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Everything posted by LorcaGneditch

  1. That's not the point. The point is, to have tier 1 LS/DS one should gather 10 000 points. It's clear impossible to do in first part of the game. Thus. even if every sigle choice you make is single-aligned (for example, if you choose only LS) you have still only ~1500 points by the 1 chapter start and you are still 'neutral'. Which means certain reaction from companions and all that, because class story was not re-done to that freaking toggle thing and your tiers still mean something there. And a full-blown corrupted face, if you are unlucky to be Imp. Or your face is 'enlightened' with 2000 DS points. Its nigh game-breaking for me. Makes my choice insignificant at all.
  2. 70 Sorcerer. the same. My very best try was to deal 40% damage. All in circles as ALL my other attacks are useless in that fight. Arcann, at least, took damage from my lightnings. And there was a shield. I understand I'm just a casual player and this fight is for profies, but them profies have whole lot of veteran content to play.
  3. Please, rebalance LS/DS points and tiers! Please! Now a beguinner Imp/Pub has no chance to change his/her alignment. At all. Even if taking EVERY additional quest and spending loads of credits on crew tasks. And neutral Imp/Pub is considered his faction'-aligned. That sucks, really.
  4. Really, either I'm a complete moron (which I doubt), or the fight needs some rebalance to fit for non-melee classes. Lightning Sorc is killed almost instantly, as he can't drag her anywhere, his lightning and even that thunder strike deals her ZERO damage even in right distance and he has no melee attacks (thanx devs who ripped him off his double stash) and healing costs him almost all the Force stack. Had tried 5 times with no success. Green circles are all fun and good, but they spawn too slowly to be of any help. So my very best try was - 40% green circles damage. She has very strange pull and incapacitating abilities, those that are not stopped by Unbreakable Wil, and it seems she has some kind of teleport to appear wherever on the map. And good luck to survive even for the FIRST circle to spawn. All in all, I presume, the fight was designed for melee class. As the whole DLC, for Jedi Knight. Thanx, yeah, all other classes do not exist. I understand that she's a boss and all that, but hey, it's STORY mode, not veteran! (by the way i don't think anyone would listen. Just hope I can drop the DLC and return to some class endgame content. Or I cannot?
  5. This! I'm tired of getting rid of rifles, blasters and other unnecessary stuff.
  6. Judging by their story told, all those class stories happened: Cypher 9 is mentioned in Kaliyo and SCORPIO's description, Lord Kallig - in Talos', and so on. Presumably they happened in default way (Knight was LS, Inq was DS and so on). The problem is, why bother? I loved Talos Drellik, he was my all-favourite companion. I re-recruited him as soon as possible, because I missed him badly. Now he stands in the corner, I cannot summon him and have no talk with him. Even in recruiting mission - and I chose to go it through because, well, I hoped for a bit of friendly archeology-crazy chat that we both liked so much - he stays silent and I have no option to joke with him. So why bother recruiting Khem Val, if he would just stay somewhere in Sana-Rae's and do nothing? P.S. the issue could be easily avoided, by the way. SIs should get what they chose on Taris, and other players should have a choice option, would they prefer Khem or Zash.
  7. And the DvsL stuff is usable and enjoyable only by endgamers. Seems, developers just forgot there are those who just had started or re-started the game.
  8. I had completed Inquisitor story and 1/2 of Warrior story and decided to re-play those stories again. And then there came LvsD update, and it ruins my game. I understand, that there must be a way to get those seemingly-unreacheble 10000 and more points. As I recon, one must take every single flashpoint, every single planet story and every single additional mission, then constantly send companions on their crew skill charges - and something more than that which I didn't figure (special LvsD stuff?). That makes two problems. 1. The additional content becomes obligatory, which ruins the concept of its, well, addition-ness. I'm sure I'm not the only one who plays for story and unique character-related experience first, and only then for gaming. And thus we are made obliged to go through something we don't quite like or don't quite want. (Not touching the question of logic, when poisoning rebel slaves' water would give you Light Side points, for example; or that some planet story arcs are fit for one classes, but illigocal for others.) One may argue that LS/DS alignment is additional, too. For Republic classes - maybe (I only started them), but not for Imperial ones. There are plenty of alignment-dependent story points in at least three of them, and some dialogue options, especially in companion interaction, open only with tier in LS, as I have sadly witnessed. And the Sith Warrior is especially badly affected, that with Tatooine apparition and Jaesa. Not mentioning visual effects - like DS corruption after whole Prologue without a single DS choice. I can turn it off, but it is a nuisance, isn't it? 2. Even if one would run through additional content, it wouldn't be enough to give a PC even a tier one by Tatooine. Some players would be even more handicapped - like non-subs, who haven't the advantage of the three crew skills and get less points as a whole. And neutral Imperials are treated as DS-by-default by game mechanics, all with corrupted faces and companion approve/disapprove. This makes Imperial situation riduculous: a PC with ZERO DS choices is treated as if he is commited darksider, and player cannot fulfull his/her desire to play an LS character just because PC is imperial. By the way, the same is with Republic character: my Jedi Knight with 1500 DS points by Coruscant departure time, and very little LS choices is not corrupted facially and is treated as a light-sider. Please, do something, because this issues are nearly game-breaking for me as, maybe, for many experience-oriented players.
  9. Khem disapproves me every single time almost, still my best pal)
  10. I miss Khem Val badly. He was such a dear fellow, and I just let him free and chose him over Zash... And that limited interaction with re-acquired companions! I mean, why even bother giong for my second favourite, Talos, if I'm enamoured with his dialogues and get none of them at all? Just pick him up and leave standing in the corner(( (Please, make him a romance option once! For both sexes, preferrably.)
  11. ~15-20 points if there is no direct light/dark choice. But I don't take every mission available. Seems I should, but it makes game a bit... boring for me. Crew skills are grade one (as my PC is low-level). Seems I need to learn diplomacy) this makes sence, as Artifice doesn't give me anything at all (there is wind crystal (purple-quality grade one sth) needed and idk where to find it). Interestingly, my Consular fares much better - he has almost 3000 after only finishing Tython. Different count for Imps and Reps?
  12. Yes, I do, it's just that those gains are minimal (now at Balmorra, have 2000 points - 8000 more needed for tier 1), and the alignment-dependent events are here at hand. Especially Jaesa is a problem. Sadly the developers didn't say anything about it(( and it's quite bothering, when you have 100% LS answers and no (plot-related) gain from it. Very Jedi-like, though. And unintentionally realistic: noone would trust a Sith can be not dark. Though restrictions on the player's side can make one mad.
  13. I'm commited to Light Side. I have 2000 points and I'm at Balmorra now. It was a tier 2 before the mess; it is nothing now((( By the way, do you mean the missions/gathering crew skills? They bring miserable 10-20 points. Not a visible impact((((
  14. I mean, I'm now re-playing Inquisitor and Warrior class stories from the beguinning, and it bothers me more and more that I would not be able to gather enough LS (or, in fact, DS) points by the moment I would need them and would be treated as a neutral at best (as I'm treated as a DS-by-default much more frequently). I mean, LS/DS tier 1 is 10000 now, while the amount of story points given sadly didn't grow up and is still 50-100 per choice. By the way, the Tatooine apparition, Jaesa and many other events are in the 1 chapter, and Inq has his alignment-dependant events in the first part of the game, too. And the dialogue choices. which I miss the most, as I really cannot make PC be pleasant without a possibility to do this. It was possible to earn tier 1 at Dromund Kaas, tier 2 at Balmorra. Now it is impossible, but the storyline stays the same and it's kinda game-breaking for me. What have I to do to get at least tier 1?
  15. Just the same as the topic starter, but as a Light-side Inq I was disappointed even more. And the way the game ignores everything that I lived through in my class story (especially jarring as an Inq LS) was horribly. Just to quote myself: Play Inq in the KotFE/KotET only if you're ok with all your backstory, romance included, being lost, your past never addressed, your deeds forgotten. The most sense it made for two sides' protagonists - the Knight and the (male) Agent respectively. They deal with either their story or their past associates. I can recognise some points valid for Hunter and there are some callbacks for Counselor, but the Inq not only has nothing - he is ignored. His main proficiencies are that he's extremely resilient, an artifact expert and a loyal-to-the-core Imperial, who rose from no one to the Dark Council member through exactly those traits. The only trait left to him is resilience. He's praised for changing the Galaxy's face, which he never did. He's shunned for meddling in others' buisness, which - you'd be surprised - he never did also. He served, survived and learned to be free and stand on his own's, he thirsted for knowledge and hunted it down... his story is amazing. Even more so when played as a Light Sider - that makes the freedom of choice even more powerful theme, as it presents how a severely handicapped person - an indoctrinated slave brought up in hatred and humiliation - can choose different path in life and live up to it. Be loving, merciful, caring, never bossy to his followers. always seeking right over easy... And what is done to this theme in the KotFE? I finished it lately and I can tell: it's ruined. The PC is never ever given a choice to oppose the tracts about destiny and such; he is stripped off his agency and made either a cosmic plaything (which is an optimistic thought) or a toy of his co-conspirators. The insulting scene when those two bosses lectured a former slave about being obliged to bend, to serve and to abandon freedom is not the only one; just the most jarring. The dialogue choices don't help either - they don't give a single opportunity to rebel, even if that were in futile. While as a player I deadly wanted to forgive Arcann and offer him a chance for redemption, the game is sunken in hatred towards him and I just can make an ugly face and grudgingly let him go. While as a player I never wanted to recognise Valcorion as an ally, everyone else made me do it (like, it's OOC to ask him for help after constant refusal to do so - but the gameplay wants me to be stray in Odessen wilds, so I must do it). What's more, they hate Arcann. who is human even in his bad deeds, but they are completely OK with Valcorion, who freaking feasts on whole planets. P.S. And the first chapter of KotET gladfully forgets about PC being a member of the Dark Council and makes him insult The Empire. Like I didn't expect that, yay. The second has a person with lesser tenure in the Council lecture him about the Sith ways. Really, it's a LAZIEST writing i've ever met
  16. Maybe - if you're ok with all your backstory, romance included, being lost, your past never addressed, your deeds forgotten. The most sense it made for two sides' protagonists - the Knight and the (male) Agent respectively. They deal with either their story or their past associates. I can recognise some points valid for Hunter and there are some callbacks for Counselor, but the Inq not only has nothing - he is ignored. His main proficiencies are that he's extremely resilient, an artifact expert and a loyal-to-the-core Imperial, who rose from no one to the Dark Council member through exactly those traits. The only trait left to him is resilience. He's praised for changing the Galaxy's face, which he never did. He's shunned for meddling in others' buisness, which - you'd be surprised - he never did also. He served, survived and learned to be free and stand on his own's, he thirsted for knowledge and hunted it down... his story is amazing. Even more so when played as a Light Sider - that makes the freedom of choice even more powerful theme, as it presents how a severely handicapped person - an indoctrinated slave brought up in hatred and humiliation - can choose different path in life and live up to it. Be loving, merciful, caring, never bossy to his followers. always seeking right over easy... And what is done to this theme in the KotFE? I finished it lately and I can tell: it's ruined. The PC is never ever given a choice to oppose the tracts about destiny and such; he is stripped off his agency and made either a cosmic plaything (which is an optimistic thought) or a toy of his co-conspirators. The insulting scene when those two lectured a former slave about being obliged to bend, to serve and to abandon freedom is not the only one; just the most jarring. The dialogue choices don't help either - they don't give a single opportunity to rebel, even if that were in futile. While as a player I deadly wanted to forgive Arcann and offer him a chance for redemption, the game is sunken in hatred towards him and I just can make an ugly face and grudgingly let him go. While as a player I never wanted to recognise Valcorion as an ally, everyone else made me do it (like, it's OOC to ask him for help after constant refusal to do so - but the gameplay wants me to be stray in Odessen wilds, so I must do it). P.S. And the first chapter of KotET gladfully forgets about PC being a member of the Dark Council and makes him insult The Empire. Like I didn't expect that, yay. The second has a person with lesser tenure in the Council lecture him about the Sith ways. Really, it's a LAZIEST writing i've ever met
  17. Ch.14, former Inq, still nothing (or I play wrongly). Never got a chance to invoke my commitment to the Light Side, which was ridiculous, really: a person who lives up to being a LS Sith (tier IV LS) is lectured about how he must aquire a broader picture of the Force and not restrict himself to the DS. Really, it's nonsensical. Another very disturbing moment was being lectured about 'you should bend or be broken'. In fact, it was awful: two highly-priviledged know-alls lecture a former slave (not mentioning a race minority) that freedom is not important and he shouldn't stick with such a trifle. It was... strange, to say the least. And am I right that you cannot longer deny Valcorion and have to let him guide you?
  18. Thanks! So I just have to wait a bit more to meet something relevant)) Though, I was a bit saddened when my ship droid called me something like 'terrifying as never before and dark beyond measure'. I was so nice to him back then((( And my character didn't have his mind mended in ch.9. I missed anything vital? And yes, it feels like the main character should be either Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior - likewise in the Shadow I was sure it was designed more for Bounty Hunter/Smuggler (either really it's WEIRD that noone happens to notice that that 'pirate' wields The Force and (in my case) his primary weapon is lightning, not a blaster or like). But seemingly it should be a dark knight, yes?
  19. Maybe someone had written that already, but why some specific experience is never referred to in the KotFE? Like, a Light Sided Sith still speaks rudely and constantly brags his power, he's never given a chance to refer his alignment (while he was able to do so in his Class Story). Or an Inquisitor is not given an option to refer his initiation as a Dreamwalker to Sana-Rae, and is still called 'the Outsider', which he is not (as the guardian of the Dreamwalker Shrine aknowledged in the Temple of Healing). Or his background as a slave is never referred to. Or he's never given any opportunity of not only using, but even mentioning his Spirit-bending powers (which is at least strange, as he's struggling with a powerful ghost in his head - seems familiar)... Maybe I'm mistaken and there is all that, I just didn't notice it?
  20. I'm currently going through Revan's shadow, but didn't complete Makeb (and don't plan it really, it's more like an veeery long flashpoint). My lvl is 63. What do I have to do to enter the storyline?
  21. A good thing: you get a little LS points for interacting with companions. Even Xalek. Though I didn't figure what the mechanics is.
  22. The star symbol of the light side is glowing, the symbol of th ds is dim. Seems I'm commited?
  23. Oh yes, Nomar Organa was a jerkest jerk. To betray almost anyone from the woman he loved to the Inquisitor, who was sincerely interested in their reconciliation... Though it seems the Inquisitor has to feel kinda guilty about him - judging by his Voss visions. And the teachers of Ashara? They were blind and quite agressive. Anyway they also changed all LS/DS stats - now it comes in thousands points (like I have 49 000 and next tier is 67 000). Maybe 500 points are not very serious impact... though it is bitter for my light-sided paragon of a character))
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