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Everything posted by MotherCrusher

  1. i like that i gives all 4 boxes now, keep that pls :3
  2. well guess im (un)lucky enough to get it every 3rd warzone
  3. Kaon under siege master mode, our "healer" was a commando, but he was struggling to keep us alive, so i ask him about it since he shouldnt have that much trouble, and his reponse was "I'm DPS but i can heal" Legacy of the rakata, our lvl 70 sage healer wasnt using half of his healing abilities (he was healer spec tho) constantly claiming he doesnt have those
  4. Hello! this is happening to me very often, it seems sometimes when i use my Scamper and Trick Move in quick succession i get stuck and unable to move, if i try to use scamper or trick move again i get told i'm immobilized, and the only way to get moving, apart from relog which is sometimes not an option (warzones) is to be pulled or pushed. please investigate and fix this, thank you
  5. i'd say atleast 230, depends on the flashpoint, some are harder, (Blood Hunt) but can still be done in 230 242 for the new ones
  6. about last boss, if youre getting sentry droids youre doing it wrong. click all 4 terminals *at the same time*. we've also finished vet mode with 230 geared group, so i'd look for the issue elsewhere, believe it or not, healers also have AoE heals so that they can heal both, the tank and other people at same time. and if tank cant keep aggro its either because the DPS pull them all around the map (again not problem of FP) or the tank AoE taunts too early / doesnt use his AoE attacks at all, but still, 1 stray mob will definitely not make issues for a half competent healer either way.
  7. i recieved my rewards tho...? i feel like the only person on the world
  8. first, do remember that you need 8 or 16 players for operations. second, well, either just walk there on foot or wait for it to be in group finder
  9. /signed. taking content away is not how it works BW
  10. excuse me if this was already asked, but if credits are going to go legacy wide, what about the F2P and pref credit caps? limiting it to what it is now per account would be a very bad move
  11. Force speed seems to aggro enemies when used near them in stealth, started to notice this a lot in flashpoints, it also makes neutral enemies attack you
  12. you do not need the control module to enter the operation. also the operation is not part of the storyline, story continues with Crisis on Umbara
  13. some of the uprisings are close to impossible without tank/2D/healer group (unless you have a well geared group, but that should NOT be required in story in the first place), yet you still allow 4DPS, which often results in either the group falling apart or someone being kicked for a healer companion. There are 2 possible solutions, please do atleast one of them! Solution 1: make the group finder create tank / 2x damage / healer group, like in master flashpoints and vet uprisings Solution 2: add an extra kolto station and reduce the cooldown a bit. the fact that there are only 2 with so long cooldown often results in wipe since we cant take that much damage
  14. i do not think a welcome after 8 months matters
  15. i think this is about the ******* pop up about item not being tradeable to other players if you mail it blablabla, mail send confirmation can be disabled already
  16. maybe dumb question but are you sure you picked the correct server?
  17. contact support, they should be able to help you if they got stuck somewhere
  18. yup. years back when i tried the game for a lil bit i had much worse PC and run with shadows nearly maxed... i wonder what got screwed up
  19. try ticking off shadows, got 3 times more ram, 3 times more vram and 2 times better CPU and i still cant handle shadows if tuned too high and convos chop like hell
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