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Posts posted by jozkopucik

  1. Ok so I have asked about this through an in-game ticket and got a reply in like 10 minutes!!


    "'m afraid I cannot even confirm whether or not the Longspur Scout is still obtainable in-game. The item itself can still exist in-game (as in the Vehicle item itself has not been removed from the game), however it may no longer be available. What I would recommend is posting on the forums (I know many already have, but the more the merrier) asking what the status of the item is."


    So, I am posting on forums, IS THE MOUNT STILL IN GAME??? Is it worth for me to grind Foundry and Maelstorm Prison?

  2. People have tried...... and failed at this.


    Even Stroke My Wookie is not making Training sessions for various aspects of the game. They announce it, stream it but very few people care and watch. I am afraid that even if it were in the game, people would still skip it.

  3. Hello all,


    I have recently returned to the game, but have encountered an issue that I hope could be pointed in the right direction




    welcome back! You came at a time when a new expansion is about to come out which will again change the way gearing works (and also might be end of the game :D ).


    Anyway, dont worry at all about gear, just equip what you get from missions, you dont really need to bother anymore as there is level sync, which automatically gives you certain stats and as you said you level with immense speed so you will be level synced every where you go if you follow the story. You will need to worry about gear when you reach lvl 65, not before, trust me, you get bolster in PVP, Flashpoints and even Story Mode operations so really, dont worry about it till 65. At 65 you can furn what ever you want for gear, Heroics, flashpoints, operations etc, you get bolster everywhere so just get a group and enter, everything is nerfed and very easy now so no worries.


    Being a sub is enough, you get all the content and sutff the game has.


    DvsL ends when the 5.0 early access starts, which is 29th of November.

  4. Because Star Wars video games have been so successful, right? I mean there was KOTOR, and..... I guess maybe the old Super Nintendo scrollers?


    Dont get me started man!!


    I can say that i probably played 90% of all Star Wars games ever officially released and they are the best!! That is the main reason why I play this game, why many here play this game. If the game dies, it dies, it is heading towards that, but it wont be long before a new game comes, since you cannot have a world without a SW PC game, not in time of Episodes 7-9

  5. Sorry but they clearly made the comparison with non-token gear as it drops in operations today.


    I mean yes, when I look at the system it does make a little sence, mainly since the Uprisings are like Flashpoints, which means you can spam them till your eyes bleed.


    Operations have a lockout! You do it once and you cant do for the rest of the week. However people have learned to work with this. You have alts! When EV HM is Prio you run it with all your toons getting several MHs, Belts and with a group of friends you farm Earpiece and relics for everyone!! The main thing raiders will miss is the "gearing of a person". You get a new raid member, he is good but needs gear, so you run 2 NiMs with him and he is full 224, that is a question of 2-3 hours and a person has almost full 224! THAT will not be possible now!


    The only thing that there will be in 5.0 is the repeatable option. You can do those Uprisings over and over and get better in it, find ways to speed it up etc, but that still doesnt remove the fact that its gonna be boring as hell to do the same thing over and over just to grind 1 level of GC. Its like the AP weapon points in WoW, it seems impossible to get!! People will give up on the way its just too much, even if we have a spamable way.

  6. BW doesn't want veterans. They want new players that don't know any better.



    Yeah probably,, they need to get rid of the people who keep on saying how good it was before and how the game is dying and is getting worse and worse, nerfs, RNG gear, no Group Content.


    They cant remove us by force so they are doing it this way.....

  7. How else can they keep people playing the same 5-yr old content for another year?


    How can you even say that, IF there is really a person at Bioware who created this system in order to keep people subbed then......

  8. keep the salt coming bois and gals, u brighten my day :)


    Seriously, before they said you will be getting one crate every 30 minutes "when you are lower GC level" and then 1 crate every hour when you are at max level. From this however we expected to be getting set bonus gear each time, not RNG green gear from time to time!!


    Are we getting the WOW unfriend Alt model?? Even if you do manage to get to max level (in a year or so) and you do manage to get your head, chest, gloves, belt, legs, boots, bracers which will be applicable, via legacy gear, to your mirror alt in the other faction you still need to grind that alt to max GC level in order to get left side!!




    This is lightyears away from the current model!! Yes, OPS drops 5 tokens and there are 8 ppl in OPS, but if you want to gear a person you go do 2 NiM operations and he has full gear, if you give him all the tokens! Then you go farm EV HM Prio council for relics!! This system which you are about to unleash is just unacceptable!!!

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