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Everything posted by Llacertus

  1. I've looked at this issue fairly extensively, and I can confirm that offhand accuracy seriously limits the dps classes like the carnage marauder. The base accuracy of the offhand for a carnage marauder is only 64.50%. The problem here comes when about 40-50% of a carnage mara's damage result from an ability called massacre which is a series of 3 hits. The first hit is main-hand with 101% accuracy, and the next two hits are 64.50% chances. These don't take into account any of the defense chance for both pvp and pve. For the amount of risk that marauders take in pvp as being a frontline class, they have relatively weak defensives, low utility, and relatively low damage. The best possible solution would be to completely get rid of accuracy for off-hands at the very least for carnage mara. Their sustained damage would increase, and their burst would stay as it is which is exactly what they need. Realistically mara's are the least tanky melee dps class, and their damage should reflect that imbalance. A better and more broad spectrum approach might be to completely remove all accuracy in pvp. Currently there are several classes who utilize primarily yellow damage. All classes have a base 0% chance to resist yellow damage, and either a 5% or a 10% chance to dodge white damage. In addition to that, more classes get active resistance to white damage from their rotation than yellow damage (e.g. ap pt's get 30% defense chance from sonic missile, marauder's get 6% increased defense chance while hitting with ataru form). Removing accuracy for pvp would help to balance damage a bit more easily.
  2. I would disagree. Realistically, 2 strong dps can tank tunnel to kill the tank first and the healer next as long as those dps are kept alive. All you would need to do is cc the healer. Nobody with a brain tunnels into a guarded merc anyways. You can even tank tunnel with one strong dps and a skanktank, and while it will take time, its very possible.
  3. Its incredible that cheating and toxicity of this degree still exists in game. Swtor has so much potential if it could just take a hard stance against cheating and toxicity. In this case, a hard stance is better than no response at all. There are so many players that want to get involved in ranked, but can't because of the gatekeeping and extreme levels of toxicity.
  4. I agree that juggs are overperforming damage-wise, but there can never be a cooldown for guardswap. If that happened, all 4's matches involving a tank would end in one to two minutes. Usually, what separates a good tank from a bad tank is their ability to guardswap. Putting a cooldown on guardswap would lower the protective capabilities of a class that is solely dedicated to protecting its allies, and it would lower the skill cap for the class.. If tank juggs are to become balanced, their dps needs to be limited, not their protection. 1. Guard should be linked to mitigation stats. The more mitigation stats you have, the more damage that can be redirected back to you. A maximum mitigation tank should be able to redirect 70% of damage to himself. A 0 mitigation tank should only redirect maybe 10%. This change would force juggernauts to sacrifice their damage for protection. 2. Taunts should also be linked to mitigation stats. Taunts should be removed from all dps specs. There are classes like pt's that already do more damage than full dps classes like marauders and snipers, yet they get taunts which increase their value on a team by that much more. 3. Less classes need to have unmitigable damage. With the current set up.,one lightning sorc is always too much for a tank to handle. I tested this out with a few friends, and a healer cannot keep a skanktank alive against a freecasting lightning sorc. The sorc was pulling 18k dps in just single target damage against a skanktank. Thundering blast is the main concern since it deals internal damage. 4. Forcebound should be restricted to tanks only.
  5. Exactly, I know people that have send in full videos of teams caught win-trading, and still no action on the part of the devs. There are some players that have been permanently hardware banned through steam. From what I understand, at some point bioware banned a bunch of players for wintrading. One of those players brought up a valid argument against that ban that really applied for his case only, and bioware used that reasoning to unban a bunch of players accused of wintrading. Obviously many of these players were wintrading, and there's new evidence to prove it since the new season started. The issue is these reports are being ignored for no reason.
  6. To be fair, I've heard reports from veteran players of people getting doxed, ddosed, and sent death threats because they competed for the top positions in ranked. With the new legacy ignore system, it is much easier to track players and harass them in game than ever before. I know a lot of players including myself that won't get involved with ranked because we don't want to deal with the harassment. There are ranked players on Satele Shan that have been reported probably hundreds of times, and still no action was taken on part of the devs.
  7. Why I'm so glad you asked! There are actually many reasons why! 1. Rewards for both winning and losing are so disproportionately small compared to other pve modes, that there is no point in trying to farm rewards in pvp. Flashpoints, uprisings, operations, heroics, and even chapters all give better rewards than unranked pvp which is far more difficult than most of these options. 2. Oftentimes players get stuck guarding a node. Standing around waiting for something to happen is not pvp interaction. 3. The class balance for winning 8v8's is broken beyond repair. There's no point in trying to win a game rigged from the start. If we really wanted to play objs, we'd run a full squad of operatives and win every game. 4. Playing objectives means hinging your enjoyment on the outcome of the match. When you decide not to care about objectives, your enjoyment of the match comes actually having fun with pvp. I've been in games where our team was completely steamrolled since the enemy was moving in a horde, but I was satisfied at the end of it because I did a ton of cleave damage. I know many pvper's whose enjoyment of swtor increased when they stopped playing objectives. 5. Playing objectives means relying on a team of completely random people to not only to play objectives, but also to have the awareness of mind to make call outs, stop caps, throw the huttball, etc. Even if all that goes correctly, you can still lose if the class balance is off. 6. Finally, you're skill with your class will improve more while actually pvping instead of standing around guarding a node or passing a huttball around.
  8. Is there anyone still able to make Skill Augments? I'm willing to pay.
  9. Llacertus

    PvP Balancing.

    I think the majority of complications have come from the devs trying to balance abilities based on both pvp and pve. It would be much simpler to just separate the two fields of play and have some abilities perform better or worse in pvp than in pve. Just to give an example, it wouldn't take much effort to add in a bit of text reducing firefall's damage by 50% in pvp. This isn't a new concept either. I can think of a number of mmos that have addons similar to that for their abilities. If Bioware cared enough about the life of this game, they would've made changes like these a long time ago. They could have the actual theory-crafting done for free just by getting together a group of highly experienced players and having them spent a month or so working on rebalancing every ability that needs to be changed. All that would be left after that is implementing all those changes in the game.
  10. Agreed. Being plat should mean something more than "hardcore wintrader". Just make sure the right people are banned. I've heard of a few ranked players getting banned for rules they didnt break.
  11. <Hoth Ski Patrol> is searching for active PvPers! We're are a friendly guild of experienced PvPers just looking to have fun in a casual environment. We have several solo ranked players, and we do Group Ranked occassionally. We never do objectives in warzones. Send mail to Bonzai or Rhuark if you want an invite.
  12. I second this. A lot of us newer pvpers don't know anything about the ranked 8v8 days, and it was very eye-opening to read a first-hand account.
  13. Honestly, I'd do the exact same no matter how much cc it cost to move. I know that the engine can't handle large-scale world pvp, but people still talk about that period like it was one of the most active periods of swtor pvp.
  14. Sorry, I don't play much on star forge. If you're looking for a pvp guild, I'd suggest going in a warzone and seeing who the big names are. I believe Kymeri's guild does pvp, but not exclusively.
  15. The pvp community is not dead. On the contrary, its very active if you know where to look. There's content creators posting pvp content on twitch and youtube. Unranked pvp pops constantly 24/7 on every server with a maximum 5-10 minute que time. There's probably hundreds of pvp discords out there. Combining all the instances into one pvp instance would add a substantial amount of player interaction into worlds that are otherwise completely devoid of this feature. More player interaction means more player choice, more unpredictability, and more excitement in general.
  16. Not being 306 is a big hit to your damage. You will want to achieve that first. When you do hit 306, your stat goals will be something like this. Atleast 10k power Around 1213 alacrity(can be less, you just need 3 alacrity enhancements) Around 600 accuracy rating to achieve 1.05 accuracy Around 3000-3400 crit(do not go above 3400, because you start hitting diminishing returns after that point Once you hit all those requirements just pump the leftover stats into mastery by using versatile augments. One thing to note that's often forgotten is that power is the largest boost to your damage. You will want to get that as high as possible by min-maxing mods. If you want more help with your stats, I would recommend joining a pvp guild, and asking questions there. The majority of guides aren't fully updated for optimal pvp stats.
  17. No, there's a few around. The big ones are easier to find, but usually stick to only pvp. There are some smaller guilds too that are full pvp focused too. This is from my experience on SS, so it may be different on other servers.
  18. I'm on SS, and I do ranked fairly often. I haven't run into this guy yet
  19. We have a pvp guild on SS called Hoth Ski Patrol. The guild is fairly active, and we do both ranked and unranked often. Send a message to Rhuark if you want an invite.
  20. Thats fair, but how would 2 healers know how well they're doing in a certain match if they cant look at each other's score and compare. These metaphors about epeenes are funny, but for alot of players, the only reason why swtor pvp interests them any longer is so they can have friendly competition. For many people who have pvped for extensive periods of time, the objective play is broken, repetitive, and not worth the reward. Engaging in pure pvp with another competent team is far more mentally stimulating and rewarding. If it were up to me, we would have a TDM que and an objectives que. That way objective players could complete their conquest easier, and TDM players could more competitive games.
  21. There's plenty of reasons to keep numbers in. How are players supposed to measure improvement if not through dps or hps? If there's a group of players with extremely high numbers farming the other team, aren't they actually helping your team by keeping the enemy team respawning? Its a simple distraction technique. Number farmers also always gravitate towards attacking the largest group of players so the majority of the enemy team will always be preoccupied.
  22. Am I the only one that thinks this is a really great idea? To my understanding, ranked pvp is marred by a few highly toxic players the ruin the experience for everyone else. If you've ever glanced pvp chat on fleet, you might have seen some of these players. I've heard of players getting doxed, ddosed, having their workplaces called, and other violations from their involvement in ranked. I once saw a player post an irl photo of another player in pvp chat and harass them because of their appearance. This change is a great way to remove the most toxic players from the game without always having to resort to a full ban. As long as the devs exercise caution in their usage of this feature, I think this would be a great implementation.
  23. Nah, I think most of us will agree that operatives are at the very least, slightly overtuned, and need some kind of nerf just like a few other choice classes. The issue is when they get nerfed, it will most likely be an over-nerf that would make the class unplayable. My main gripe is that operative burst opener hits just as hard, maybe harder, than the assassin bursts, but operatives have self-heals, better cc, better cc immunity,etc. They also do yellow damage which doesn't get reduced by your passive defense chance.
  24. I completely agree. There are alot of classes that need better set bonuses or more options for set bonuses.
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