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Posts posted by jozkopucik

  1. No, you got that all wrong.

    Forcing people to grind old content they don't want to do only to be rewarded with random loot boxes that might or might not contain something you need so you can finally (after the grind) be equipped for PvP - this will improve q times. The mental giants at BioWare HQ have figured it all out - don't be such a doom sayer, dis gonna b gud.

    Take me for instance. For me the q times in 5.0 have already become completely irrelevant. Well, q time problem solved! Mission accomplished I guess.


    Nicely put :D

  2. By the same token I felt all mighty the other day and tried to run a HM esseles on my own. Ouch. :p


    (I did take the first boss to 50% health despites 6 waves of adds, but yikes)


    I was soloing that HM too, actually the hard boss is 2nd boss due to his aoe missle attack, the 1st boss is easiest as you can keep on respawinig since there are the rep soldiers who keep the fight running.

  3. Ouch! My boyfriend and I tried Black Talon on Hard mode, that was horrific!


    Ehm, I am doing the 25x times achievements on HM FPS and am soloing Black Talon cause it takes too long with pepole as the conversations are never ending. One Solo run with companion takes 25-30 minutes for me to complete, much faster than with people, it took me 1 hour once! Also there are 2 bosses, based on your choice to kill or spare the captian and the rep boss can be killed over and over if u stealth out :D

  4. Not true, in 4.0 all FP's were converted to TACTICALS except Colicoid War Games, only the ones mentioned above were given an actual solo mode (unless I missed a important patch note somewhere).


    Kaon also doesnt have a tactical, its still low level.

  5. So I was thinking of how it might look like.


    I have heard that Uprisings wont be the best source for CXP at the start, but instead it should be HM operations. So to imagine I have 10 toons I really play from which 2 are unique (Sentinel, Scoundrel) and 8 are mirror rep/imp classes. This means IF (and that's a BIG IF) I want to have them geared just as I do now, what I need to do is go and do many years old content just do first of all get my GC level up and then to actually start getting top tier gear.


    For those 2 unique toons it wont be such an issue as I will grind till I get most of the gear pieces. However the issue will be the 8 mirror toons. I have to grind GC rank on all 8 in order to be getting the left side since thats not legacy transferable. I mean OK, ill grind my Shadow to GC max level, get all the tank gear, then grind dps gear (but no sure since Serenity will be nerfed) BUT then i send the gear to my Assasin on which I again have to grind to max GC level and start hoping for left side. Each time i get a piece which I dont need ill dissintagrate it for CXP again and keep on doing until I have left side too.


    Generaly speaking this aint THAT BAD when you look at it. However what you have to imagine about this is that you will be doing the grind on Content which we have all done a zillion times!! Operations have lockout so there is a limited amount of how many you can do, which also make sence why CXP gain should be large. Yes, Uprisings can be spammed forever and will be until achievements are done then they will be deserted places like Starfortress and we will be back at griding EV and KP HM for CXP!!


    As I said, I take the grind (I dont like the RNG) but to do it on old content again...... please...... not again.....

  6. I blame this one on the solo modes with the droid. You can literally do them with your comp set to dps and that droid and stand in all the stupid. It doesn't teach a thing, sadly Tacticals are even worse due to how they've been tuned poorly for 4 dps players (on some notably harder than running a HM flashpoint with trinity).


    I was quite happy running lvl 50 HM flashpoints solo at lvl 55, I was quite happy running lvl 55 NiM Ops at lvl 60. It was fun actually, going into fights with tight mechanics you couldn't brute force due to level or gear, that you wouldn't have survived for whatever reasoning of not being able to get a decent group (or able to dedicate time to a raid group) at level. Sadly, with level sync and bolster, it isn't fun now.


    Raiding is less relevant now to me, due to level sync. Not more relevant. Shame, I did enjoy that part of the game when I had time, pre-4.0.


    Complaints about level sync still get ignored (such as story bosses, loot drops for planets etc). I guess it isn't so brilliant as it could be. Certainly needs refinement, certainly not one of the better uses of development resources used on an expansion.


    Yup exactly!!

  7. Not to high jack but... What would you recommend your gear & companion influence be at to solo tactical FPS? I've want to finish up my DvL and just need a few FPS. Getting a group has been a no go for me so far, though i will have a bit more time this coming week.


    Why would you want to solo tacticals? There is not reason, if you want to just finish the Tactical because of story or achievements do the solo version.

  8. Well you have answered yourself basically if you dont wanna do all those things, the only thing left are Story and Heroics. Do solo heroics and story till KOTFE is available, KOTFE gives major xp and if you spacebar the conversations you are done in a few hours. But KOTFE is available form lvl 60 i think, so until then Heroics, Class story and Dailies (CZ198, Black Hole, Section X, Oricon.....)


    Otherwise the fastest way is Bestia adds on DP operation, but since you cant do that you dont have any other options.

  9. Sure, I was questioning the way how we got this HUGE majority :) (it was probably majority even during the rich times, but not that big)


    Well I guess thats a Star Wars thing, people seem to come to this game for RP. I have a friend in a RP guild on Progenitor and when i see what they are doing when playing swtor i just shake my head. Imagine a room in the Coruscant senate tower with a big table and chairs, there you see around 40 people sitting and standing and RPing. Its crazy!! They are not the only ones, those people are the majority in the game.


    They dont visit swtor forums, but tor-fashion to see how to dress for the event or occasion. The game has raiders, but it mainly has such people.

  10. And we return back to the metrics and how to interpret them. If I say people cannot live without oxygen it won't help if I give them 100 % oxygen to breathe. You need to see the context.


    Um OK, Im not getting it then :)


    I hope you know that majority of the people in the game dont want group content, they dont want ops, its too hard for them. HM FPs are too hard for them!! Thats why we got KOTFE!

  11. Hmm that's weird. I have normal 36K+ repair bills on doing a couple wipes in HM FPs.

    Doesnt sound that much higher than normal. And unless they're drastically reducing credit making opportunities, it's not even something to worry about.


    This ^^

  12. As it looks on the population and density of players on servers I would say that BW ignored every content except the story so long they are left with mostly story players. Who are making the EA boss scream at them about subscription :D Yup, "metrics".


    Imagine youre working at Bioware (and suck at playing swtor :D ) and you see the numbers in front of you:


    500 people do operations

    500 people do PVP

    50 people do GSF

    50 000 people are leveling characters


    what would you next steps be as for the game content? Since majority of the people are leveling toons or in other words "doing the story" that is what you should give the people! After SoR there was no content. People either left or leveled toons out of boredom! We were 10 ppl in our guild at that time and from those 7 leveled toons out of boredem, played the stories, did different choices etc.


    So thats why the game is going that direction. The 1050 people cant shout louder than the 50k ppl

  13. Did I miss an expansion? All I got was KotFE.


    That is what I wanted to say with those posts, they started saying swtor is great when it launched, yet i didnt include those lines, since it was obvious. The came the first negatives since people started droping subs at an alarming rate! They swapped to the F2P model, which kept a lot of players in the game.


    Since launch there wasnt any good news only when KOTFE SoR launched and then again on Kotfe, but that was it, they can only go back to those to launches to claim any good numbers, rest of it is a steady decline, just like now!


    I bet this will be the only expansion which wont have such great news about subscription amounts.

  14. Anyone know if there is a way to revert my game back to Chapter 9 if I'm just at the start of Chapter 10? I didn't realize that the [flirt] option that popped up when I was talking to Lana, Koth and Theron was towards Lana, at the time the camera was focused on Koth and when it said I need to speak to one of you, I assumed seeing the camera was on Koth at the time it was a flirt option towards him and was locked out the romance when I spoke with Lana 1 on 1. This is REALLY frustrating as there was no indicator of who it was towards.


    Wait, there are romance options in this game???

  15. :D


    Yeah true, the times when people got GF pop, kicked the people and replaced them with companions..... Well while I do understand you reasoning, Bioware just wont do it. They cannot admit that the companions are so OP and cant have them be replaced by players.


    I am soloing HM FPS with just my companion and its better and faster than doing it with a group as you stealth through mobs and finish Conversations way faster. But that is not as it was intended so it will probably never work.


    But 10 points for the idea :)

  16. /checks poster's posting history. Notices that it goes back about a month.





    Threj, you seem to be considered a troll :D : D :D


    Hey check my posting history, what do you think about that?? :D

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