be utterly meaningless and a waste of everyone's time.


    If two teams are not equally matched but still not so far apart that one side utterly dominates, you still end up with garbage time situations, where say you didn't get past the first door, but they managed to do it right as their round started, but failed to get any further then that, with no hope of recovery what so ever.


    That's not even touching the randomness of death/doors/respawns that plague voidstar. You die on the wrong end of that Rez timer and you can be half a map away from anything useful.


    THEN you have the whole speeder issue, or how uneven teams at start just ruin any hope of a fair game in Voidstar.


    I also don't care for the fact the doors are something you need to click, instead of something you try to DPS down. We already have the "Keep them off the flag" WZ in The Civil War.




    At least with huttball, if two teams are relatively equal there is always a chance of a comeback (within reason). You can start the match short handed, but make a recovery once your WZ fills up again.


    If one team is utterly dominating the other, the game is mercifully over quickly.

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