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Everything posted by NeoBlakkrstal

  1. the issue with mobs not dying when knocked off is not isolated to this one FP on the PTS. It is everywhere in SWTOR. You knock something off, and instead of dying, it disappears from the screen but continues to be aggroed, fires upon you, and does not die. Or, it reappears in the same spot, but aggro does not drop, and it does not die. This is not constant, it is intermittent as sometimes they do die. Has been an ongoing issue across SWTOR for a long time now.
  2. Ok, I understand, credit sink, charge people to use Quick Travel. Ok. But, why does it cost so much? For instance, to take a taxi from the Promenade to the Red Light Sector on Nar Shaddaa, 75 credits, QT from the same point, to the same point, 5000 credits. This is a ridiculous imbalance. So, unless you are George Soros, and your goal is to force people to use public transportation, this seems ludicrous to me. So, how about making the costs more in line with each other. I can understand charging more to QT to somewhere that doesn't have a taxi, but to charge so much to go somewhere I could go cheaper by taxi is ridiculous.
  3. Hi, Since the update of 4/25 I have been unable to split stacks for deconstruction in order to obtain schematics. If I click on the entire stack of items it goes into the Deconstruct box, but, if I split the stack into smaller parts and click on it the game is putting the item in the Destroy box instead. I haven't put it into my storage locker, I haven't put it into my Legacy bank, I have only divided it into smaller parts, and yet the game won't allow me to deconstruct. This is unacceptable and makes it impossible to obtain advanced schematics. Please fix this ASAP.
  4. Hey guys, With the vast increase in HP wearing the new End Game gear, an increase in the amount of healing done by Kyrprax Healing Potions is warranted. I am on a toon currently with an excess of 300k HP, yet the healing potion itself only heals for a max of 52k and an additional 13k over 15 seconds. This is a veritable drop in the bucket, and barely registers on the HP meter. Either a vast increase in the amount of healing is necessary, or the once per fight limit needs to be removed. The other alternative would be adding an additional healing type at lvl 80. Thanks.
  5. I didn't see this posted in a concise format, so here it is, from another thread, thanks to the person who posted it originally. SWTOR Credit Limits Non-Sub Character Limit - 1,000,000 Subscriber Character Limit - 4,294,817,295. Guild Bank Limit - 4,294,967,295. Legacy Bank Soft Limit - 100,000,000,000 Legacy Bank Hard Limit - 104,294,817,294
  6. Please give us the ability to see which Flashpoint the group finder pop is for BEFORE we say yes to it. With the ridiculous 15 minute CD for leaving in progress groups, and your insistence on leaving Black Talon/Esseles in the queue, in spite of removing Kuat Drive Yards, and the endless Time Wasters in End Game, it is ludicrous that we MUST accept the pop before we know where we are being sent. Please add the FP name to the group finder acceptance window. Thank you.
  7. Saw the banner, just wanted to post up anyway.
  8. Any Huttball map is extremely difficult to gain medals on. I do not know the overall criteria for how medals are doled out overall, but I do know that in Huttball, I am usually limited to 3 to 4 medals, while in most other Warzones I am usually able to obtain at least 8 medals pretty easily. I also find it very hard to gain 8 medals while participating in Arenas, probably because of the 4 v 4 nature of them. Not sure anything can be done about this.
  9. This is the absolute worst week of GS3. Objectives on a planet that has no PvP instance, with terribly slow respawn timers. What could possibly go wrong here. LOL!! Typical of EAware. Just can't help themselves. Ridiculous.
  10. I don't know who's idea it was to remove Utility Bar 1 from the top of the drop down, but this is probably the stupidest thing I have seen out of EAware yet. You can move the bar alright, but it also moves the drop down so you can only move the Bar about half way across the screen until the drop down is up against the right hand side of the screen. Lovely, just lovely, now I can't put the bar where I had it prior to 7.2. The dumpster fire that is 7.x continues unabated.
  11. Then, IMO, it would have been better to hold off on the December events calendar until Lifeday could be included. I understand your purpose here, but it was misleading and inflammatory to release it prematurely like that.
  12. Yeah, that was going to be my question too. Lifeday is conspicuous by it's absence on the December In Game Events schedule. What's up with that. Are you going to complete the debacle of the "Year of Celebration" by not having Lifeday? I can't speak for everyone, but this is the one event I look forward to all year. Are we having it, or not? How about some official word on the subject?
  13. Didn't stop them from putting all the new crap into group finder did it? No, so just put Kuat back in, and much like the new crap, if peeps don't want to do it, just leave the group. CD doesn't deter anyone from doing that.
  14. Logged in this morning to find that the log already showed I had 2/7 weeklies completed, in spite of the fact that I had done nothing at all. After completing several weeklies, it now shows 5/7 done, however, the list itself only shows 3 completed weeklies listed. This is most disconcerting.
  15. So, we lower the number of gamblers needed to complete the mission. How nice for those that haven't already done it. Are you going to throw a bone out to those of us who realized that there were more cantinas than the ones on DK and Coruscant and have already caught the required 20? No? Didn't think so.
  16. I see that we have received no response from the Dev team on this issue, so I can only assume that this is intentional. Pretty stupid given that the droid is the NPC that we have to turn in the reputation tokens to. More wonderful planning from the guys that brought you BEEEEEER Milkshakes!
  17. Unfortunately, you speak the truth. I too am a schleb. In fact, just bought another six month game pass. LOL! GUILTY!!!
  18. Yeah, let's be perfectly honest, this is exactly what Hypercrates are. It is like when I was a kid and would buy baseball cards, you don't know what is in the pack, you hope it is something good, and you trade any duplicates you get for something you do want. I remember collecting Charlie's Angels cards and buying pack after pack looking for a specific card. Probably spent hundreds of dollars trying to get that card. I eventually did, but in the end, was it worth it? Probably not, but to the 12 year old me, it really was. LOL!
  19. As I stated on a similar thread, this is typical of today's powers that be. From Hollyweird to Gaming it is all the same, "F the fans, shut up and devour the content like the good little schlebs that you are." They don't care anymore man. Get real. We've seen the evidence. The year of celebration has turned into the year of disappointment. So much so that it seriously has me questioning if I should even bother subbing anymore. And if I don't think the sub has any value, that would be it for me. Time to find something else to play because I won't play without a sub, just not worth it.
  20. 7.x has been a giant middle finger to the player base from the very beginning. From the lack of content, to the "Us four and no more" gearing system, to the increase in the unlock cost of GS3 items, it has become increasingly clear that EAware cares nothing for the fan base. This has become typical of the powers that be, from Hollyweird to the Gaming world, "F the fans, just shut up and devour the content like the good little schlebs that you are."
  21. In addition, could we maybe change the requirement for EVERYONE in a group to loot the downed enemy before you can loot it? Sometimes on FP's you get that one dude who just wants to speed through, won't loot anything, and it makes it so you cannot loot the fallen enemies. This is unacceptable. Mats are at a serious premium, and those are grade 11 mats we are talking about. Leaving them in the FP seems almost criminal.
  22. The cost of unlocking the GS3 items has drastically increased. Is this correct? Or is it a bug?
  23. Vortex Bolt reads, "Fires a bolt that deals <x amount> weapon damage, allowing your next Grav Round to activate instantly and marking the target, if it hits. Now, does that mean that it only allows the next Grav Round to activate instantly IF it hits? Because every once in a while Grav Round does NOT activate instantly. In the past, prior to 7.x, Grav Round has ALWAYS activated intantly. Is this a change? And if so, perhaps better wording would be appropriate. This is also happening with BH Merc toons as well as Gunnery Commandos btw.
  24. Is there a way to make the drop down bar stay on the side of the screen where I put it? I moved it from the left to the right hand side, but when I login to another toon, or after reset for the week, it is back on the left. How can I make it stay where I want it?
  25. You wanted our feedback, here's mine. The DPS Nerf sucks.
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